Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 2091: Snake demon: quite coincidental

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Because Yin Ye lived too long, always looking for something to pass the time.

For example, let a stupid snake hate humans.

Yin Ye left the Zhou family with Subei, and for the first time it was really aimless.

Subei obviously felt something was wrong with Yin Ye. He asked: "Are you in a bad mood?"

Of course, Yin Ye could not really say anything to Subei. He smiled and said, "Yeah, I'm in a bad mood, because you stupid snake never lets me see what you look like?"

Su Beiming knew that Yin Ye was perfunctory, but he still accepted this perfunctory.

Because Yin Ye did not want to say anything, it was useless to ask him any more.

North Jiangsu responded: "I said it because I was too ugly."

Yin Ye did not delve into this matter, but said: "Tell me about your story?"

A demon without Neidan should have a story.

North Jiangsu will not object to telling stories.

In fact, it's nothing to talk about the original owner.

After listening to Su Bei's words, Yin Ye's lips slightly curved, "It happens, I'm going to Promise, and it's almost time."

Subei added another sentence, "That man is the same as you."

Yin Yeying said: "I know, because he also stole my things."

Subei was a little surprised that the man who stole Yin Ye would grow like him.

Yin Ye said: "According to the time, when he was rescued by your teacher and sister, he should have escaped from me."

This matter, North Jiangsu was shocked anyway.

But there seems to be nothing wrong with it. The information he can get is nothing but the original perspective.

Subei, who he did not know, would not know.

Yin Ye took Northern Jiangsu to the town at the foot of Promise Mountain.

The town is full of Promise figures.

Whether it is a conversation, some ornaments in the shop have a shadow of Promise.

In short, Promise's reputation is particularly good.

Yin Ye rubbed Su Bei's head with her fingertips, "Do you think? Is it really so good?"

North Jiangsu responded: "Not even the fairy's qualifications, how could it be really good."

Yin Ye smiled, "It seems that you are not stupid and very powerful."

Someone noticed Yin Ye, but obviously it was wrong.

An old man, he knelt down to Yin Ye when he came up, "Yu Xiaozhen, save my granddaughter! Please!"

The old man shouted so many people came over and knelt down for help.

Subei thought that this was too exaggerated. If the town is at the foot of the Promise Mountain, there should be no need for help.

Not all were solved by Promise.

At first, a few beggings were still decent, such as treating illnesses, or wondering if my family members were entangled in monsters.

But in the end it becomes, there is no money, use it for some money.

The poor at home can't open the pot, help us.

Or, the lady is too ugly, please help me become more beautiful.

Oh, I haven't had a baby in three years.

To be honest, Subei in the back cannot listen anymore.

Are these people crazy? Just count on Promise to support them?

Don't do anything by yourself, just look for Promise?

And does Promise fight so hard to create a false reputation?

Yin Ye did not explain that he was not a real person of Yu Xiao, but promised to help the old man who felt that his granddaughter was entangled by a monster.

When they arrived at the old man's house, they did feel enchanted, but not very thick.

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