Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 1650: Supernatural: clues

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But just finished, I forgot, "Do you want to sleep together?"

When Northern Jiangsu said this, it was so natural that people couldn't hear any embarrassment.

When Song Tsurin refused, he suddenly became consent when he spoke.

Subei moved to the other side and yawned, "Sleepy, go to sleep."

Song Shilin lay down beside Subei, and he heard Subei's breathing calm down quickly, and he fell asleep.

The ghost does not need to sleep, but Song Tsurin, miraculously fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Song Tsurin's voice rang in his ears, "Are you going to class?"

Subei pulled up the quilt and covered his head, "I don't want to go."

He just wanted to sleep lazy, get up early for class or something, really frustrated.

Song Tsurin no longer spoke.

Subei lay down for a while, but still sat up.

Song Tsurin is no longer in the room. He washes slowly and dresses. The climate when he went out found that there was already breakfast.

Song Tsurin is away, but the water ghost is there.

Subei asked the water ghost, "Who did it?"

The water ghost said so pleasedly: "I do, I don't know if it suits your appetite."

Su Bei suddenly didn't have much expectations, but it wasn't Song Sulin's.

He nibbled the sandwich and asked, "What about Song Tsurin?"

The water ghost shook his head, "It seems to be out."

Subei felt even more unhappy, and Song Tsurin went out with him.

He continued to ask the water ghost, "Have you ever heard of evil spirits?"

The water ghost frowned, "That's a lot."

Subei added a sentence, "The evil spirits who escaped from the eighteenth floor of hell."

The water ghost shook his head. "Then I don't know. Who dares to provoke the evil ghost who escaped from the eighteenth floor of hell."

After eating breakfast, North Jiangsu looked at the time, and it was not too late to go out to school at this point.

It seems that God will force him to go to school.

As soon as Northern Jiangsu opened the door, he saw Song Tsurin return.

He heard Song Tsuji Lin said: "No need to go to school."

Black question mark face in northern Jiangsu.

Song Tsurin did not mean to explain, and Northern Jiangsu was really curious.

What did he do, it wouldn't be to blow up the school, why not go to school.

Song Tsuji Linming knew that Subei was very curious, but he didn't tell him.

Anyway, Subei did not go to class.

Li Yao sent a message over there and gave him a location.

Said that her father was the evil Buddha bought there.

Su Bei crooked his phone and showed Song Tsurin the content, "Are you going to see it?"

Song Tsurin responded, "Night."

Subei nodded and said yes.

It was a little cold at night, and North Jiangsu wrapped a down jacket before going out.

The location given by Li Yao is not in the downtown area, but it is not very remote.

When I arrived, I saw a jewelry store without seeing anything strange.

Subei and Song Yulin walked into the jewelry store, and the sound of the wind chimes jingled.

A girl saw it, "Do you want to buy something?"

Subei asked: "Is there anything transhipment, some bad luck recently."

The girl smiled, "If there is such a thing, if it does, then everyone is rich."

Subei is not reluctant, "but I heard you have it here."

"One of my classmates said that her dad had bought a Buddha statue from you, and it was transshipped.

The girl's expression changed and became a little weird. "Really? What do you want to do?"

Subei thought for a while and said, "Can love do it?"

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