Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 947: Mermaid: body aging

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Subei expressed his understanding, and to put it bluntly meant that they would not have the chance to grow old together, "What is the purpose of doing this?"

Bai Weilan was confused for a moment, "Why? I don't know, there is a voice in my head telling me that I can never let you be with Li Tingxiao!"

Subei continued to ask: "Why can't I be with Li Tingxiao?"

Bai Weilan has some six gods without a master, "Yes, why? I can't remember."

For a long time, Bai Weilan seemed to think of it the same way, "It was Li Tingxiao who robbed my fiance, it must be like this."

"I don't feel good, and I don't make Li Tingxiao feel good."

Subei was silent for a while. This development was not right. Shouldn't Bai Weilan, who is the female lead, get angry because she didn't get the male lead?

This development has a feeling that he has enjoyed the treatment of a male owner.

North Jiangsu tried to change the topic, "How do you know if the injection is effective?"

Bai Weilan replied: "The level of human evolution technology is already very high. Although it is not enough to accurately measure how long a person will live, it can still measure an approximate value."

Northern Jiangsu can only sigh, that the level of technology is really high.

He couldn't escape at all, because it really didn't work.

With the passage of time, some people rushed in in a hurry, ecstatic, "Success!"

Then, Northern Jiangsu was given a needle, and Bai Weilan said softly, "I'm sorry, Northern Jiangsu."

Subei didn't know when she fainted again. When she woke up, she was in the office as if nothing had happened.

Even the broken glass in the office has been replaced, and all traces have disappeared.

Subei raised his clothes and glanced at his arm. The little red dots pierced by the needle were still there, indicating that this was not an illusion.

Bai Weilan spent so much time just to give him a shot?

Subei rubbed his forehead, this matter can only be put aside first.

It didn't take long for Li Tingxiao to call and say that there was a surprise to North Jiangsu.

Subei guessed what it was, but he didn't want to tell Li Tingxiao about his affairs for the time being.

Before returning home, Su Bei was taken into the arms by Li Tingxiao, his voice suppressed the excitement, "I can stay with you until I am old."

North Jiangsu responded, opened his mouth, and said nothing. He always felt that it was too disappointing to speak out in this situation.

Within a few days, life-extending injections began to come out, but not everyone could afford them, but they had to spend money to buy them, and the prices were high.

So for a short time, only those in the upper echelons have the ability to buy longevity injections.

If there is no money, there is no injection.

The situation in Northern Jiangsu was something that Li Tingxiao discovered. Originally, Northern Jiangsu had a good physique, but now it is gradually not working.

Faced with Li Tingxiao's inquiry, Subei also told the truth.

The angry Li Tingxiao broke a lot of plates, and then went to trouble Bai Bailan.

Bai Weilan is not afraid, and he directly throws out a sentence, the injection is irreversible.

In other words, Subei and Li Tingxiao can't stay with each other forever.

Li Tingxiao did not believe in evil and gave life-promoting injections to Northern Jiangsu, but it was really useless.

Originally, it was shortening the life span, or shortening the life span similar to that of human beings.

Li Tingxiao kept saying sorry to Subei. He thought maybe if he was not so persistent, he would not let Subei experience this.

He thought that by extending his life span, he would be able to live with Baitou in northern Jiangsu, but it turned out to be such a result.

Subei is still dead after all, because he is aging very fast, so he didn't survive the winter of that year.

The year he left, the pregnant mermaid was born, twins, a mermaid baby, a human baby.

Bai Weilan didn't expect the consequences of that injection to be so serious. She thought that northern Jiangsu could still live for decades, but no.

She had no idea why she did this.

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