【"Hahaha, come and chase me.

"Don't run, watch me catch you——!"

In the Jade Fox Palace, two cute little fox lolis are chasing and playing back and forth.

Several wolf sword fighters are practicing their sword skills.

Nuoda's Jade Fox Palace has been isolated from the world for thousands of years, and few outsiders can enter.

"Hey, I lost again."

"Acceptance, acceptance."

A wolf warrior fell into a disadvantage when he fought against another companion, but on the opposite side, the wolf warrior who won him was naturally very proud.

After complimenting each other for a few words, the two sides looked at the little foxes and couldn't help but smile.

This Jade Fox Palace is no different from the outside world.

The Jade Fox Palace has a natural terrain, plus the Jade Fox Palace has a barrier in the palace, the power of the barrier is extremely powerful.

Those who do not know how to enter, even immortals, can only watch from the outside and cannot get close to the Jade Fox Palace.

It is precisely because of this that the Jade Fox Palace can live a peaceful life that ordinary sects of cultivating immortals do not have.

Although everyone is practicing hard on weekdays, these little foxes, or kittens and puppies, can have fun while practicing without any worries.

070 As the guard disciples in the Jade Fox Palace, although they also have extremely high requirements for practice, it is also a lot of fun to watch these little guys fight in their spare time.


At this moment, a cute little fox-eared loli ran into a wolf-eared man.

"Excuse me."

She quickly apologized to the man with wolf ears.

"Are you all right, be careful."

The wolf-eared man reached out and touched the little fox girl.

At this moment, a ray of spiritual light flew in from outside the Jade Fox Palace.

Everyone in Jade Fox Palace looked at the aura, only to see the aura dissipate.

What emerged from the aura was none other than Hu Qianzao, the lord of the Jade Fox Palace.


As soon as he fell to the ground, Hu Qianzao couldn't help covering his heart in pain, knelt down on the ground, and screamed out.

"Palace Master——!!!"

All the wolf guards rushed towards Hu Qianzao.

"My lord, what's wrong with you?"

"Are you OK--!!!"

However, before they got close, a figure flew over, landed in front of Hu Qianzao, and helped her to King Huai.

"Elder sister, you (ccdf...how could you be like this-!!!"

The person who came was Yu Luo, the second steward of Jade Fox Palace.

Her speed is very fast, unmatched by ordinary monks.

Seeing Hu Qianzao's painful look, she mobilized her spiritual power without hesitation, trying to suppress her pain.

However, no matter how much she mobilized her spiritual power, Hu Qianzao was still in unstoppable pain.


Seeing Hu Qianzao's pain could not be stopped, Yu Luojiao's face became anxious, and she turned to a wolf guard and said:

"Quickly, go invite Senior Hulan."


The wolf guard moved, turned into a phantom, and threw it towards the mountain behind the Jade Fox Palace.

But after a while, the cat actress Yao, who is in charge of the wind, also came. Seeing Hu Qianzao's tragic situation, she did not hesitate to cast spells with everyone to suppress Hu Qianzao's pain.

All of a sudden, the big formation of Jade Fox Palace was attracted by everyone.

With the power of the large formation running, Hu Qianzao's pain was suppressed just now.

"Eldest sister, you...you were happy to go out just now, how could you..."

While condensing the seal with both hands, Xing Jie asked Gu Qianzao.


Hearing this, Hu Qianzao couldn't help showing hatred.

She opened her mouth and said:

"I... was attacked by gangsters, and I was cursed with a curse, so I managed to use the teleportation technique of the Jade Fox Palace to escape.

Regarding the fact that she was attacked by the person she likes and humiliated in various ways, she is embarrassed to say it in front of everyone at this moment, and she is ashamed to speak.

However, the strong hatred in her eyes could not be concealed no matter what.

"There is such a thing——!!!"

"Who is the thief?!!!"

Hearing this, everyone in Yuxiu Camp couldn't help but look angry.

The lord of the Jade Fox Palace was attacked by the leather men, and they managed to escape back?

Their palace lord is such a bright and beautiful person on weekdays, but looking at her miserable appearance at this moment, she doesn't look like the same person at all.

As one of the pinnacles of the spirit beast family, the pure-blooded nine-tailed fox could not tolerate such treatment from others.

This matter must not end like this——!!!

"If I knew who did it [I'd flay him—!!!"

A wolf guard said viciously.

Hu Qianzao was about to say something, at this moment.

Suddenly, a bright light appeared in the sky.

That ray of light, like a beam of light, shot straight to the ground and fell at the feet of everyone. He made a huge spot of light.

"Huh? What is this?!"

Seeing that spot of light, everyone in Jade Fox Palace showed doubts.

Immediately afterwards, the originally cloudless and clear sky turned into a gray and dark color in an instant, showing the appearance of the barrier of the Jade Fox Palace.

The barrier sky of Jade Fox Palace was broken, and the scene outside the barrier also appeared in front of everyone.

I saw that the space was torn apart by several days of dark breath, and several huge purple black holes appeared.

And in that black hole, stood a group of men and women dressed in pitch black clothes.

These men and women all had evil smiles on their faces, and at the same time, there was an ominous purple-black aura emerging from them.

"Hehe, is this the Jade Fox Palace? What a wonderful place."

In front of those men and women dressed in jet black, there was a figure that was very conspicuous.

Because, he was wearing the blue and white Taoist robe of the Taihua Immortal Sect, standing in the air, vaguely, he looked like the leader of these people.

And the appearance of this person, who is it not Ye Xuan?

Ye Xuan stood in front of the crowd, and said coldly:

"However, what the Lord of Chaos likes to watch most is destroying beautiful things. Today, the tranquility of the Jade Fox Palace has come to an end."

"Who are you, trespassing on the Jade Fox Palace, what is your purpose-!!!"

A few wolf guards stood in front of Hu Qianzao and the three of them, and asked the sky with wary faces.

"Ye Xuan——!!!"

Hu Qianzao looked at the figure in the sky and said angrily:

"How dare you bring someone into the Jade Fox Palace——!!!"

"Hehe, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be able to enter the Jade Fox Palace. I have to thank you for this."

Ye Xuan cast his eyes on Hu Qianzao, and there was no more affection in his eyes, he just sneered and said:

"As a reward for you, today is the time when the Jade Fox Palace will be destroyed...to be killed."


Following Ye Xuan's order, those men and women rushed down in the dark space crack behind him, swooping down towards the Jade Fox Palace.

Countless magic attacks fell from the sky.

Jade Fox Palace, District.

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