Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 808: Amnesia: buying clothes

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In fact, Fang Fei didn't know why it happened like this. She didn't even know what kind of existence it was, only that she couldn't leave it.

Subei shook his head, "Impossible." The heroine had not let him go before, why.

After refusing, Subei asked again: "Can you guarantee that you will not shoot me next time?"

Fangfei instantly became dazed and anxious, "I don't know. I don't know!"

The next time Subei said, of course, the next world, but you see, she ca n’t even give a promise, how can someone help her.

Suddenly, Fangfei's pupils shrank and his fear appeared, and he disappeared the next moment.

Ji Huai opened the door and walked in, explaining: "It's Fangfang, didn't let her in."

North Jiangsu gave a thumbs up, "Dine and eat."

When Ji Huai opened the chair and sat up, he frowned slightly, but said nothing.

Northern Jiangsu is probably the best ghost ever, with food, clothing and shelter.

Ji Huai changed into a suit, and the silver-gray suit lined him up.

He lowered his head and cufflinks and asked, "Are you going out to buy clothes?"

North Jiangsu raised his head, only to say that he had food and clothing, so he proposed to buy clothes. Does Ji Huai have mind reading skills?

Ji Huai leaned his head and his face was cold, but the eyebrows were mixed with a deep and gentle feeling, "Go?"

Subei jumped from the sofa, "Go!"

The corner of Ji Huai's mouth was slightly curved, and he did not forget to bring the black umbrella when he went out.

Bringing an umbrella is not a problem, but Ji Huai is just entering the mall and holding the umbrella.

Feeling the weird sight around him, North Jiangsu couldn't help but say: "Turn off, there won't be anything indoors." At most it's a little weak.

Ji Huai turned a deaf ear, and those sights did not affect him. He asked Subei, "Do you like to wear white shirts?"

Subei shook his head, "No." He likes the happy mansion of fat houses, cheap and comfortable.

Now I wear a shirt just because I was wearing it when I died, and last time Fangfei also assumed that he likes to wear a shirt, so I bought a shirt.

Ji Huai heard Su Bei's answer and thought for a moment, "I know."

Subei looked at Ji Huai with a strange expression, and he knew something again.

Ji Huai's slender fingers crossed the new style and said, "Take it all."

North Jiangsu glanced at all the styles and said nothing.

Although he became a ghost, he also had the right to wear different clothes, didn't he?

The eyes of North Jiangsu were fixed on the gold shop downstairs, and the sight of ghosts was always better.

He said to Ji Huai: "I'll go and buy something."

Ji Huai gave the card to Subei without thinking, "Do you not need me to accompany you?"

Subei shook his head and took the card and walked down.

748 Some yin and yang said: "You buy him gifts with his money, you really do."

North Jiangsu rolled his eyes, "Heart, do you know what you want, you expect me to have money for a ghost."

At the gold shop, Subei pointed to a golden peony in the glass cabinet and said, "I want this."

The clerk likes people like Subei who don't care about the price, so they took out Jin Peony directly.

Subei Road: "No more packaging, give me."

The clerk then directly gave Subei, and then paid with a credit card.

Subei was playing with the golden peony in his hand, and felt a little strange.

He saw more gold roses, and it was the first time he saw someone selling gold peonies.

North Jiangsu pinched Jin Peony and waved at Ji Huai, then walked upstairs.

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