Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 730: Haunted House: Greedy Jing Baixuan

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After all, she smiled, "After all, not everyone is as self-protective as you, is it?"

She looked at Subei with some greed. To be precise, he looked at his skin. "Give me your skin."

Su Bei rolled his eyes, "Do you think I am like a fool?" Only a fool will give his skin to others.

As soon as Jing Baixuan approached, Northern Jiangsu hit a note.

Su Bei thought of something and asked, "So, if you are a ghost, how can you use rune paper."

Jing Baixuan smiled a bit, "How can it not be used, it's better to bite back, used to clean up those disobedient ghosts, it still has some effect."

"Furthermore, your rune is just that."

Then, Jing Baixuan didn't know what he did, and ghosts from all directions rushed here.

Jing Baixuan said proudly: "I'll see how many symbols you have."

North Jiangsu is a little bit calm. With so many ghosts, his charms can't hold up.

Jing Baixuan softened his voice, with a bewitching meaning, "The big formation has been completed, why are you all dying, it is a good thing to give me the skin instead."

Subei threw life papers desperately, and those ghosts were like moths fighting fire without fear of disappearing.

He turned his head to look at Jing Baixuan, "Do you really want my skin so much?"

Northern Jiangsu's face appeared a little strange in the light and dark changes, and the peach blossom eyes were even more confusing.

Jing Baixuan thought, "Why, willing to give it?"

North Jiangsu showed a smile and shocked Jing Baixuan's heart. "If you can tell me the reason that convinced me, I can consider it."

Jing Baixuan looked away, and the corner of his mouth was slightly bent. "Is the reason? I don't need a reason to do things."

Northern Jiangsu pouted, "Oh, that's it, there is no way."

Jing Baixuan remained silent, and Xu Jiucai said, "After all, the dead are more obedient than the living, and they will not betray, will they?"

Subei felt a little funny, "Why do you say this as if I betrayed you."

Jing Baixuan stared at Northern Jiangsu, "Don't you? You forgot, I am your wife, but when I am in danger, where are you?"

Subei threw out the rune paper, not very agreeing: "I have said that you are not my wife. I remember what I said to you. Everyone is reluctant, why bother to tie them together?"

Jing Baixuan's expression became a little stubborn, and he felt a bit of hissing effort, "When did I say I was unwilling!"

Su Bei was stunned, and in such a panicked Kung Fu, he was scratched by the ghost.

He glanced at the blood on his arm, not thinking about it, "You should be awake, shouldn't you like Su Ruicheng?"

Jing Baixuan smiled, the smile was so infiltrating, "You really know me, but you and I are not willing to give up, so why should I choose?"

She got the skin of northern Jiangsu, it is equal to the northern Jiangsu.

And she can use Su Bei's skin to leave Su Ruicheng, so, what's wrong?

Subei had just given Jing Baixuan a thumbs up. Then she was a real cowboy, and she wanted it all. She didn't ask him if he agreed.

Subei looked at the rune paper left in his hand, crossed the heavy ghosts, and looked at Jing Baixuan.

He stopped the movement of throwing symbols, and no longer ignored the fierce ghosts that threw at him, and targeted Jing Baixuan.

The so-called thief captures the king first. Since he can't hold it, he will fight.

Subei tried to avoid those ghosts as much as possible, and threw the symbols of Su Ruicheng's painting he left behind in the direction of Jing Baixuan.

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