Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 762: Farming: contradiction

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Before he finished speaking, Chu Xue's brother pointed at Su Bei's nose and scolded, "And you, even if you don't check it, why do you want to harm my sister?"

"I'm not the fool of Sun Liudi, holding you like a treasure!"

Subei's smile lightened, and he glanced at Chuxue, "Miss Chuxue, don't you explain?"

Chuxue bit his lip, and looked aggrieved, without explanation.

Chu Xue's brother exploded directly and threw his **** at the north of Jiangsu. "What's the matter, I still want to force my sister? Don't think I don't hit a woman!"

North Jiangsu caught the **** and looked steady. In fact, the entire arm was numb, and pretending to be cautious.

He threw the **** away, "Come on, let's go, still stunned what to do."

When the gangsters left the field, they did not forget to step on the field with their feet on the first snow.

Chu Xue's brother scolded, and then comforted Chu Xue: "Sister, don't be afraid, this vicious woman, there is nothing to end."

Chu Xue's eyes flickered slightly, his lips flickered, "He ... not a woman."

Her younger brother almost screamed when she was surprised, but Chu Xue covered her mouth. "Hush, you will be known by others. I think he should have a hard time, otherwise how could he do such a thing."

On the first day, he pulled off Chuxue's hand, "How can he have a hardship like a person like him? He just thinks that Sun Lidong is honest and deceives him! I'm going to tell Sun Liou!"

Chuxue grabbed Chuyi's arm, "Don't you, Sun Liehe won't listen. After all, Sun Liehe believes in Northern Jiangsu so much."

I did n’t know what to do on the first day, "What did you say about that sister?"

Chu Xue sighed, "Want to come to such a thing, let Sun Liou discover it well."

The first word was good, but I had an idea in my heart.

Subei was uncomfortable. The kitchen lady was not hired. She was also unhappy and annoying.

The fools looked at Subei with a bad look, fearing that they would be angered, and asked cautiously: "Then, although we won't make it too complicated, it will still be a little bit like a chicken, or should we get it?"

Su Bei squinted him, "What's your name?"

Confusingly replied: "Li Erniu."

Subei patted him on the shoulder. "The chicken will be given to you."

Li Erniu was taken aback, and then looked at the trust promise in the eyes of North Jiangsu: "I must make it well!"

From small to large, no one has ever looked at him with this kind of trust.

North Jiangsu was startled by Li Erniu, who was suddenly chicken-blood, but someone did better than nobody.

Because of the beginning of Li Erniu, another person said: "I don't know what Miss Su should do?"

Subei broke his finger and said, "There is also a rabbit, oh, I won't have rice either."

The man tentatively asked, "Or ... forget about cooking porridge?"

Su Bei thought for a while, he didn't remember to fill his stomach, and he didn't have to be rice, so he nodded.

So someone recognized porridge.

As for rabbits, they also said they can try roasting, because this is the easiest way to cook.

Subei brought home with white labor.

The people in the village saw the gangsters who came home with Northern Jiangsu, and looked at him with a look of contempt, and they also pointed.

In the yard, Subei moved a chair to be in the yard and directed several people to cook.

Stumbled, when the sun was setting, finally made a meal.

Subei asked them, "Do you want to stay and eat together?"

Li Erniu shook their heads one after another, and then ran out of their legs, fearing what would happen if they ran slowly

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