Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 696: Continued Life: Fate

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The outside lights have been restored as usual, and the riots have calmed down. The competition explained that there was a problem with the line.

When everyone came back, he saw Su Ying standing on the stage and smiling at everyone.

Some people began to applaud, and many people of unknown reason followed.

An eerie voice sounded behind Su Ying, "Your purpose is achieved, then, it's me!"

Then a group of things with open teeth and dancing claws rushed to Su Ying. Su Ying smiled coldly. The most basic thing to seek for the skin with the tiger, shouldn't it be that he has the ability to kill the tiger?

Therefore, before that Li Gui had time to occupy Su Ying's body, he had been strangled by Su Ying.

When she started, she was no more cruel than Shen Huan. The so-called kindness was nothing but an illusion. How could she be kind.

No one saw all this, Su Ying raised her hand, enjoying the sound and praise with peace of mind.

Everything in northern Jiangsu will be received by her.

After the applause was over, the sound of discussion passed into Su Ying's ear, "Why do we applaud?"

"I do not know."

"What about Guzheng? Why did it suddenly change."


Su Ying's expression sank, how could she now be the fate of Northern Jiangsu, and everything in Northern Jiangsu should be hers.

That is, their praise for Subei will be transferred to themselves when they are not aware of it.

Changing your life is such an anti-celestial effect, otherwise it will not be called a ban.

But Su Ying never imagined that the true fate of Northern Jiangsu was to be unknown, tortured, and then, because she died.

North Jiangsu, which is now receiving praise and applause, is not North Jiangsu with this fate.

What Su Ying got was at most the life span of northern Jiangsu.

But Su Ying's fate is different, the heroine's fate.

So strictly speaking, this time it was made by North Jiangsu.

So when the ghost told North Jiangsu in horror that his life was changed, North Jiangsu would be a little excited.

The heroine is fateful, he has this treatment for the first time.

In a desperate way, the heroine can't stop it.

With the heroine's destiny, will he not give up this formation? joke.

Just relying on the luck of the heroine's fate to find Subei who came out of the birth gate without any effort, what she saw was that Su Ying's head was lying on the ground.

And Shen Huan was on the verge of raging, the whole person was filled with a tyrannical atmosphere, and the audience was frightened.

North Jiangsu shouted, "Shen Huan, go back."

The game is not important anymore, the heroine is dead, which is equivalent to saving a lot of things in northern Jiangsu.

Shen Huan heard Su Bei's voice and turned back suddenly. At this moment, only Su Bei was in his eyes.

He stepped forward and put Subei in his arms, making him breathless.

In the ear of Subei, Shen Huan's powerful heartbeat.

Shen Huan said in a dumb voice: "Are you all right?"

North Jiangsu responded: "It's okay, shit."

Shen Huan felt the true northern Jiangsu in his arms, and some places were completely filled.

748: "Raiders value increased by 20%, Raiders progress 80%."

Subei retired and went home.

He and Su Ying returned home one after the other. Su's father, Su, and his mother saw North Jiangsu and greeted him. They asked him warmly, just as they did with Su Ying.

Su Ying, who was exhausted from behind, almost collapsed when she saw this scene.

She rushed forward and pushed away Subei, "Dad! Mom! You are awake, he is Subei!"

Su Su raised his hand and gave Su Ying a slap, "What's the noise, how could you treat your brother like this?"

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