Ye Xuan could feel that he was indeed affected by the script. His goal was not to be a lover, but to be an LSP traverser. Of course, the most important thing is that he wanted to survive.

However, now that the task of surviving has been completed, he is addicted to this kind of pure love and cannot extricate himself.

If Daoist Daoist Daoist hadn't reminded him, he wouldn't even admit that something was wrong with him.

Even now that he has clearly realized that he is wrong, but he is hesitating whether to kill Yuan because he is worried that cutting Yuan will affect his feelings for the girls.

This is indeed a terrible thing.

After realizing that he was wrong, Ye Xuan became more and more aware of the seriousness of the problem.

This feeling has actually made him so obsessed.

Seeing that Ye Xuan's expression became serious, Daogong Daoist said:

"Come to think of it, you already understand the seriousness of the matter... If a cultivator does not cut off the former relationship and obtain a pure body, sooner or later he will be confused by the former relationship and cannot extricate himself. There used to be a peerless Tianjiao who had the spirit of a hero for a lifetime, and there was also a world-renowned female fairy who was extremely beautiful. She and Tianjiao had an unbroken previous relationship, but the two were addicted to the love between men and women brought by the former relationship. Backlash, both sides were destroyed, the woman fell into dementia, the man fell into madness, and finally, the woman was killed by the man... The man committed suicide... It is really sad and deplorable. In fact, if you think about it carefully, the so-called front is just the past. Indulging in the past, but not believing the current relationship between yourself and the other party, it is not surprising to end up like this.

The so-called cutting fate is just cutting off the influence of past events on yourself, as long as you firmly believe in the relationship between yourself and the other party, why should you be afraid of cutting fate?"

Hearing the words of Daogong Daoist, Ye Xuan whispered to himself, you may not believe it, but my relationship with them all comes from the front.

If the influence of the front edge is cut off, I really don't necessarily like them as much as I do now.

At most, they are greedy for their bodies.

But, since Daoist Daoist Masters said it so seriously, Ye Xuan naturally didn't dare to be careless.

It seems that this leading edge must be cut.

But, who should we cut off with first?

Fox Qianzao, Yu Linger, or Qingxue.

Ye Xuan thought about it silently, among the three girls, Qingxue should be the one who influenced him the most.

At that time, I almost devoted myself to the script.

"You have to remember, it's okay if you don't do the fate-cutting thing. If you do it, you must not hesitate, will only be affected more."

Daoist Master Daogong threw the Xieyuan sword in his hand into the sword furnace, turned his back to Ye Xuan and said:

"I will try my best to recast the Xieyuan sword for you before the end of your fate."

"Yes, the disciple thanked the master."

Ye Xuan thanked Daoist Daoist, and then, his mind moved, and he entered his memory.

Ye Xuan originally wanted to kill Qingxue alone, but when he entered the realm of memory, he saw that Qingxue, Yu Ling'er, and Hu Qianzao were all looking at him.

"Brother Ye Xuan... Linger is so sad..."

Looking at Ye Xuan, Yu Linger said sadly:

"Are you planning to give up your relationship with Ling'er?"

"Ye Xuan, husband... I was the one who was sorry for you, but haven't we reconciled? Didn't you say that you won't stop loving me?"

Qingxue felt aggrieved.

Hu Qianzao is heartbroken:

"Ye Xuan...Are you really planning to give up on me? You don't love me anymore, I don't blame you...I'm sorry for you, but I'm so sad.

At this moment, Ye Xuan seemed to have forgotten his real purpose in his mind.

Facing the sad faces of the three women, he unconsciously felt heartbroken.

"Ye Xuan, they all have a deep affection for you because of your script. Is that how you treat them? (ccca) You've clearly fallen in love with them, why don't you admit it, what kind of influence, do you believe it yourself?"

In his mind, there was a voice speaking to him.

"After the fate is cut off, the past and the past have all disappeared. Are you willing to let go of everything you have experienced with them?"


At this moment, Ye Xuan felt extremely painful.

Is he willing to give up all this?

Of course he doesn't want to, as long as he can be with them, what's the point of cultivating immortals?

Daogong Daoist, who was recasting the Xieyuan sword, turned to look at Ye Xuan, frowning slightly.

Most people are influenced by the front edge, but it's just a change in personality, but I didn't expect Ye Xuan's front edge to affect him so much, it almost made him look like another person.

How did he know that for the sake of screenwriting, Ye Xuan forcibly compiled his past life and future into some completely different characters from himself.

This character is twisted into a twist.


Seeing Ye Xuan's painful look, the three girls in memory had already raised the corners of their lips, waiting for Ye Xuan to say that he didn't want to.

However, the next moment, what Ye Xuan said made them stunned.

"Uh...Brother Ye Xuan, you...what did you say..."

Yu Ling'er asked in disbelief, "Are you willing to give up your love for me?"

"Why!! Husband, you, can't you see that I am crying for you?"

Qingxue cried and asked.

Hu Qianzao said desperately: "I understand, you are taking revenge on me, aren't you? Are you taking revenge on me for hurting you?"

Seeing the sad appearance of the three girls, Ye Xuan coughed lightly and said:

"Well, don't pretend, I admit that I really like you, but when you think about it carefully, I really want your bodies even more. As long as I am with you, I will truly fall in love with you sooner or later. Now why bother with this false relationship, hesitate, and finally have nothing. I have always been unwilling to start with the real you. I give up decisively. Not only can I be greedy for your bodies, but I can also truly fall in love with you. This kind of thing, how to choose, is still difficult for me... You all appeared through my script. The love that shouldn't exist in my heart should obediently dissipate."

Hearing this, the three women couldn't help but twitch.

His master, who is indeed a real LSP, chose to give up himself for such a reason.

For love, do you prefer color?

"Hmph, Zhan Yuan, it's not just talking about it, since you have decided to give up, then we won't act with you—!"

Ling'er said: "If you have the ability, you will kill us with your own hands!!!"

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