Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 813: Cripple: temptation

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Subei just called the doctor to Anwang Mansion, and the emperor asked people to come to North Jiangsu.

He felt that there was no love at all, and he perfunctory the doctor, and had to perfume the emperor, which was very uncomfortable.

Subei can only enter the palace first, fool the emperor, and then look for the broken fairy grass in the plot in the back garden of An Wang Mansion.

In the Imperial Academy, Northern Jiangsu stepped in, and the emperor yelled angrily, "Prince is very idle!"

Su Bei raised her eyebrows and wondered, "Father and emperor, what are the reasons that made you unhappy?"

The emperor opened the door and said: "What did you ask the doctor to do at Anwang Mansion?"

Northern Jiangsu didn't care: "Naturally, let this An Wang live longer and let the sons torture well."

Then he repeated all the torture he could think of, and told the emperor that at least he wanted to keep King An until these ends.

After the emperor heard this, the anger disappeared a lot, "You move less, don't make people sleepy."

"It's not that the Father and Emperor are not willing to let you toss, but they are afraid that they will be used by those who are interested."

Only then did Northern Jiangsu show what a prince should have, responding: "Children understand, the father and emperor are at ease."

The emperor waved his hand and sent Northern Jiangsu off.

Speaking of which, the emperor was indulgent to the original owner.

Why? Because Subei is the son of his true love, and this death of true love just succeeded in putting the emperor on the throne.

As the saying goes, the unavailable will always be a commotion, not to mention the death of this man has left a strong stroke in the heart of the emperor.

So the emperor became more guilty, and the more he indulged northern Jiangsu.

Not only did he clear the obstacles to ascending to the throne of God, but he was also fooling around, as long as he didn't do things that were too outrageous.

Thinking about it, Subei smiled for a while, these worlds are not black and white.

Subei left the palace and turned to An Wang Mansion, standing in the back garden with a yin and yang whisper: "Did An Wang like this garden before?"

The people were afraid to speak with fear.

Of course, An Wang doesn't like any kind of garden. People like to go to the battlefield.

However, Subei did not hear the ooc warning. Yomo categorized his behavior as a stab, thinking of Fa'er's unpleasantness to find Wang's Palace.

North Jiangsu was very satisfied, so he said with a high arrogance: "People shoveled all the flowers and gardens of the garden to the Highness of this house and planted dog tail grass."

After all, the broken mood dragged a sickly weed road: "This lowly grass is not suitable for Anwang Mansion."

In fact, this broken grass is the life-saving grass.

Northern Jiangsu said moodyly: "Forget it, insulting the dog's tail grass is better than planting this nameless wild grass."

This immortal plant has seeded and can be planted many more, but the world setting, or the golden finger of the heroine, can only be obtained by the heroine.

So Su Bei turned her head in the guise of finding trouble with the mistress and asked her to plant this fairy grass.

Zuo Mingyue saw that Su Beizhen had let the doctor come, and he could only come with his temperament, thinking of waiting for Su Ci to say better.

Subei gave Zuo Mingyue the seeds of the immortal that he had let his people down, threatening fiercely: "If you can't plant them, make fertilizer for this thing yourself."

Zuo Mingyue glanced at Northern Jiangsu, and did not know why. After calming down, she found that the prince was not so terrible, and even had an unspeakable feeling.

She got rid of this weird idea and took the seed.

Subei pinched the leaves of the fairy grass and entered the house, recalling the plot.

In the plot, this broken grass was recognized by Zuo Mingyue as another herb, so he gave it to Su Ci.

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