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North Jiangsu rolled his eyes. "What's the use of telling me?"

Zheng Can narrowed his neck and looked at the broken leg of North Jiangsu: "What's wrong with your leg?"

Northern Jiangsu didn't care: "It was eaten by the beast."

Zheng Can quickly comforted: "It's okay, it's not just one leg, people are okay."

Subei didn't pick up this stubble, but said: "There are three days." After three days the entrance test is over, and there will be people from the school to pick them up.

When it comes to the entrance test, Zheng Can wilted, "We have almost consumed everything we can't support for three days, and still ..."

He didn't finish the rest, but everyone knew what it meant.

North Jiangsu kicked Zheng Can's leg with his intact feet. "What's decadent, I'm all crippled, can you still survive with a group of hands and feet?"

Zheng Cannana whispered in a small voice, "Because we are the second ancestors who are hardworking on all fours."

The corner of Subei's mouth is slightly drawn. This unlucky child has quite a sense of self-knowledge. He knows that he is the second ancestor. "Then wait for your death."

Zheng Can blurted out, "No!"

Su Beibai gave him a glance, "I think I can't live and don't want to die, so what do you want?"

Zheng Can said as if he was dead, "Let's live."

As a result, the team in Northern Jiangsu grew again.

Zheng Can't be idle, as long as they find a place to stay, North Jiangsu will let them follow Qiqi to find herbs.

The herbs in northern Jiangsu are not only able to get rid of those beasts, but also cure diseases. It is impossible to overturn the car.

As for the female orcs who ate white food, Shui Linglong couldn't see it anymore, and on several occasions they deliberately prevented them from eating.

A few of them stubbornly left, feeling that there is something extraordinary, and they can live without them.

After discovering that Northern Jiangsu and Shen Mo were not easy to provoke, some set their eyes on Zheng Can.

In the education of female orcs, it has always been how to use their own advantages to get more from male orcs.

To be honest, in the past, Subei Zheng Can and others did like to spend time in the world, and the beautiful female orc was also the one who refused to come.

However, several people at Zheng Can now know that they still have to rely on northern Jiangsu to go out, so the first reaction has become to see northern Jiangsu.

Where have these female orcs been so angry? In the past, all male orcs chased behind their buttocks, holding them to the tip of their hearts.

The female orc who ate the turtle itself was in a bad mood, and Shui Linglong even sneered. "Huh, I haven't put away the tricks you made. It is not as simple as being long and beautiful."

Zheng Can whispered to North Jiangsu quietly, "That person like a tigress is your fiancee? Really scary."

Although this was said quietly, Zheng Can's voice was loud, so both Silence and Shui Linglong looked at Northern Jiangsu.

Especially in silence, those eyes seemed to speak, as if expecting something.

See, this is the big brother, even eyes are drama.

North Jiangsu looked away and responded, "Go back to dissolve the marriage contract."

There was a trace of joy in the silent eyes, as if he was saying happy North Jiangsu.

In fact, behind the silent and deceptive expression is a deep exploration. He knew very well that Subei was not tempted by himself.

But he seemed to care about himself again, why?

Silently felt that Su Bei was like a Pandora's Box, clearly tempting Su Bei, but turned into Su Bei a little tempting him.

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