Hu Qianzao has always believed that the world is so big that there are all kinds of surprises, and there is no need to be too surprised when anything happens.

However, this is too bizarre--!!!

She has been a purebred nine-tailed fox since she was a child, and she is definitely not a mortal who was reborn.

However, what is going on with everything that is happening in front of you now?

Why does it show in this screen that Hu Qian'er was reborn as her instead of being reincarnated and reincarnated as her?

Rebirth and reincarnation are not the same concept at all.

Reincarnation is just the reuse of the power of the soul, which is equivalent to not being the same person in the previous life.

And rebirth, he is still the same person as before, just like Ye Xuan's ancient spirit body, except for losing some memories, he is still Ye Xuan.

Hu Qianzao couldn't believe that she would be reborn from Hu Qian'er.

This is absolutely impossible-!!!

There must be some misunderstanding here-!!!

With such a fluke mentality, she continued to look into the picture.

["Wow... woo..."

Accompanied by a loud cry, a new life was born in the Jade Fox Palace.

"Did you hear that? The Young Palace Master is born."

"Great, God bless my Jade Fox Palace——!!!"

310 "I didn't expect that in my lifetime, I would still see the birth of the new pure blood Nine-Tails Ling'er, woo woo...I really have no regrets in dying."

All of a sudden, cheerful voices resounded throughout the Jade Fox Palace.

Everyone gathered outside the palace lord's room, waiting quietly for the palace lord to take the child out.

In the Palace Master's room, Palace Master Yuhu looked at the baby girl wrapped in cloth in her arms, and a very excited smile appeared on her face.

"Hahaha, that's great, I don't know what happened to her soul, but it is completely compatible with our child, as if it is a reincarnated soul, no matter who she was before, now she is my child——!!!"

He smiled happily, and said to his weak wife:

"Look, madam, how beautiful our child is."

"Hehe... Husband, just now you were arguing with my concubine, saying that she is not our child.

The palace mistress smiled.

"Oh, ma'am, is it my fault?"

The Lord of the Jade Fox Palace hastily confessed to his wife:

"Even if Emperor Shentian comes, she is still my child—(ccdf)—!!!"

"Pfft... Husband, you haven't named your child yet."

The palace lord's wife reminded the palace lord.

"Ah, right."

The Palace Master nodded and said:

"What name should I choose... By the way, let's call it Qianzao, our fox tribe calls Zao a beauty, Qianzao, that is to say, she is a thousand times more beautiful than a beauty.

"Well, my husband, I'm at your command, so let's call her Qianzao."



At this moment, Hu Qianzao is not well.

There is no misunderstanding, I am really Hu Qianer?!!


"Palace Master... Could it be that you are really Hu Qian'er?!"

"My God, you and Ye Xuan actually met here, and, in this way..."

All of a sudden, everyone in Jade Fox Palace surrounded Hu Qianzao curiously, asking her questions about her life experience.

However, Xiu Qianzao herself is still in disbelief at this time.

Looking at the matter of Hu Qian'er before, she still has nothing to do with herself and hangs up high.

But now, she suddenly knew that she was Hu Qian'er?

Hu Qianer is actually me?!!

She's completely dumbfounded-!!!

You know, Hu Ya'er owes Ye Xuan an unknown amount of debt.

Hu Qianzao had seen every detail of Hu Qian'er and Ye Xuan's experience just now.

Just because those things happened to other people, Hu Qianzao already felt that Ye Xuan was really pitiful, and Hu Qian'er should make up for Ye Xuan.

What's more, now this matter has fallen on her head?

How can she accept this for a while?


Just when Fox 7 stayed where he was, what a good time.

On the other side, Yu Ling'er couldn't help laughing out loud, she said proudly:

"Palace Master Jade Fox, I heard just now that you want to seek revenge from brother Ye Xuan... By the way, did I hear wrong, do you want revenge, or revenge?"


At this time, Qingxue also opened her mouth and said:

"Although I don't know what happened between you and him in the future, but based on the love you owe Ye Xuan, even if you gave her ten or eight children, you should still be born. No matter what he did to you, you are not qualified to seek revenge from him."

"Why give birth to ten or eight children and treat me like a pig?!!"

Hu Qianzao groaned with a depressed face.

However, at this moment, she really didn't know what to do.

To be honest, what Ye Xuan did to her in the future is really too much.

However, compared to what Hu Qianer owed Ye Xuan, those things were indeed insignificant.

If she is really Hu Qianer, where does she have the right to take revenge on Ye Xuan?

As Qingxue said, she gave Ye Xuan ten or eight children, which is not enough.

However, what makes Hu Qianzao depressed is that she has no feeling of admiration for Ye Xuan at all.

After reading so much content, she didn't feel that she was Hu Wu.

There is no sense of substitution at all——!!!

Could it be that I didn't fall in love with Ye Xuan because I have no memory?!!

And, if she is really Hu Qianer, why did Ye Xuan do those things to herself?!!

Could it be that, as I guessed before, Ye Xuan went through another reincarnation, so he failed his studies?!

No, this matter, I have to confirm with my parents later.

Now, let's see what happens in the future.

Although she has no sense of substitution for Hu Qian'er at all, after knowing that she is Hu Qian'er, Hu Qianzao at this time is completely guilty.

She didn't even dare to meet Ye Xuan's gaze anymore...

In my mind, the intimate things that happened between Ming Dai'er and Ye Mo emerged unconsciously.

The scene of the two cuddling each other, fighting, and talking nasty love words to each other.

If those things were done by myself and Ye Xuan.


At this moment, Hu Qianzao could only feel himself shivering.

It's so meaty-!!!

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