Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 2263: National Teacher: Make friends

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No, Feng Tianjiao is quite sure that he really fell in love with the person who was like a fairy in the stargazing tower.

The people around him finally gave two glances, and said angrily: "His Royal Highness, you should be awake, that's a man."

Feng Tianjiao looked straight at North Jiangsu, "Not important, that is not important, I am going to make friends with him now!"

The Chu Huai beside him is not Feng Tianjiao, and can only drive the bird to the Stargazing Tower.

When approaching the Stargazing Tower, Feng Tianjiao leaped from the bird, concealed a self-righteous shape, and said, "I don't know how the son is alone on this tall building?"

In fact, Northern Jiangsu knew from the beginning that Feng Tianjiao was nearby.

Because of Te Niang's, the 748's guide value reminder has never been cut off.

Just now, the progress of the strategy has been 50%.

He is totally inexplicable and his strategy value is 50%.

748 gave Subei a description of Feng Tianjiao at this time, with a beautiful face, dressed in black cloak, gold wire piping, and embroidered flying birds.

The sleeves of the wide sleeves have dark cloud patterns and a moon-white tunic.

The ink hair was arbitrarily tied up, somewhat bohemian.

Is trying to attract the attention of northern Jiangsu.

Subei suppressed the twitching corner of his mouth, "Can't you just show me the picture in your head?"

748: "No, it's pretty good to describe you."

Feng Tianjiao waited for a long time, and did not see the other party responding. He was extremely lost and could only say: "Maybe I'm abrupt, the son is strange."

Subei finally opened his mouth, and his voice was like a spring. The sound was clear and clear, "No problem, your Excellency is here to participate in the birthday of the Beiming Emperor, I am afraid I have come to the wrong place."

Feng Tianjiao heard the sound of North Jiangsu, and his head had already exploded into fireworks, but he still pretended to say: "It is true. For the first time, I did not know the road when I first came to the North Netherland. I do n’t know if the son can lead the way?

748: "Raiders value increased by 5%, Raiders progress 55%."

To tell the truth, Feng Tianjiao is the one who has seen the Northern Jiangsu Province and has completed the quickest self-guide.

At the most, North Jiangsu said a word, the progress of the strategy was 55%.

He said: "I am afraid that you will be disappointed. Your eyes are blind and you cannot lead your way."

Feng Tianjiao looked at Northern Jiangsu's eyes, and a pair of peach blossom eyes seemed a bit cold, and after a closer look, there was still a bit of no god.

This makes Feng Tianjiao's inexplicable distress, can't it be seen?

748: "Raiders value increased by 5%, strategy progress 60%."

North Jiangsu has been indifferent to the increasing progress of the strategy.

Feng Tianjiao's eyes rolled and waved in the direction of Chu Huai.

Chu Huai sat away with flying birds.

So Feng Tianjiao said: "What can I do, I really don't know the road."

Subei deliberately silenced for a while, intentionally or unintentionally: "Just now I seem to hear the bird's call."

Feng Tianjiao's expression stiffened in an instant, and he was about to find an excuse for his corpse. He heard Subei say, "Then they will be together."

This made Feng Tian sighed with relief, and some were close to Northern Jiangsu.

The person seemed as cold as his person.

Feng Tianjiao looked at Subei, who was only wearing a Jin robe, and felt that he must be very cold. So, how could he naturally put his clothes on him?

At this time, Subei was bargaining with 748. As a blind man, he really could not see anything, and it was dark.

He gritted his teeth and said: "You can also point me in a direction!"

748 compromise, "You turn around first."

Like to wear fast Raiders: Brother, please let go! Please collect: ( Quick Wear Guide: Dad, please let go! The literature is updated fastest.

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