Villain: Sadomasochism Begins, The Heroine Cries For Forgiveness

Chapter 46 Ye Xuan's Shameless Calculation


Seeing Yu Ling'er looking at him suspiciously, Master Qingxue was a little embarrassed, but his face was still cold.

She opened her mouth and said:

"It is undeniable that Ye Xuan did save my family's life, but it is still unknown whether he really saved his life. What's more, my family does not know the truth, so it is normal to have misunderstandings.

Of course, this matter is indeed their fault, and I do not deny this.

However, this is not the point I want you to read, you can read on.

When you see the back, you will naturally understand. "


Yu Ling'er snorted softly, now she has no other choice but to continue reading.

Moreover, she is also curious about Ye Xuan's past.

Why is Ye Xuan the same person as him in the previous life?

What has he done in the past?

But after what happened just now, Yu Ling'er has become more and more convinced that Ye Xuan will definitely not be a big villain.

After Yu Ling'er moved her eyes to the front mirror, Master Qingxue couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, because of Ye Xuan's matter, her already frozen Fanxin actually moved again.

It's just embarrassing because of this little thing...

From the looks of it, her practice is still somewhat lacking.


Daoist Qingxue has already cultivated into a fairy body, but he still remembers about the girl.

At that time, although she was just a girl from a poor peasant family, she still lived happily every day.

Until, the young landlord named Ye Xuan broke into her life.

Everything about her just changed.

If Ye Xuan hadn't shamelessly schemed against her, how could she have so many things with Ye Xuan.

[On this day, the sun has just risen in the sky and the weather is clear.

Ye Xuan was eating breakfast at his home, at this moment, a guard came in from outside the yard, and he said to Ye Xuan:

"Master, Mo Dazhuang asks to see you."

"Which one is so strong?"

Ye Xuan asked.

"It's Mo Qingxue's elder brother. Young master, didn't you say before that in the countryside around Wuyuan Town, the girl from the Mo family, Mo Qingxue, is the prettiest, and you like it the most."

"Oh? It's him, let him in."]

Elder Qingxue smiled coldly, that's right, Ye Xuan's calculations started from now—!

"Uncle, who is Mo Dazhuang?"

Yu Ling'er asked Elder Qingxue.

"It's my elder brother, you've seen it in the previous screen."

Yu Ling'er looked a little weird.

Just now, the guard said, Ye Xuan likes Mo Qingxue the most?

Isn't Mo Qingxue the Uncle Qingxue?

Could it be, what happened between Ye Xuan and Uncle Qingxue in the past? ! !

Ah this—! ! !

Thinking of this, Yu Ling'er's complexion became even weirder.

She secretly glanced at Elder Qingxue.

[After a while, I saw a middle-aged man in shabby clothes coming from outside the hall.

As he walked, he showed a flattering expression and saluted Ye Xuan from a distance.

"Hi Young Master Ye, Young Master Ye, I'm sorry to bother you—!"

Judging by the appearance of this middle-aged man, he was one of the people in the dilapidated farmhouse before.

Before, this middle-aged man was cursing Ye Xuan in private with the most vicious words.

The girl Mo Qingxue was scolded for a long time just because she said a wrong sentence.

From the conversation, he should be Mo Qingxue's eldest brother.

But now, facing Ye Xuan, he showed the most humble demeanor and actions.

He glanced at the big fish and meat on Ye Xuan's table, and he couldn't help swallowing.

I'm afraid he will never have the chance to taste these things in his life.

"You are looking for me, what's the matter?"

Ye Xuan put down the bowl in his hand, and asked the man in front of him.

"Young Master Ye, it's like this, that... My family is really struggling recently, so I want to borrow some money from you to tide over the difficulties."

"Borrow money?"

Ye Xuan says:

"How much do you want to borrow?"

"This... this... I beg Ye Shao to borrow the money."

Mo Dazhuang said with some embarrassment.

He also didn't want to borrow money from Ye Xuan, but after the tea plantation was destroyed by the flood, Ye Xuan was in no rush to develop the tea plantation.

They were originally renters of tea gardens, but they had no source of income, especially him, who had to support a family of six including himself, including an old mother, a wife and children, and an unmarried younger sister...

I really can't eat anymore.

"How long do you plan to pay back the usual money?"

Ye Xuan asked.

Mo Dazhuang said:

"Two months, after two months, I will pay off the money owed to Young Master Ye with interest."

"Well, yes."

Ye Xuan says:

"However, if you can't pay back the money by then... what should you do?"

"If you can't pay back the money, Young Master Ye can report me to the government."

Mo Dazhuang said: "I will definitely pay it back when the time comes."

Ye Xuan nodded and said:

"Okay, I'll lend it to you."]

"Ah this..."

At this moment, Yu Ling'er didn't understand, she asked Elder Qingxue:

"Master, brother Ye Xuan is willing to lend money to your brother, this should be a good thing?"

"Good thing?"

Elder Qingxue sneered and said:

"However, he turned around and someone robbed my brother, and took the money back——!"


Hearing this, Yu Ling'er couldn't help being stunned, couldn't it be, did Brother Ye Xuan do such an outrageous thing? ! !

She looked at Ye Xuan, then shook her head.

Bah bah bah, brother Ye Xuan wouldn't do such a thing.

Hmph, there must be some misunderstanding here, so let's read on.

"Great, with this loan, I can support my family for a while. As long as I work hard to earn money during this time, I can pay it back in less than two months."

With the money in his hand, Mo Dazhuang couldn't help being very happy.

In fact, he has been hungry for a while at home.

On the way home, Mo Dazhuang was all smiles.


At this moment, in front of Mo Dazhuang's eyes, there was a sudden exclamation.

I saw a woman kneeling on the ground with a pained look on her face.

"Girl, are you okay-!!!"

He hurried over and asked the woman.

"Brother, I seem to have sprained my foot, can you help me, my house is not far ahead."

The woman said to Mo Dazhuang:

"It hurts my slave to death."

As she spoke, she cast a wink at Mo Dazhuang.

Mo Dazhuang couldn't help trembling, his whole body was somewhat fascinated by the woman in front of him.

"Brother, come to Funu's house quickly."

That woman was extraordinarily seductive and contrived, but she was very attractive to Mo Dazhuang.

"The servant's house is right there..."

As she spoke, she pointed to the grass on the side of the road.


Mo Dazhuang swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then he understood.

I have encountered a wild prostitute.

I heard that some women are not good-looking, even if they enter the flower house, they are not qualified to receive guests.

But they have no way to make a living, so they can only choose to be wild prostitutes, hooking up passers-by in the wild.

If it was before, he might not talk to such a woman.

After all, there are also people with wives at home.

However, this woman looks really different from ordinary women, she is very beautiful.

He said to the whore:

"Then... I'll give you a hand. Although men and women can't tell the difference between men and women, it's the only way to do it at this time. Don't be offended, girl."

"rest assured."

The woman said with a smile: "My family knows that elder brother is a good person, elder brother can be as casual as he likes, don't be too unreasonable."


Immediately, Mo Dazhuang supported the prostitute and entered the bushes on one side.

It is said that he is full of warmth and thinks of silver, but he is not full of warmth yet.

It can only be said that this wild whore is indeed delicate and charming.

Looking at the picture, there was a shake in the bushes, but she couldn't see anything.

Yu Linger asked curiously:

"Brother Ye Xuan, why did he help that woman into the grass? Could it be that the woman is a vixen, hooking people into the grass and sucking energy?"

Although she has lived for decades and has cultivated into a fairy body, she is still a pure girl.

She really doesn't understand these things.


Ye Xuan couldn't help laughing out loud.

Elder Qingxue also looked a little embarrassed.

How can this past mirror only take care of some insignificant things? ! !

My eldest brother is really too, the whole family is hungry, and he is still addicted to womanizing——! ! !

Wouldn't it be enough for people to see the picture of Ye Xuan sending people to rob his brother? !

Seeing Qingxue's embarrassing expression, Ye Xuan secretly laughed.

There are more exciting things to come.


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