Villain: Sadomasochism Begins, The Heroine Cries For Forgiveness

Chapter 170 It's Not Easy To Clean Up What Happened This Time

"I, the God Emperor Sword Master, will save the world in the last days, but Ye Xuan attacked me just when I was about to succeed, so that the way to save the world failed, and the world fell into absolute chaos——!"

In the sky, Mo Weishang was accusing Ye Xuan of his crimes to all the cultivators.

"In this era, you may not understand what Ye Xuan did."

He went on to say:

"Perhaps, in your eyes, Ye Xuan is just a name you've heard for the first time.

However, I can tell you with certainty that in the near future, your relatives may die at the hands of Ye Xuan, your friends, your lovers, and everyone you care about may be caused by Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan, what will be destroyed is not one person, one faction, or one country, he wants to destroy the whole world.

His crimes will be witnessed by Sanshijing——!

Some people may say that Ye Xuan has not committed those things in the future.

So he is not wrong.


At this moment, what I want you to see is the mistakes he has made. "

As he spoke, he activated a spell and struck towards the mirror of the third generation in the sky. 380 At the next moment, a picture appeared in the mirror of Sanshi.

In order to forge the Devil Emperor Sword, Ye Xuan personally killed tens of thousands of people...

Once, in order to collect grievances, Ye Xuan dropped a mad soul lotus in Loulan, a kingdom that has perished, and caused a tsunami in a small country in the East China Sea.

In order to collect soul power, Ye Xuan broke into the underworld and opened a gloomy spring in the underworld, causing the Yin fire to erupt and burn down a southern border country.

In short, each of these scenes is more tragic than the last, and each one was made by Ye Xuan himself.

Looking at the countless killings of himself in the picture, Ye Xuan has an urge to kill that evil self.

That's too evil, whether it's an old man or a child, in front of him, it seems that they are just grasses, and their lives are easily cut off.

"What, our Loulan Kingdom was destroyed because of Ye——!!!"

At this time, in the city of Chang'an, a young man in Western Region costume looked at the scene in the sky, and couldn't help showing a look of shock.

Although Loulan had already been destroyed long ago, as the former prince and grandson of Loulan Kingdom, he never let go of his hatred.

He also made many guesses about the truth about the demise of the Loulan Kingdom.

However, he never thought that the person who destroyed Loulan was actually someone he had never known.

"It turns out that our Nanzhao erupted suddenly because Ye Xuan broke into the underworld—!!"

"He caused us to lose our home."

"It's him who made us become this kind of monsters who are neither human nor ghost------!!!"

In the abandoned city of Nanzhao, many ghosts with blue skin looked at the sky, with endless anger and hatred in their eyes.

Judging by their appearance, they look three parts like humans and seven parts like ghosts.

In the past, they thought that they disrespected the God of Yama, which caused this disaster, but now, they realized that everything was man-made——!!!

"The tsunami in our east and west Penglai countries was also caused by Ye Xuan. It turns out that Penglai was not destroyed by natural disasters at all, but by man-made disasters------!!!"

Several Penglai monks looked at the scene in the sky, couldn't bear it anymore, quickly turned into a streamer, and came towards Taihua Mountain.

"It's this demon, it's him, who killed everyone...even the kid-!!!"

"Oh my God, how could there be such an evil person in this world, thanks to the fact that he still looks like a disciple of the Immortal Family."

"Some people just know people and faces but don't know their hearts."

"No matter what Ye Xuan does in the future, at least, based on what he has done, he is absolutely not worthy of forgiveness---!!!"

"Kill him, let him pay for his sins—!!!"(ccca)T

All of a sudden, monks from all over the world were rushing towards the Taihua Immortal Gate.

In this era when the sect of cultivating immortals is open to convenience, there are as many cultivators all over the world...

At this moment, Ye Xuan is the enemy of the whole world.

At this moment, Ye Xuan also felt a little flustered in his heart.

Because, he had already started writing the script, but he discovered a terrible thing.

He can't change these scripts.

He can no longer deceive the world with dreams, or hallucinations.

Even, he couldn't even make him in the picture pretend to be someone else.

The script has been limited to death, and these things are done by him himself.

At this moment, Ye Xuan couldn't help but smile wryly.

If it's something else, it's fine if he just cleans it up.

Even, just like the hatred with Qingxue, he can use his helpless, but true love to whitewash himself, making Qingxue feel indebted to him.

With Hu Qianzao, it can also be explained by the kindness of the past life and the grievance of the present life...  

But now, he has offended the whole world.

Moreover, these things are real.

If he didn't violently clean himself up, he wouldn't even want to forgive himself for the cruel things he did.

Seeing the situation in the picture, Qingxue, Yu Ling'er, and the three daughters of Hu Qianzao also took a deep breath.

The picture in the sky is not fake...

The only possibility is that it is fake, that is, as before, Ye Xuan is fake.

But, in this world, is there really someone who is so idle and has to pretend to be Ye Xuan?

What's more, what shocked them even more was that Ye Xuan in the picture used the Xinghong Sword Art to kill King Loulan. In this world, no one has a record of practicing the Xinghong Sword Art except for Master Bixia, the ancestor of Taihua.

In short, at this moment, their hearts are full of lies.

Although they were willing to believe in Ye Xuan, after all, what Ye Xuan in the picture did was too much.

If Ye Xuan can't get rid of the suspicion, they can only bear the guilt with Ye Xuan.

"Ye Xuan.......these things......"

Master Daoqin turned his eyes to Ye Xuan and asked:

"How do you explain that?"

As the head of Taihua, she is naturally willing to trust Ye Xuan.

However, if this incident cannot be explained clearly, Ye Xuan cannot be cleared of suspicion after all.

I'm afraid that in that case, she will have to give an explanation to the world.

"Don't worry, no matter it's true or not, since you are from my Taihua Immortal Sect, as the head teacher of the Taihua Immortal Sect, I will definitely give you justice."

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