Villain: Sadomasochism Begins, The Heroine Cries For Forgiveness

Chapter 288 What Happened To The Truth? I Love So Much

"Husband... all of this, is it really true?"

At this moment, the entire world of cultivating immortals is silent, and no one even cares about what Shentiandi is talking about.

They were all thinking about what happened to all of this.

Beside Ye Xuan, Yu Ling'er saw Ye Xuan admit it, and finally couldn't help it, and asked Ye Xuan.

She didn't want to doubt Ye Xuan, and she didn't want to doubt Ye Xuan, so no matter how reasonable Shen Tiandi said before, she didn't ask her doubts.

Ye Xuan, on the other hand, admitted it directly.

She immediately understood that Ye Xuan definitely didn't want to make her feel suspicious, so he directly spoke the truth.

However, the truth is...


Therefore, Yu Ling'er had to ask Ye Xuan again at this moment.

She wants to hear Ye Xuan's exact answer.

Facing the doubts of his wife and children, Ye Xuan continued:

"It's true, everything that Emperor Shentian said is true."

Hearing this, Yu Ling'er couldn't help but look silent for a while.

All the girls around fell silent.

However, they did not show their anger towards Ye Xuan as Shen Tiandi expected.

Because of this, Emperor Shentian was very puzzled.

Why, the truth 22 has been exposed, everything is arranged by Ye Xuan, he is playing tricks on everyone, why no one expresses anger towards Ye Xuan.

After a moment of silence, Yu Linger looked at Ye Xuan again, and she couldn't help showing a smile:

"Thank you, husband."

"Husband, thank you."

Qingxue couldn't help but let out a long sigh, and said to Ye Xuan.

Hu Qianzao looked at Ye Xuan, the nine tails behind her were shaking slightly, and there was a bit of gratitude in her eyes.

"Husband...... Although we are not married yet, I want to call you that, hee hee...... Thank you."

"I... Brother Xuan, me too, thank you.'

Wu Simi looked at Ye Xuan in the sky and said so.

There is only gratitude in her eyes, no hatred.

While the two East China Sea Dragon Girls looked at the sky, their expressions were different from hers, with a bit of weirdness, but absolutely no hatred.

In the world of cultivating immortals, countless people are looking at Ye Xuan, some with gratitude in their eyes, some with doubts in their eyes, and a small number of people are really angry.

However, most people looked at Ye Xuan with gratitude.


In the sky, Emperor Shentian looked at the reactions of everyone below, and asked in puzzlement:

"Why don't you hate Ye Xuan, he messed with your life, he is your enemy, he made you feel ashamed of him, why don't you hate him

The reaction of the entire world of cultivating immortals was within Ye Xuan's expectations.

Seeing that God in the sky was still puzzled, Ye Xuan slightly raised the corners of his lips, facing the sky, he said:

"Shentian Emperor, the truth is exactly as you said. It was I who changed their fate. It was me who made people who should have hated me feel ashamed of me. You can also say that I was playing tricks on their fates, but after all, you don't understand people's hearts."

"What did you say? I don't understand people's hearts?"

The voice in the sky asked angrily.

"Yes, you don't understand people's hearts."

Ye Xuan says:

"It is undeniable that I did those things, but so what?!!"

"So what?"

Hearing this, Emperor Shentian couldn't help saying angrily:

"You played with their fate, they should be angry."

"Although I have played with their fate, but!"

Ye Xuan says:

"But I never played with any of them. Everything I did, perhaps, was for myself, but the fate that was changed by me. Is this string fake?

No matter whether I use the way of changing fate to change everything, or I help them through my own efforts, let them change their fate, the final result is not the same?

Their originally hopeless and dark fate, because of my efforts, has a glimmer of light——!!!

Although I turned their hatred towards me into a ridiculous joke, I let them have the dawn again and let them avoid that desperate fate.

You say, how could they hate me?

But you admit it yourself, you arranged their fate, do you think, compared to the so-called self-esteem, let them hate me, will they be more ashamed of the person who almost made them face their original fate?!"


As soon as Ye Xuan's words came out, those who were originally a little angry at Ye Xuan's manipulation of fate, and those who were dissatisfied, reacted violently.


Everything was already doomed, in my memory, I already had no hope, except for the hatred towards Ye Xuan, I had nothing left.

Although Ye Xuan turned his hatred into a joke, he gave himself hope again.

The person who should have died is not dead, and everything that should have been lost has not been lost.

Ye Xuan is playing with fate, but what is the difference between this and his own efforts to change everything?

He is playing with fate, not himself——!!

Of course, there are some people who hate Ye Xuan even more.

If Ye Xuan hadn't changed everything, wouldn't it mean that their conspiracy could have succeeded?

However, such people are in the minority after all.

In this world, Ye Xuan is the real villain, and most of the villains are protagonists.

And the protagonist, how much conspiracy can there be?

The protagonists who have conspiracies may not know that it was Ye Xuan who changed their fate.

As for the villains, hehe, in front of Ye Xuan, they don't even have much plot, so naturally they don't know, Ye Xuan used 997 and they gave him the bad things he was supposed to do.


In this world, at this moment, most people are still full of gratitude to Ye Xuan.


At this moment, the future Donghai Dragon Girl is the first to stand up.

She flew up behind Ye Xuan, looked at Ye Xuan, and the past Zongzong appeared in her eyes.

"Perhaps everything was told by the God of Heaven. In my original destiny, there was no intersection with Ye Xuan at all. I only hated Ye Xuan.

It was Ye Xuan who changed my destiny, made me fall in love with him, and made me feel ashamed of him.

After knowing the truth, I should have hated him.

Emperor Shentian, don't forget that if Ye Xuan hadn't changed his fate, my father Donghai Dragon Lord would have died under your fate.

Compared with this, even if fate is arranged by Ye Xuan, what is it?

The destiny he gave me........I love it------!!!

I am very lucky to be in love with him for a lifetime.

Even if all this is his fate, I don't care

When Donghai Dragon Girl said this, Ye Xuan was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, she accepted her own setting so calmly.

He thought that with the arrogance of the dragon girl of the East China Sea, after knowing that he had arranged everything, even if she would not hate me, her love for herself would disappear a lot.

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