Looking at the script he wrote, Ye Xuan himself felt a little bad.

In other words, did I write myself too badly? !

I want to write a miserable word on my leg.

However, in order to reasonably make the original villain's epilepsy come back, by the way, let's take a look at the black male lead.

My own script should be miserable.

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan sent out a new script.

And Yu Linger naturally watched the drama seamlessly...

【"Bastard, go to hell——!!!"

Ye Xuan was furious. He thought he was the only one who knew how shameless and despicable Yu Shou was.

But, unexpectedly, he was even more obscene than what he knew——! ! !

This kind of words, no matter what he said is true or false, should not come out of his mouth.

Just to make himself feel angry, he actually had to say such shameless words.

Without hesitation, he raised his fist and was about to hit Yu Shou.

However, how could he hit the opponent?

"Brother Ye Xuan, what are you doing?"

Seeing that Ye Xuan was about to attack him, Yu Shou put on an innocent look.

"Bastard, stop——!!!"

A flash of spiritual light flew over from not far away, restraining Ye Xuan's movements.

It was Elder Qingyan who made the move.

"What are you doing? You lost my Qing Yanfeng's face——!!!"

He scolded Ye Xuan.

Yu Linger stood in front of Yu Xuan with an indifferent expression on her face, looking at Ye Xuan:

"Yuxuan, why are you crazy? Do you think I will like you if you behave like this? If you behave like this, I will only look down on you!!"

"Junior brother, stop making trouble, and confess your mistake to Senior Brother Yushou."

"Yeah, we know you like your little senior sister, but feelings can't be forced—!"

Both the senior brother and the second senior brother are persuading Ye Xuan.

Everyone was accusing Ye Xuan of wrongdoing, only Yu Shou was hiding behind everyone, looking at Ye Xuan with a sneer.

However, Ye Xuan at this moment, facing everyone blocking Yushou, has nothing to do.

He should have known earlier that he couldn't do anything with Yushou.

However, he was still furious.

How could Senior Sister marry such a person?

Everyone's indifferent gazes, to Ye Xuan at this moment, were like ice thorns piercing his body.

However, he no longer felt the pain.

He had already been numb and dropped his hands powerlessly.

No one would believe what he said, no...

Moreover, he couldn't say those words that insulted the senior sister.

Once again, he became the object of Yushou's teasing.

But everyone felt that it was his fault.

"...There must be some misunderstanding here, no need to apologize...don't hurt Qing Yanfeng's kindness because of me..."

At this time, Yu Shou was persuading everyone, looking like a good person.

Seeing Yu Shou's appearance, Yu Ling'er only felt admiration in her heart.

Compared with an upright gentleman like senior brother, junior brother Yuxuan is really unworthy of being a human being.

At the beginning, I actually had such a slight affection for my junior, but now that I think about it, I might have been too ignorant at the time.


At this moment, Yu Ling'er was already crying for Ye Xuan's grievance.

She could completely imagine what kind of despair Ye Xuan had experienced at that time.

The person she likes is deceived by a scum who is not as good as a beast, but she doesn't understand herself.

The master, senior brother, and she were all trying to persuade themselves to apologize to that shameless scum.

No one understands me, everyone is looking at me with accusations, anger, and disdain.

That's so embarrassing, really...

If she faced such a wronged scene, she might go crazy.

However, Ye Xuan no longer feels the pain.

He's numb...

After going through such a thing, Ye Xuan is probably going to be bewitched by the demon-! ! !

Even, Yu Ling'er had some expectation that Ye Xuan was bewitched by the heart demon.

Since then, he has become the puppet of the demon, at least, he doesn't have to live in such pain.

What's more, after Ye Xuan became demon, he will take revenge on Yu Shou.

Mingming Yu Ling'er knew that it was wrong to be possessed by demons, but at this moment, she really wished that Ye Xuan could quickly become possessed and destroy Qin Yushou, who was not as good as a beast.

This kind of thinking is out of control.

After realizing that she already had such an idea, Yu Linger finally understood...

What kind of despair did Ye Xuan go through?

I have always followed the teachings of Taihua, and it is my duty to protect the common people and seek immortality. However, at this moment, I even gave up my persistence, hoping that Ye Xuan can become a demon.

I am just a bystander, and I have given up the bottom line in my heart.

Even, I know that after Ye Xuan becomes demonic, my parents and senior brothers will all die...

However, I still couldn't resist the idea.

And what kind of despair is Ye Xuan, the person involved?

How could he not be enchanted? ! !

In the hall of Qingyan Peak, Ye Xuan was already numb.

The endless anger that arose just now, at this moment, was extinguished by the indifferent eyes of the master, wife, brothers and sisters in front of him.

Even if Yu Shou was behind everyone, looking at him with mocking eyes, he couldn't arouse any expression from him.

For Ye Xuan now, it seems that he is the only one in this world...

Endless loneliness and endless grievances surged towards his heart.

"See? How do these people treat you?"

At this moment, in Ye Xuan's mind, the voice of the inner demon sounded again.

"No one understands you at all, and no one cares about you at all. In their eyes, you are just an eyesore."

"Wake up, accept my power, and then kill them and take away your most beloved woman."

The voice of the inner demon carries endless bewitching power.

Ye Xuan, who was originally numb, gradually became black in front of his eyes.

"I will never kill innocent people indiscriminately, but..."

Looking at Yu Ling'er in front of him, Ye Xuan's eyes gradually filled with hatred. 】

"Are you hating me... Junior Brother..."

Seeing the hatred in Ye Xuan's eyes, Yu Ling'er couldn't help but roll a tear in her eyes.

Perhaps, he should hate himself.

Everything he did was caused by his distrust of him.

It's all his own fault that he will go to a desperate situation.

If I had believed his explanation at the beginning, all the tragedies that followed would not have happened.

She shouldn't have blamed herself for all the mistakes, after all, she didn't know the truth firstly, and secondly, it was Ye Xuan who killed her.

However, everything Ye Xuan does is because of her, how can she have nothing to do with herself?

Ye Xuan's anger and hatred at this moment were also caused by her.

Just when Yu Linger was thinking so...

In the screen:

[Ye Xuan looked at Yu Ling'er, with unprecedented firmness in his eyes:

"I will never let you marry such a scum who is not as good as a beast, in order to save you... so what if I am a demon?!"】


Originally thought that at that time, Ye Xuan must have hated himself to the bone.

Therefore, his obsession is all for revenge on himself.

Everything that happened to me later was because I didn't believe in Ye Xuan, and I asked for it myself.

However, at this moment, hearing Ye Xuan's heartfelt voice, Yu Ling'er was stunned.

Until this moment, Ye Xuan was still thinking about saving him from the clutches of scum?

He...became a demon for himself? ! !


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