Villain: Sadomasochism Begins, The Heroine Cries For Forgiveness

Chapter 35 Brother Ye Xuan Won't Dislike Me, Right?

On Mount Taihua, on Qingyan Peak, Ye Xuan is quietly soaking in the spiritual spring...

At this moment, in front of his eyes, everything around him has become so different.

In the past, he didn't have a spiritual root, so in his eyes, the difference between this world and the earth is not that big, it's just that the humanities are different.

However, at this moment, he already possessed a fairy root.

Although it is a hidden spiritual root that cannot be seen by others, how can the power of a fairy root be imagined by ordinary people?

In Ye Xuan's eyes at this moment, everything around him is full of aura.

The endless spiritual energy, even without him taking the initiative to absorb it, would automatically get close to him and wrap around him.


It's a pity that the current Ye Xuan has not learned the real Taihua mental method, otherwise, he can start to practice now.

It's a pity to think about it. Because he was too afraid of pain, he gave up his perception of the script world. In the script world, he would not feel pain, and he only needed to concentrate on acting.

Don't be afraid of getting any injuries.

It's like playing a game, it feels like you lose a little blood when you get injured, and it doesn't have any effect on people.

On the contrary, the benefits he got in the script world, such as life experience, have also become a passing memory.

The so-called gains must be lost, which is also impossible.

While Ye Xuan was soaking in the spiritual spring, Yu Linger suddenly shouted outside:

"Brother Ye Xuan, it is beneficial to practice the Taihua Heart Method when soaking in the Lingquan... Although you have not learned it yet, it is also good for you if I recite the Taihua Heart Method to you. Listen carefully."


Hearing that Yu Ling'er was so sensible, Ye Xuan didn't say much.

It's just that his ears are already pricked up.

He is finally about to truly come into contact with the cultivation method of immortality.

Yu Ling'er said:

"Close your eyes and meditate, hold your mind firmly, embrace Kunlun in chapter thirty-six, and beat drums from all directions..."

This Taihua mind method is absolutely unfamiliar to a traveler like Ye Xuan, and he should not understand it at all.

However, following Yu Ling'er's chanting, in Ye Xuan's mind, the strings of strange thoughts, in his mind, seemed to evolve into a series of action diagrams visible to the naked eye.

In his body, the fairy roots started to work automatically.

His body began to absorb the spiritual energy slowly, and the speed of absorbing the spiritual energy continued to accelerate, faster and faster.

But after a while, his body seemed to have turned into a spiritual vortex, and the surrounding spiritual energy was quickly absorbed by Ye Xuan's body.

The crazy flow of spiritual energy began to affect the surrounding area, and around Ye Xuan, a spiritual storm visible to the naked eye unexpectedly formed.

"...Diligence is endless, everything returns to dust... Qi pierces through the rainbow, flying stars do not fall... Huh——!"

After reading the 3,000-word summary of Taihua's mental method in one breath, Yu Ling'er let out a long sigh of relief.

Immediately, she turned her back to the direction of Lingquan and said to Ye Xuan:

"Brother Ye Xuan... It's not so easy to get started in practice. For ordinary people, Taoism is obscure and difficult to understand. It takes several months for ordinary people to even understand Taoism, let alone get started, so it doesn't matter if you don't understand. I will keep reading to you in the future. After a long time, you will naturally understand...Huh?...This is...Spiritual Power Transforming Wind..."

Suddenly, Yu Ling'er felt something was wrong.

Such a powerful spiritual power transforming into wind, this kind of spiritual energy storm, is the feeling that some people only have when they are crazily absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth——!

Is Ye Xuan absorbing spiritual energy? ! !

How can this be.

Not to mention Ye Xuan, even the current self can't absorb spiritual power so fast.

Ye Xuan doesn't even have a spiritual root, so he can successfully enter the spirit-leading realm in his life, which is actually quite remarkable.


"Brother Ye Xuan, what's wrong with you---!!!"

Although she didn't know what was going on, but at this moment, Yu Ling'er couldn't help feeling anxious.

Because she was worried that something happened to Ye Xuan.

However, when she turned around and rushed to the Lingquan, she was stunned by the scene in front of her.

I saw Ye Xuan sitting in the spiritual spring, meditating quietly, and the rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth around the spiritual spring was being absorbed by him at an incredible speed.

Because the aura was too strong, at this moment, Ye Xuan's body was exuding an aura that was visible to the naked eye.

"Leading the spirit into the body, leading the spirit to the realm——!!!"

At this moment, Yu Ling'er couldn't help being stunned.

Impossible, absolutely impossible——! ! !

Not to mention that Ye Xuan has no spiritual roots, no matter how good a spiritual root is, it is impossible to listen to Taihua's mental method and just lead the spirit into the body-! ! !

However, everything that happened in front of my eyes was real and there was nothing wrong with it.

Ye Xuan really led the spirit into his body...

Moreover, the speed at which he guides the spirit is terrifyingly fast.

Even if his spirit root is already a heavenly spirit root, the speed of attracting spirits is actually much worse than that of Ye Xuan.

How can this be? ! !

"Brother Ye Xuan...isn't he without spiritual roots?!!"

Yu Ling'er stared blankly at the scene in front of her, unable to believe what she saw.

She is from the future, so she is very clear about everything that happens in the future.

Even when Ye Xuan died at her hands, he had never truly succeeded in cultivation.

All his strength comes from the demons in his heart.

But now, Ye Xuan has such a frightening speed of absorbing spiritual energy...

It was nothing like the future she knew.

How is this going?

But now, Yu Ling'er didn't have time to think about why Ye Xuan had such a terrifying cultivation speed.

She just recited the Taihua Heart Law once, and he has already entered the state of cultivation, and he has successfully led the spirit. These are not the main points.

The point is...

Ye Xuan actually took off his Taoist robe and soaked in the Lingquan.


Yu Ling'er exclaimed, but quickly covered her mouth, just blushing, staring blankly ahead.

Brother Ye Xuan, I didn't expect that after he led the spirit into his body, he would look so good-looking.

Ah no, it was him who was able to reach the spirit-leading realm so quickly.

Could it be that this is simply a miracle.

While Yu Linger was staring blankly at Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan slowly opened his eyes.

Because the speed of absorbing spiritual energy was so fast, he already felt that his body had reached its limit.

If he continues to absorb it, he will not be able to bear it, and the loss outweighs the gain.

Immediately, he saw that Yu Ling'er was staring at him blankly, her little face was red.

Then, Ye Xuan looked down at himself, and immediately understood, and cast his gaze on Yu Ling'er again.


Seeing Ye Xuan's expression, Yu Ling'er immediately reacted.

What was I doing just now, I was actually watching Ye Xuan soaking in the spiritual spring.

It's so shameless.

Brother Ye Xuan must have misunderstood.

ah this...

However, since I am a girl, it shouldn't matter if Brother Ye Xuan is seen by me, right?

He shouldn't be angry, right? ! !

After all, I care about him too.

Look, there is no anger in his eyes at all.

Immediately, Ye Xuan's expression changed to one of disgust:


Ye Xuan made a gesture of spitting.

Yu Linger: ...


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