Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 1909: Coquettish: angry

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748 sighed: "It's too fake, really, I'm also angry if you want me."

Subei raised an eyebrow. "Is it?" He clearly felt that he was very sincere.

When he called again, he shut down directly.

I was thinking of going to Su Yue and giving Bai Miaomiao another game, but let's coax Xue Yi first.

It's not too late to pass Su Yue tomorrow.

The results of bone marrow matching also came out, saying that the matching was successful, but the other party seemed to be reluctant to donate.

Although he said that the other party was unwilling and could not force him to donate, North Jiangsu still wanted to talk to the other party.

So he will also go to the doctor tomorrow to get the person's contact information.

North Jiangsu habitually asked 748: "Where is Xue Yi?"

748 Youyou said: "Refused to provide convenience."

The corner of Subei's mouth is slightly drawn, okay, that is to rely on his own meaning.

He sent a message to Shen Yu and asked him if he knew where Xue Yi was.

Shen Yu responded quickly and was directly positioned.

After North Jiangsu poured cat food for all cats, he was ready to go out.

After thinking about it, he brought Qiqi and felt Qiqi was more useful than 748.

The abandoned 748 is so sad, can this be blamed, can't it, who makes the counterattack department's system a decoration and chat.

Subei soon arrived at the location, and Xue Yi played mostly in the same place.

There are a lot of rich people, and it's more fun to play.

That is because all the rich people, when Northern Jiangsu went in, no one had any opinions about the cat he brought with him.

After all, there are many people with more exaggeration.

Subei looked at Shen Yufa's box number and found it.

There was a waiter who delivered the drink. Subei asked the waiter to leave, and he brought it in.

Subei held Qiqi in one hand and entered with the other in hand.

Xue Yi sat in the corner as usual, watching Shen Yu like a spectator. They were crazy.

Subei, who was first discovered by Shen Yu, wanted to step forward, but glanced at Xue Yi, and then backed away, only waving.

Others glanced at Subei and continued to be hi.

Subei put down his drink and sat next to Xue Yi, and put Qiqi into his arms, "Come to my side tonight?"

Xue Yi drank a glass of wine and smiled, "Where is my relationship with you?"

Subei narrowed his eyes and hugged Qiqi back. "That way, I'm gone."

Speaking of getting up.

Xue Yi turned his head abruptly, his body reacted before the brain, and he grabbed Su Bei's wrist.

Subei and Xue Yi stared at each other, "Xue Shao, what does that mean?"

Xue Yihou's knot rolled a little, his expression somewhat unnatural: "Am I letting you go?"

748: "Raiders value increased by 10%, strategy progress 65%."

Subei asked in return, "Did you mean that it doesn't matter to me where you want to go?"

Of course Xue Yi would not say that this is irritating, "What does this have to do with not letting you go?"

Subei looked at Xue Yi and did not speak.

Xue Yi withdrew his hand and leaned on the sofa. "Do you want to donate bone marrow to someone who has successfully matched your sister's bone marrow?"

Subei sat back, and it seemed that Xue Yi knew.

Xue Yi laughed at himself, got up and lined up the wine on the table, and then turned his head to North Jiangsu Road: "After drinking, I promise that person will donate bone marrow."

Subei looked at Xue Yi's wine, which was so strong that most people couldn't bear it.

He asked 748: "How is the original master wine?"

748: "It's not great, you can't bear it if you drink it."

Like to wear fast Raiders: Brother, please let go! Please collect: ( Quick Wear Guide: Dad, please let go! The literature is updated fastest.

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