Villain: Sadomasochism Begins, The Heroine Cries For Forgiveness

Chapter 29 Yu Ling'er Fainted From Grief

Yu Ling'er has already burst into tears.

But Ye Xuan in the picture didn't know about it, Lord Big Dipper was still talking with him.

【"Hehe... Is this your choice? I'm a little surprised."

Hearing that Ye Xuan rejected her suggestion, Mr. Big Dipper laughed, and then said:

"Ask what love is in the world, and teach life and death.

You don't regret your own life for Yu Ling'er... But, have you forgotten?

After Yu Ling'er was reborn, she would still love Yu Shou.

That Yushou cannot become an upright gentleman as you wish.

This matter has not yet been resolved. "

"……I see."

Ye Xuan says:

"Since Lord Star God is willing to bestow the fairy root on this junior, then... can this junior ask Lord Star God to change Yushou's fate so that he can no longer do evil..."


Beidou Xingjun said:

"As long as I don't change people's hearts, such small things are easy for me... But I can stop the evil of one person, but I can't stop the evil of the world."

"Thank you, Lord Star God..."

Hearing this, Ye Xuan couldn't help showing a slightly dry smile.

He murmured:

"If there is rebirth, in the next life, I really hope that I will no longer be as dedicated as in this life... It turns out that it is such a painful thing to fall in love with someone wholeheartedly. If I can fall in love with others, maybe I will not be so painful, and my ending will not be so sad... However, the ridiculous thing is that all of this is voluntary..."

While speaking, at the corner of Ye Xuan's eye, there was also a hot tear rolling down.


Although I will fall in love with her at first sight, in the next life, I should completely give up this feeling the moment she shows me hostile eyes for no reason.

So, in the next life, I won't die as unwillingly as I am now, and I won't be as uncomfortable as I am now if I die at her hands..."

Tick, a sound, like a drop of water falling into the water surface in an abyss cave, sent out a shocking echo.

No one knew about Ye Xuan's pain since then.

I'm afraid, only Big Dipper can witness for her. There was once a man named Ye Xuan who gave everything for Yu Ling'er...

Fate turned around at this moment.

Everything that happened before, all the grievances that Ye Xuan experienced, because of Yu Ling'er's rebirth, became an indisputable fact...

In Yu Ling'er's mind, Ye Xuan is the one who has no pardon.

She missed every opportunity to know the truth, and the first thing she did after her rebirth was to kill the infatuated person who loved her to the core of her original destiny without hesitation.

In the picture, the reborn Yu Linger is hostile to Ye Xuan.

Her eyes were full of hatred, and she raised the corners of her lips, looking at Ye Xuan with a slightly disdainful look, but also with a bit of complacency.

Facing Yu Ling'er, Ye Xuan's expression was very puzzled, he didn't understand.

Why did this girl he fell in love with at the first sight look at him with such eyes that wanted to kill her. 】


Watching the scene in front of her gradually disappear without a trace, Yu Ling'er's surroundings were also pitch black.

At this moment, her eyes were full of tears, and she was lying in the dark space, but her heart was already extremely sad.

At this moment, she felt that she felt that she felt it too.

Her tears also dripped down in the dark space one by one.

Perhaps, this is how Ye Xuan felt when he faced himself.

But, in comparison, he was only sad because of guilt, but he was really hurt by himself...

How can these two emotions be compared?

I may never imagine that he chose to destroy himself with what kind of grief.

"Originally, as a god, I didn't want to interfere too much with mortal affairs, but among all the people I've seen, Ye Xuan's infatuation with you is also rare, so I made a special appearance to enlighten you."

In the infinite darkness, a voice sounded in Yu Ling'er's mind.

It was the voice of the Big Dipper.

"I hope you cherish yourself well, that pure and warm heart is not in vain for me to waste my divine power to remind you.

Hurry up and save him, he... is going to die. "

Following Beidou Xingjun's reminder, Yu Ling'er suddenly reacted.

She knew that she would soon return to reality.

Wiping away her tears violently, Yu Ling'er's expression became firm.

Now is not the time to cry, Ye Xuan is about to die by his hands.

The next moment, the pitch-black world began to recede, and the scene of the mountain behind Qingyan Peak appeared before Yu Linger's eyes again.

Also appeared at the same time, Ye Xuan who had turned into an iceman in front of her.

The freezing technique has reached the final step.

With just one thought from Yu Ling'er, Ye Xuan will turn into shards of ice all over the place, his body will dissipate, and his soul will fly away.


Seeing this scene, how dare Yu Linger delay?

She quickly mobilized her spiritual power, turned it into a spell-breaking method, and cast it towards the ice statue in front of her.

The next moment, I saw Ye Xuan who had turned into an ice sculpture, and the ice on his body shattered.

And he gradually recovered his human form.

Ye Xuan's eyes slowly opened as the ice melted.

"Great, Ye didn't..."

Seeing that Ye Xuan was not hurt by her own freezing spell, Yu Ling'er couldn't help being overjoyed.

She was about to say hello to Ye Xuan, and even unconsciously wanted to jump in front of him.

However, the next moment, she couldn't help being stunned.

Because, at this moment, Ye Xuan was looking at her with very indifferent eyes.

that look...

very scary.

The indifferent gaze makes one's heart chill, even though one's cultivation is already in the state of imperial control, when he looks at him like this, he can't help but feel a chill in his heart.

He didn't hate himself, but his eyes were much more terrifying than when he hated him back then.


At this moment, facing Ye Xuan's gaze, Yu Ling'er only felt chills all over her body.

She didn't know what to say.

She understands that she is sorry for Ye Xuan, and she has thousands of debts of love, which she needs to repay to him.


At this moment, facing Ye Xuan's gaze, she actually felt a little scared.

She would rather Ye Xuan look at her with hostile eyes than Ye Xuan look at her with such indifferent eyes.

Could it be...

As Ye Xuan said, he fell in love with himself the first time he saw him.

However, because he was hostile to him for no reason when he first met him, he wanted to kill him.

He saw his gaze, so he had completely given up on his love? ! !

God -! ! !

At this moment, Yu Linger only felt dizzy for a while.

That is to say...

After rebirth, not only did I hurt Ye Xuan again, but also, did I hurt him again with his love for myself? ! !

When a person is suddenly hated by others, there is actually nothing to be sad about.

However, if a person is suddenly hated by someone he likes for no reason, and even disdains...

I'm afraid everyone understands that feeling.

She broke Ye Xuan's heart again.

Thinking of this, Yu Ling'er only felt that her breath was confused, and a sullen breath rushed to her forehead, and she couldn't help it anymore, and passed out.


Seeing Yu Ling'er fainted, Ye Xuan was speechless for a moment.

Is it that exaggerated?

He just wants to act like a little bit...

She wanted to kill her just now, so it's normal to look at her like this, right?

Yu Ling'er should have been mentally prepared for such a thing—! ! !

Unexpectedly, Yu Ling'er, who had once been promoted to a fairy, had such a terrible heart.

I can't bear such a blow...

Or is it because his acting skills are too good?

But that's right, if you are locked in a small black room to watch a bloody drama, you are not allowed to look away. After a long time, you will not be able to bear it.

However, the problem is, now that she has fainted, what should she do? ! !

"'s so cold, it's going to kill you, the system rewards, why don't you come?!"


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