"Let him go, please, let him go quickly——!!!"

At this moment, in the Jade Fox Palace, Hu Qianzao's voice called out in a panic.

Her voice seemed so stern, so guilty, and so helpless.

The two immortals of Jade Fox Palace looked at each other, nodded silently, and then activated the magic circle to release the bondage on Ye Xuan.

At this moment, they have no reason to restrain them.

Not only did they have no reason to restrain Ye Xuan, but, next, they had to consider how to deal with Qingxue's anger.

In the sky above the Jade Fox Palace, the hovering palace guard array slowly stopped, returning to the clouds and dissipating in the sky.

The chains of spiritual power on Ye Xuan's body also retracted from the air, and they were never seen again.

Seeing his free body again, Ye Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

The death gate is over.

However, the matter is not over yet.

After all, now Qingxue and Yu Ling'er are already furious because of him.

If Jade Fox Palace didn't come up with a good statement this time, they might really make a big fuss in Jade Fox Palace.

This is unnecessary.

Next, let's look at the Jade Fox Palace, or in other words, Hu Qianzao is sensible and ignorant.

He just looked at Hu Qianzao quietly and didn't speak.

Everyone in the Jade Fox Palace didn't speak either. Facing Ye Xuan's gaze, they were all just guilty and looked away guiltily, not daring to meet Ye Xuan's gaze.

"Ye Xuan.....I'm sorry, I'm sorry for you——!!!"

Hu Qianzao came to Ye Xuan, full of guilt and tears.

Thinking of how cold and arrogant, confident and hostile I was to Ye Xuan in front of Ye Xuan before.

In the end, he found that everything was because of his misunderstanding of him.

I didn't even give him a chance to explain.

At this moment, she was already ashamed to face Ye Xuan.

She knelt straight in front of Ye Xuan:

"I don't know.....I really don't know.....I...Damn it, kill me—!"

As the lord of the majestic Jade Fox Palace, she shouldn't have done such a thing.

Even if she died, she shouldn't kneel down to others.

However, at this moment, she has collapsed.

In my mind, what I recall are all the things Ye Xuan did when she was in front of her, Ye Xuan's words and words, Ye Xuan's infatuation for her.

She didn't know what she had to do to get Ye Xuan's forgiveness.

But, she has done it.

"I'm sorry, please, forgive me, it doesn't matter if you kill me or whatever, I'm really sorry... woo woo..."

"Palace Master, you can't——!!!"

At this moment, everyone in Jade Fox Palace could not help but exclaim.

The people in the Jade Fox Palace want to seek revenge on Ye Xuan because of future events. Although it was a misunderstanding, they also misunderstood because Ye Xuan had unruly intentions towards the Jade Fox Palace.

But the Jade Fox Palace has no evil intentions towards Ye Xuan itself, but because of a series of misunderstandings, it regards Ye Xuan as an enemy.

Now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, even if Jade Fox Palace is really sorry for Ye Xuan, it will definitely not make Hu Qianzao pay for Ye Xuan's life.

After all this is happening in the future-!!!

"Palace Master, you..."

Although there were all sorts of reasons in their hearts to argue, but when everyone in Jade Fox Palace wanted to say something for Hu Qianzao, they didn't know how to speak up.

In the mind, what emerged was Ye Xuan's head that fell to the ground, with tears still streaming from his eyes.

Even though he endured all kinds of grievances and misunderstandings, he didn't have any complaints against his palace master.

Between Ye Xuan and his palace lord, is there still room for him to speak up?

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, brother Ye Xuan, we are the ones who are sorry for you, the palace lord lost her mind because of us, and hated you to the bone, if you are angry, hit me, you kill me...don't kill the palace lord, oh.....The palace lord is also innocent---!!!"

However, many people in the Jade Fox Palace were embarrassed to speak, but a little fox knelt down in front of Ye Xuan and said to Ye Xuan with tears all over his face:

"Brother Ye Xuan, the Palace Mistress is also innocent. If she knew the truth, she would definitely not do these things to you."

Looking at the ten-year-old little fox in front of him, Ye Xuan shrank back when he was about to speak.

In fact, he didn't plan to do anything to Jade Fox Palace.

After all, he didn't make his story so miserable just to be an enemy of Jade Fox Palace.

If he is willing, he can completely make his plot really be a villain, without any grievances, just keep hurting people, and then die without guilt, but what's the point of that


The past is the past to him, and everything he does is for the present.

He slowly stretched out his hand, wiped the little fox's face, helped her up, and said:

"Don't worry, I don't have the slightest impression of these things.

These are all things that will happen in the future, and to me, it's just a scene of excitement.

What's more, even if the future me really encounters these things, it will be voluntary, so how can I take revenge on your Palace Master now?

You don't have to feel guilty, let's end today's matter like this. "


Hearing this, Qingxue couldn't help exclaiming:

"Have you forgotten, just now the Jade Fox Palace Master said that if she really misunderstood you, she will let you dispose of her, what are you doing now..."

No matter what, Ye Xuan shouldn't have exposed Gu Qianzao so easily.

It is also beneficial for him to let Palace Master Jade Fox owe him endless favors.

However, when Qingxue thought about it, she immediately understood.

Instead of being aggressive, it's better to be generous and make Hu Qianzao owe Ye Xuan more.

However, it is not enough to blindly be a good person, and someone needs to be a villain.

Only in this way can they truly understand that Ye Xuan is good.

Therefore, she brought up what Hu Qianzao said before.

"that is--!!!"

Yu Ling'er also said:

(Zhao Haozhao) "When I spoke before, she was so decisive and full of confidence. No matter how much I persuaded her, she didn't believe it. Now it's all right, the truth is revealed, and I'm crying and begging for forgiveness. How can there be such a good thing————!"

Hearing what Qingxue and Yu Linger said, Hu Qianzao felt guilty and embarrassed at the moment.

Just now, I was only thinking about being sad, and I forgot how proud and confident she was when she led others to plot against Ye Xuan.

But now?

Yu Ling'er said earlier that sooner or later she would cry and beg Ye Xuan to forgive her.

She didn't believe it then...now she does.

At this moment, Hu Qianzao felt ashamed, and for a while, couldn't help it, and almost wanted to commit suicide.

Thinking of this, without any hesitation, she raised her hand and covered her Heavenly Spirit with a palm.


No one expected such a thing to happen, and at this moment, everyone was shocked.

"don't want--!!!"

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