Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 1703: Monster: Growing Vegetables

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Su Shiba stood behind Northern Jiangsu and pressed his snowy neck.

There is no previous daze and innocence in the eyes, instead, the look of the beast.

Su Bei suddenly turned back, but the clear eyebrows of Su Shiba met him, as if nothing had happened just now.

He asked 748: "Do you think I turn around frequently, will he be too late to switch expressions?"

748: "Host is idle?"

Subei shook his head, "That's not there."

Northern Jiangsu finished sweeping the glass ballast, and then turned out the bowls and cups from the things brought back.

748: "?????? Intentionally?"

Subei: "You see it."

748: "..."

After finishing the house, Subei came to the nearby vegetable garden because he hadn't grown vegetables for a long time and they were all weeds.

Subei turned over a **** and stuffed it with Su XVIII.

Su Eighteenth Suddenly felt that Northern Jiangsu regarded him as a free labor force.

If Subei knew his thoughts, he would definitely tell him, yes, you are right, that's it.

Northern Jiangsu demonstrated to the Su eighteen, digging a **** and a hoe.

At this time, Northern Jiangsu only wore a white shirt.

When he was working, the white shirt almost outlined his figure, thin enough.

Su Shiba looked at Su Bei's wrist and suddenly felt a little ... hungry.

His throat rolled, and the hunger that made him unable to ignore was even more obvious.

748: "Raiders value increased by 5%, strategy progress 6%."

North Jiangsu turned around and saw that there was no hidden hunger in Su Shi's eyes. "88, did he think of me as a small rib?"

Because the original owner is really thin, the thin can touch the bones.

748: "I think so, will you take the initiative to send it up?"

North Jiangsu pouted, "Eat is edible, but not this one."

748: "! I suspect you are driving and have evidence."

Northern Jiangsu: "It's a virus, what nonsense."

He approached Su Shiba and kicked his calf. "What to do while standing, dig quickly, otherwise you have to eat."

Su Shiba glanced at the name of Northern Jiangsu, and he had no power at all.

He walked into the vegetable field with a hoe, and a **** went down ... the **** was broken.

Then he looked at North Jiangsu innocently and handed the broken **** to North Jiangsu.

North Jiangsu looked at the broken **** and smiled, "It's okay. For the first time, it's normal that I can't control it."

"I heard that there is a market here. Tomorrow is, I will buy you ten and eight."

His pair of peach-eyed smiles seemed to dazzle more than the midday sun.

The villain's ambition looks like the previous life.

If Su Bei knows to think so, he must not give him a mouthful, what is a villain.

He was telling him not to think that if the **** is broken, you do n’t have to be a free labor force, no way!

North Jiangsu stuffed his **** with Su XVIII and urged: "Hurry up."

The **** was not accidental and broke again, at least there is no way to continue digging the ground today.

As soon as North Jiangsu saw it, it would be fine, then let him go today.

The day was over in a blink of an eye. The original owner ’s hometown did not have a TV, and most appliances did not.

Tomorrow I have to go to the market to see and buy a refrigerator.

In general, there are some refrigerators in rural markets. After all, they are not behind.

It's just the general countryside.

When sleeping, Subei made a bed, only one bed.

That's right, North Jiangsu deliberately.

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