Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 819: Disabled: Male and female

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After replacing Su Ci with women's clothing, Su Bei invincible wanted to laugh, because he could not see a man at all.

Su Ci's face is exquisite and not very tough, so wearing women's clothing will not be too inconsistent, at most will be considered a heroic woman.

After changing clothes, Subei took out the pills and prepared to resign to Su.

This pill can only make Su Ci wake up, and can't make his wounds heal better. This is why Subei still has to find medicine.

After a long time, Su Bei finally asked Su Ci to take the pill.

Su Ci didn't know what North Jiangsu had eaten for him, only that his consciousness seemed to be pulled out of darkness in a flash.

He suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes covered with a terrifying murderous intention, and the whole person seemed to be Hell Shura, "North Jiangsu!"

Probably because he was in a coma for too long, his voice was hoarse.

Su Ci tried to raise his hand and strangled the person in front of him, only to find that he had no strength and could not move.

Subei looked at him condescendingly for a long time, and then said to 748: "The side effects of this thing are probably weak."

748: "Recorded, uploading."

North Jiangsu reached out and pinched Su Ci's chin, "Miss Su is still satisfied with this dress."

Su Ci's expression was appalling, and he wished to smash the northern corpse to pieces.

North Jiangsu finally caught such an opportunity to be able to tease the target of the strategy, how could it be abandoned.

He rubbed Su Ci's jaws a little sloppyly, and said rather frivolously: "I've kissed all of you, and Miss Su is so shy.

North Jiangsu deliberately aggravated the words Miss Su, and the killing intention in Su Ci's eyes was even heavier.

It is a pity that the eyes cannot kill people, so North Jiangsu is temporarily in fear.

He pulled the quilt for Su Ci, "rest assured, your Highness will not treat you badly."

Su Ci stopped talking and looked at North Jiangsu coldly, but his mind calmed down.

What kind of person is there in the north of Jiangsu?

His own injury was clear to himself, it would be impossible to wake up before it was repaired, but now he is actually awake.

And the fairy grass before, he was not stupid enough to think it was accidental.

Subei not only teased his hands, but also teased Su Ci.

Su Ci's lethal intentions, which had originally faded, instantly surged, but that was only the case.

Soon, a group of people from northern Jiangsu went to the town under the Qingyun Mountain, which was quite lively.

Subei held Su and quit the carriage, and went to the inn.

Both of them have a low face value, and the temperament of northern Jiangsu is also good, which has attracted a lot of attention.

Entering the inn, Su Bei set a room and emphasized, "My wife can't leave me."

Su Ci is probably because of the numbness that was teased by Northern Jiangsu on the road. Now even if Northern Jiangsu says so, it is no longer interesting.

Northern Jiangsu placed Su Ci on the bed and let the inn bring hot water.

Because it was necessary to clean Su Ci's legs, even though he had grown a layer of meat, he was still terrible.

If it is not cleaned, it will still rot.

Su Bei was suddenly a little unhappy, and the hostess was still very useful.

Now without the hostess, you can only do it yourself.

Su Ci looked at Subei who carefully cleaned his legs, narrowed his eyes, and darkened his eyes.

This person is very wrong.

748: "Raiders value increased by 2%, Raiders progress 12%."

After North Jiangsu was cleaned up, he threw the handkerchief into the basin and looked at Su Ci's face with a sneer. "If it weren't for your face, your Highness would not be so degraded."

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