Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 1870: Personality:

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Pei Jintian shook his head slightly, and then stretched his hand to sandwich fried ribs in northern Jiangsu.

After eating, Pei Jintian processed the documents again in the office.

Then it's time to sleep.

North Jiangsu deliberately lay on Pei Jintian's bed and looked at him straight, thinking that Pei Jintian would say something, and maybe he was not comfortable.

No result, he calmly took a shower and lay down beside Subei, even saying good night to Subei.

Then there is no more.

Subei looked at Pei Jintian, who closed his eyes, and felt that this person was not fun at all.

He reached out and poked Pei Jintian's long lashes.

Pei Jintian's eyelashes twitched slightly, but he didn't open his eyes.

He reached out and pulled Subei into his arms, pressing his head to his chest. "Sleep."

Su Bei leaned on Pei Jintian's chest and heard Pei Jintian's violent heartbeat.

It turned out that Pei Jintian just seemed calm, but his heart was not calm at all.

Jiang Ru didn't give up to trouble Pei Jintian. Pei Jintian arrived at the company and saw Jiang Ru who was waiting early.

Pei Jintian glanced at Jiang Ru and said, "Miss Jiang, I won't help you."

Jiang Ru smiled, "It doesn't matter, I was so excited yesterday. I want to invite you to a meal and apologize for what happened yesterday."

Pei Jintian refused, "It doesn't matter, Miss Jiang's kindness is in my heart. I still need to go to work."

He did not intentionally alienate Jiang Ru's attitude. There may be other plans.

Jiang Ru sighed, "It seems you don't believe me?"

Pei Jintian's tone was still cold and said: "No, don't believe it, it's just that I still have work."

Jiang Ru didn't force him and took a step back: "Then I'll wait for you, it doesn't matter."

I've already talked about this, what else can I do, I can't drive Jiang Ru away anyway.

What is rare is that there is more such a situation in northern Jiangsu that from time to time, plus Jiang Ru, Pei Jintian is not affected, how should I work.

Such concentration is not something anyone can have.

In view of this, North Jiangsu has some guilt, so don't trouble Pei Jintian.

So I was lying on the couch in Pei Jintian's office and 748 watching movies and watching live broadcasts in my mind.

748 to North Jiangsu: "Headquarters has been out of 505's control."

Subei pulled his attention back from the movie, "So I can go to the headquarters, right?"

748: "Although the control of the headquarters is recaptured, it will take time to recover, so it is still uncertain."

Subei immediately lost interest, so fart.

It is said that there is no shadow of 505 in North Jiangsu in this world, nor do I know where to hide.

748: "The headquarters have been taken over again. Of course 505 did not dare to act rashly."

Su Bei suddenly remembered something, pointed at Pei Jintian, and asked 748: "Neither he nor I will be stolen by 505, right?"

748 responded: "Yes."

North Jiangsu pouted, that feeling is good, you don't have to be scared because of 505's various burdens.

It would be better if it could be caught as soon as possible.

748: "Quickly, all channels in this world have been guarded. Once out of this world, 505 will be caught."

Some people in Northern Jiangsu are not convinced, because they feel that their headquarters is very unreliable.

748 said affirmatively: "Okay, I won't lie to you this time."

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