Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 2400: Sick: physically disabled Zhijian

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Cheng Xinran coughed, "It's already sick anyway, there is no way."

Ye leaned over a glass of water and took the medicine upstairs. He didn't plan to make Cheng Xinran unreliable.

North Jiangsu was a little confused, and felt that the whole person was not sober.

Someone in the trance lifted him up and coaxed: "Take medicine."

Su Bei tilted his head and wanted to see who it was.

But it seems that the people in front of me are unclear and can only vaguely see the outline.

Subei wasted a lot of energy before he remembered, oh, it might be Ye Pian.

After all the medicine had been eaten, I remembered again that he was so sick that it was not Ye Yan, the dog man.

When you get better, you must come back! must!

748: "Host, wash and sleep."

Subei: "Shut up!"

After taking the medicine, Subei couldn't keep his eyes open.

Subei, who was planning to re-educate 748, couldn't help but fall asleep.

Ye Pian stuffed Northern Jiangsu into the quilt, pulled the quilt, and probed Northern Jiangsu's forehead. It was still very hot.

When Northern Jiangsu's cell phone rang, Ye Pianyan quickly hung up.

Then took the phone out of the room.

It's Zhou Ruoruo's call.

Ye Wan frowned, he didn't like this woman.

However, Zhou Ruoruo hit another one and Ye missed.

Zhou Ruoruo's soft and weak voice came over the phone, "Mr. Su, do you have time?"

Ye Pian coldly said: "No, don't call again."

Zhou Ruoruo was taken aback for a moment, and he didn't seem to expect that the phone was not answered by Northern Jiangsu.

So he quickly apologized and asked: "Is it Mr. Ye? Is something wrong with Mr. Su?"

Ye Pianhang hung up the phone, did not want to say anything to Zhou Ruoruoduo at all.

Zhou Ruoruo's face holding the phone was a little distorted. The second one, except for North Jiangsu, was this Yebian, which was so difficult.

Immediately, Zhou Ruoruo smiled.

But she likes this challenging, she believes that it is only a matter of time before these two men fell under their pomegranate skirt.

In order to express concern about Northern Jiangsu, Zhou Ruoruo called again at about the same time.

At this time, Subei was still awake, and Ye Pian was cooking in the kitchen.

I glanced at Zhou Ruoruo's call and missed it.

Zhou Ruoruo, who was blacked, was angry, but he didn't give up.

She chose to contact Cheng Xinran, and she knew that the man had no love for her.

I also know he and Su Bei live with them.

Sure enough, she sent the news, and the opposite side returned in seconds, which made Zhou Ruoruo find some confidence.

Zhou Ruoruo seemed very gentle and considerate, and then did not ask directly.

She said that Su Bei didn't answer her phone. She was worried if something happened.

Then she said that let Cheng Xinran not misunderstand, she was just worried as a friend.

The strong green tea smell coming from the face.

Knowing that Zhou Ruoruo's true face, Cheng Xinran was not deceived at all, but he reluctantly responded to Zhou Ruoruo, saying that North Jiangsu was sick.

Cheng Xinran didn't think much about it, because he didn't care if he said it or not, even if he said it, Zhou Ruoruo couldn't do anything about it.

However, he underestimated Zhou Ruoruo's combat effectiveness.

It is clear that Zhou Ruoruo has been hospitalized. When he arrived at the apartment, he actually met Zhou Ruoruo who came to see North Jiangsu.

What a hand it looks like the little angel Chi Jian.

Cheng Xinran shook his head, a little more sober, all illusions, what kind of little Zhijian angel.

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