Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 2142: Supernatural: comforting people is good

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Subei smiled, "I really had a nightmare, nothing."

Sister Zhao patted Su Bei on the shoulder. "If something happens, remember to say that if it's about those things, although I can't help you, I can comfort you."

Then she added another sentence, "Really, don't believe it, I'm still very good at comforting people."

North Jiangsu nodded and said: "I know, if there is something that I don't think about, I will find Sister Zhao comfort."

The two chatted a few more words, and when they returned to the abandoned factory, Subei was keenly aware that something was wrong.

The ghosts in the factory were quivering, which was very different from the peace last night.

It's very much like the feeling that the kid is out of control.

Subei immediately looked at Sister Zhao, "Sister Zhao, you may need your help now."

Perhaps North Jiangsu's expression was too serious, and sister Zhao also asked seriously: "You said."

North Jiangsu looked around at the ghosts with red eyes in the shadows in the abandoned factory. "Tonight you will take Zheng Wanwan and Dongfang Yao with them."

Although Sister Zhao couldn't see anything, she was able to analyze from the tone and response of Northern Jiangsu, "Those ghosts ... aren't they right?"

North Jiangsu nodded.

Sister Zhao tentatively asked again: "Related to Xu Ruoyan?"

Subei was slightly surprised, and was guessed by Sister Zhao.

Sister Zhao explained: "You and Xu Ruoyan are tit-for-tat, I can still tell, and just now you did not say that I should also take Xu Ruoyan away, indicating that he has a problem."

Northern Jiangsu had to admit that do n’t look at Sister Zhao ’s carelessness, sometimes she is very careful.

He nodded, "So I'll trouble Sister Zhao to find a reason to take the others away."

"I think the grudge between me and Xu Ruoyan still needs to be settled." Otherwise, who knows what Xu Ruoyan can do.

Although Sister Zhao is worried about Subei, she also knows very well that she will only stay behind when she stays.

So she can only say: "Then be careful, don't get into trouble, don't care about Xu Ruoyan if you can't.

Subei nodded, "I know."

Subei then negotiated with the director when Xu Ruoyan didn't pay attention.

The director is most afraid of death. Although he also wants to get ratings, he immediately agreed to leave at night when he heard that Su Bei might be dead.

At night, the director pretended to take Sister Zhao to take other shots.

Zheng Wanwan and Dongfang Yao in the cloud and fog were dragged away by sister Zhao.

Xu Ruoyan also realized that it was wrong, not only because of this, but also those ghosts were going out of control.

He didn't want to be buried in North Jiangsu, so he was about to leave.

As a result, Su Bei grabbed his collar and couldn't struggle anymore.

Xu Ruoyan panicked, "Northern Jiangsu, let go!"

Subei looked at Xu Ruoyan and smiled, "What are you panicking about, I won't eat you again."

Xu Ruoyan is still reluctant to tell the truth. He said half-truth: "You have also seen that these ghosts in the abandoned factory are very wrong. You must die if you die!"

Subei raised an eyebrow. "Why are these ghosts wrong? Can you not know?"

Xu Ruoyan still refused to admit, "You talk nonsense, how can I know, let go!"

North Jiangsu grabbed Xu Ruoyan and dragged him into the abandoned factory. "Anyway, it doesn't matter if you don't admit it, because you can't run tonight."

The ghosts started to get out of control, and many ghosts rushed up.

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