Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 2291: Guoshi: Reason

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After the decree was written, Bei Mingye also came over, just brought a person, Feifei.

Bei Mingye is only a decade old, and his face is still very immature, but he is still a bit dignified.

As soon as he raised his hand, someone threw Rou Fei and a few bags in.

Bei Mingye looked at the Beiming Emperor and said: "Father Emperor, the son-in-law sees Rou Fei out of the palace with his stuff, and he seems to want to leave, so he stopped and brought him over to ask the father emperor, did he mean the father emperor? ? "

The packages have been scattered, exposing the contents.

They are all gold and silver jewels, and there are many things that the Beiming Emperor rewards Roufei.

Beiming Huang looked at Roufei incredulously.

Rou Fei also wanted to deceive the Beiming Emperor, "Your Majesty, you listen to the concubine explained that the concubine just wanted to leave the palace in advance to find a place to stay, and then take your majesty to leave."

The Emperor Beiming's lips moved slightly, and he said a little, "I let her out of the palace, let her leave."

Rou Fei was a little surprised, but only surprised. She hurriedly put those bags back in her arms, and she said irritably: "Hearing it, Your Majesty let you let me go!"

Bei Mingye looked at Rou Fei and said: "Rou Fei can go, but things have to stay."

"Is it possible for something from the palace to be taken out of the palace."

Rou Fei hugged the things in her arms, "This is all mine, mine."

As soon as Bei Mingye raised her hand, someone stepped forward to press the concubine and **** the things in her hand.

Roufei was crazy and wanted to get it back, but was pushed away many times.

She can only look to the North Hades, "Your Majesty! Your Majesty helps the concubine."

The Beiming Emperor did not speak this time because he was completely disappointed.

After Rou Fei discovered that Bei Ming Huang was not planning to help herself, she yelled at her, and it was extremely unpleasant.

The Beiming Emperor did not expect that his beloved concubine had been deceiving herself.

Rou Fei still left without bringing anything.

Beimingye gave way to Beimingye, who became the new Beimingye.

Feng Tianjiao told Bei Mingye that before he became an adult, he would let Flying Bird Kingdom help Beiming.

Let Beiming not be swallowed by other countries.

Feng Beijiao won't be merciless until Beiming Ye becomes an adult. By then, he will become a king.

Northern Jiangsu couldn't help saying to Feng Tian: "Don't bully him."

Feng Tianjiao was unhappy, "I didn't bully him."

Subei smiled, "Actually, you can ignore this matter."

Feng Tianjiao started off, "I'm happy!"

Subei smiled and said nothing.

Feng Tianjiao is really, a little arrogant.

When Northern Jiangsu was about to leave, Bei Mingye dragged Northern Jiangsu's clothes and asked Northern Jiangsu if he could stay.

He felt that he had not been able to manage Beiming Kingdom well.

Feng Tianjiao pulled Bei Mingye away, "If you don't have the ability, you can learn, or you can give Beiming to me, I don't mind helping you manage."

Bei Mingye looked at Feng Tianjiao without expression.

Northern Jiangsu did not mean to stay, but he left a lot of things to Bei Mingye, as to what extent Bei Mingye waited, he could only look at himself later.

Feng Tianjiao was also afraid of the softness of Northern Jiangsu, so he kept staring at Northern Jiangsu.

He didn't relax until Subei and him left.

The reason why Feng Tianjiao will help Bei Mingye is actually to make Northern Jiangsu happy.

Although Su Bei didn't seem to want to control Bei Ming's affairs, he was actually very worried about Bei Ming Ye.

So in order not to let Beiming destroy the country, Subei brought Beimingye around to hinder him, so he could only do so.

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