Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 1805: Weakness: Come again

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Then at the next moment, he kissed the corner of Chi Ning's mouth.

The corner of Chi Ning's mouth couldn't stop the pick.

Probably realizing something, he didn't open his head and showed red ears.

Now that you have decided, you must not go out.

Subei rummaged through the app for a long time, and looked at a set of very **** women's clothes with a meaningful smile.

Because the camera can be seen, the barrage is even more invisible in the live broadcast.

Chi Ning noticed Su Bei's expression and turned his head slightly, "What did you buy?"

Subei immediately concealed his expression, and said seriously: "It must be suitable for you, and you will know when you get there."

Chi Ning responded, and ordered the maid he chose to order.

At noon, it was only in northern Jiangsu and ordered takeaway.

The person you are looking for comes in the afternoon and is very professional, so don't worry about anything.

Subei and Chi Ningwo play games on the sofa.

In fact, North Jiangsu is lying.

Although his skill in playing games is quite high, but he can lie down, who is not happy.

When the time is bad, the dishes are ready.

Because of Su Bei's physical reasons, Chi Ning's wounds and dishes were very light.

After serving the dishes, the chefs left.

Subei really got the candle on the table, and then looked at Chi Ning, a pair of peach eyes sparkling, "Candlelight dinner."

Chi Ning looked at Northern Jiangsu through candlelight and felt that it was not enough to look at it.

The two were eating in silence, feeling the atmosphere was pretty good, but no one spoke again.

Then, Su Bei felt something was wrong, and the steak he was cutting became a human arm.

He just feels the pain in the temple, can't he rest for the night, and he won't give him a delicious candlelight dinner.

North Jiangsu looked at Chi Ning, and found that two eyes in the Chi Ning red wine glass were falling and would rotate by themselves.

He felt his head hurt even more.

The two put down their knives and forks tacitly, and North Jiangsu knocked on the table. The director's team responded the fastest and quickly closed the live broadcast room.

This time, I did not force the opening of the live broadcast room.

North Jiangsu opened his mouth, "Come out, don't be fooled."

However, no one showed up, only a head appeared on the table out of thin air, with a stern expression.

He smiled, his mouth cracked to the base of his ears, and his teeth were sharp.

Suddenly, the head rushed to Northern Jiangsu, opened his mouth wide, and seemed to want to eat Northern Jiangsu in one gulp.

Su Beimu shot without trouble, and put a pair on his mouth.

Suddenly the head disappeared, weird laughter sounded out of thin air, many broken hands appeared on the floor of the living room, and moved quickly towards the direction of Northern Jiangsu and Chi Ning.

Several characters from Northern Jiangsu were thrown out, and some of the broken arms burned.

Chi Ning is also using symbols, and many broken arms fail to get close to the two.

Suddenly, Su Bei only felt cold in the back, and suddenly came back, his head with an open mouth fluttered over.

Subei laid Mu Wumu between his mouth, but he was nibbled to his arm.

Chi Ning's expression was so serious that, despite the injury, he grabbed the hair on the head and threw it out.

He looked at the injury on Subei's arm and his expression was very ugly.

Subei flicked his arm and was forced out of his anger. "It's okay, let's solve the ghost first."

Chi Ning pressed Subei's hand, "I'm coming."

Su Bei hesitated for a moment and stuffed Mu Wuwu in his hand.

He knew his body was too weak, and it would be good not to drag Chi Ning behind.

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