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Fang Fei was stunned. "Ah, is the real name enough?"

Northern Jiangsu looked away without trace. I'm sorry, he couldn't help but do things, "Well, I just learned about it just now."

Fang Fei bit her lip, her expression was a bit bad, "wait for me to ask him."

Because things can only be burned by human hands, Subei went to the villa in order to get things.

Fang Fei threw things away and rushed to the study. Subei didn't know what was happening in the middle, only that the two quarreled.

But because I was a little far away, I didn't hear clearly.

When Fang Fei came down angrily to North Jiangsu Road: "Go, let's find someone else!"

Su Bei blinked, considering whether to remind Fang Fei that she was still hiding the fact that Ji Huai was able to move freely.

After hesitating for a while, North Jiangsu still reminded, and Fangfei's little hope of rising finally fell through.

She was sad to Beibei Road: "I'm sorry, I wanted to give you something."

North Jiangsu does not care: "Do not worry."

Fangfei nodded.

Subei did not leave immediately, but went to find Ji Huai.

Ji Huai did not deal with the documents, standing at the floor-to-ceiling windows and wondering what to do?

As soon as Northern Jiangsu came out, he felt it.

Ji Huai looked at Northern Jiangsu, "What did you say to Fangfei?"

North Jiangsu only noticed that Jihuai Meiyu had a bit more anger, "Nothing, she said that the clothes can be delivered to us by burning their names."

Ji Huai sharply captured the point, "So you must say the real name?"

Subei would like to say, did the male host eavesdrop on them and guess so accurately?

Of course, Tucao went back to Tucao, he didn't say it, but also admitted that this is not a big deal anyway.

Ji Huai pressed the forehead and said a little irritably: "Don't tell her these things in the future."

Subei pretended to be innocent, "I know, I didn't expect to say this."

Probably after seeing North Jiangsu admit it sincerely, Ji Huai sighed and said nothing more.

748: "Raiders value increased by 10%, Raiders progress 30%."

Northern Jiangsu: "Go away."

He really left this time, only Yuan was still with him, and Peony was still in his hands.

Subei could not help saying: "Throw it away if it's broken, don't waste your spirits."

Yuan didn't speak, just holding the peony, it looked quite funny.

Subei opened his mouth and said nothing more. Forget it, others were happy, and he couldn't stop it.

After that, when Subei went to Jihuai Villa again, it was awkward for one person and one ghost, and it seemed that he was still struggling with the real name.

Subei was very happy to see it. Originally he was doing things, but he didn't know if the hostess would restore her memory in advance.

Probably due to the intervention of Northern Jiangsu, the supporting role appeared in advance, a female supporter who caused many misunderstandings in the plot, the fiancee of the original male lead.

Because this woman was the mistress of the hostess, Ji Huai was so mistreated by her that she was misunderstood by the hostess.

Now Subei is watching a movie, and Ji Huai is drunk and helped by this Fang Fang.

There is no doubt that Fang Fei is going to be mad, but instead of frightening Fang Fang as she did in the plot, she comes over and talks to North Jiangsu.

North Jiangsu casually said: "If you want to scare her, see if she will throw Ji Huai away."

Fang Fei's eyes lit up, good idea! Then ran away without a shadow.

Immediately afterwards, there was a scream, no doubt,

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