Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 1808: Weakness: hurt each other

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Do n’t you just hurt each other, come on, who is afraid of who.

Because the operation of other live broadcast rooms is not as irritating as that of their live broadcast rooms in northern Jiangsu, they are not as hot as their live broadcast rooms in northern Jiangsu.

But even so, in this live broadcast room, it was all profitable.

Especially when Northern Jiangsu and Chi Ning wear women's clothing, various gifts are given away.

The pictures in the live room were drowned by the overwhelming rain of gifts.

Chi Ning's own appearance is biased towards beauty, and even under the makeup of Northern Jiangsu, it is not an exaggeration to say that the country is all over the country.

Subei and Chi Ning probably changed their limits this time.

In short, the program group is very successful.

In the next few days, no more ghosts appeared, probably because it was too serious to be bitten.

Such things as Li Gui rarely have loyalty, so they will only make a choice in order not to disperse.

It was raining this day, and Northern Jiangsu and Chi Ning did not go out.

Subei looked at the pattering rain outside the window and murmured: "It's changing."

It was dark and heavy, and it was so depressed that it was even mixed with yin.

I don't know if the ghosts that caused these yin qi are coming towards them.

Chi Ning glanced at it, but he didn't care.

He asked Subei, "Do you want to watch a movie?"

North Jiangsu responded with no comments.

Chi Ning chose one, a horror movie.

Subei was silent for a while, could it be that Chi Ning felt that the things they encountered were not scary enough?

Chi Ning and Subei looked at each other for a long time, and then said: "Are you afraid?"

His sentence is not like an interrogative sentence, but more like an affirmative sentence.

North Jiangsu instantly understood the meaning of Chi Ning.

This person is too shameful, want to take advantage of him, and want him to cooperate, the abacus is good.

So North Jiangsu is not prepared to cooperate, "I am not afraid."

Chi Ning is also a bit stubborn, "You are afraid."

Subei wanted to refute, but saw Chi Ning showing a smile, moving.

So he was dizzy and routine.

It wasn't until North Jiangsu sat next to Chi Ning and started watching the movie, that he recovered a little.

Subei was mad.

While the two were watching a movie, the cell phone of Northern Jiangsu rang.

It was originally not intended to be picked up, because North Jiangsu did not know many people in this world.

But the other party seems to be persevering, and North Jiangsu can only answer the phone.

Unknown number, never seen.

After Northern Jiangsu was connected, the other party's cool biting voice sounded, "If you don't want them to die, just follow the route in the text message."

Then hung up the phone.

Subei was silent for a while. Who are they?

However, shortly afterwards, there was a text message.

The first text message is a picture of a group of demons, and a part of the staff is in the middle.

Because it is raining today, the task force of the director group is not large, so part of the staff is on vacation.

The second text message is a place, saying to let Subei go to that place.

Before Northern Jiangsu responded, Chi Ning had already taken the phone away.

He looked at Chi Ning, with no expression on Chi Ning's face.

Subei asked: "What do you think?"

Chi Ning did not speak to the eyes of North Jiangsu.

But in fact, Northern Jiangsu understood Chi Ning's meaning.

He withdrew his eyes, opened his hands and looked at his palms, suddenly there was a moment.

The meaning of Chi Ning is easy to understand, but it doesn't matter.

There is no need to be in danger for people who meet each other, but North Jiangsu is hesitant.

He always felt that he did that, and it really turned into a completely strange existence.

Perhaps, even people are not considered to exist.

Chi Ning was indifferent and always engraved in his bones, only because of his exception.

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