【"Brother Ye Xuan, why didn't you call me when you came out to play—!"

At this moment, the beautiful girl dressed in red, like a red cloud, happily jumped in front of Ye Xuan, waving her hand and saying.

"It's Xiao Ling'er, I'm going to find you right now."

Ye Xuan laughed and said:

"I haven't seen you for a few days, you look beautiful again."


Hearing this, the person called Xiao Linger by Ye Xuan couldn't help being very happy, and turned around in front of Ye Xuan, with red sleeves adding fragrance and skirts flying:

"Am I really beautiful? But, how come I heard people say that the most beautiful person in this town is Mo Qingxue."

"She's not as pretty as you."

Ye Xuan said to the girl in front of him.

"Hee hee, Brother Ye Xuan, you can say nice words to coax people, I hate it."

The girl stomped her feet happily in front of Ye Xuan.

"Hey, that, Young Master Ye, let's leave first, so we won't disturb you and Miss Jiang."

At this moment, looking at the scene in front of them, the two dog legs were about to leave in a hurry.

Ye Xuan naturally nodded too, and after the two bastards left, he said to the girl in the red dress:

"Xiao Ling'er, where do you want to go? I'm free today, so I'll accompany you—!"


Hearing this, Jiang Ling'er couldn't help stroking her braid happily, and said:

"In this case, brother Ye Xuan, let's go for a walk by the river."

"Well, let's go."

Ye Xuan took Jiang Linger's hand, and the two walked by the river, looking at a few blooming flowers on the river bank, Jiang Linger happily ran forward, and looked at the flowers carefully.

"It's so beautiful."

She said to Ye Xuan.

"Is it beautiful? Unfortunately, I still don't think it's enough."

Ye Xuan said solemnly.


Hearing this, Jiang Linger said suspiciously:

"Isn't this flower beautiful enough? What kind of flower do you need to be beautiful?"


Ye Xuan took Jiang Linger's hand, looked into her eyes, and said solemnly:

"No matter how beautiful a flower is in this world, in my eyes, it is not as beautiful as you."

Yu Linger's face was flushed, and she obediently leaned into Ye Xuan's arms.

And Ye Xuan also hugged her with a full face of doting.


Looking at the scene in front of her, Yu Linger's face turned red.

Although I don't know what the situation of this Jiang Linger is, whether it is her previous life or something.

However, this is too sweet.

I'm so envious——! ! !

Before her rebirth, Yu Ling'er practiced too much and had no chance to think about the relationship between a man and a woman.

Even, with Qin Yushou, it was just a correspondence.

She has never felt this way towards Qin Yushou...

One reason is that she is indeed a pure cultivator, and the other reason is that she urgently needs strength to avenge Ye Xuan.

However, at this moment, looking at the picture in front of her, she wished that she could be the person in the picture and be hugged so gently by brother Ye Xuan.

She didn't even feel this way about the former Ye Xuan, she just simply felt that she owed him and wanted to repay him.

Until this moment, Yu Ling'er felt that she had really opened up and fell in love with Ye Xuan.

This strong urge to be with Ye Xuan made her obsessed.

Oh my god, I was sprinkled with dog food for no reason.


A hint of envy also flashed in Elder Qingxue's eyes.

Although I don't know why this girl named Jiang Ling'er appeared in Ye Xuan's past, and she looks the same as Yu Ling'er.

However, this is actually not difficult to guess.

If Ye Xuan is the same person as his previous life, then he met Jiang Linger first.

When Jiang Ling'er was reincarnated after death, he found Xiao Jiang Ling'er again.

This is also easy to explain.

Of course, this is just speculation at this point.

But no matter what, these things have nothing to do with the things between her and Ye Xuan.

【"Brother Ye Xuan...you are so kind..."

Jiang Ling'er leaned quietly in Ye Xuan's arms, and said to him seriously:

"Will you marry me?"

She raised her head and looked at Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan also looked at the girl in his arms, and nodded to her.

"Well, I would like to marry you."

Ye Xuan said.



Seeing this scene in the picture, Yu Linger's eyes were straightened, her face was flushed, and her heart was beating wildly.

It was as if Ye Xuan was saying this to her at the moment.

Oh my god, what is going on with this sweet feeling in my heart? ! !

Brother Ye Xuan, when will you say this to me—! ! !

She looked at Ye Xuan with her faint eyes.

Ye Xuan can only pretend he didn't see it, after all, the story behind it is not over yet.


Jiang Linger looked at Ye Xuan and asked him.


Ye Xuan nodded affirmatively.

"But, I don't want to marry you—!"


When she said this, Ye Xuan couldn't help being dumbfounded, and he asked in great disappointment:


"Yeah why?!"

At this time, Yu Ling'er wished she could rush into the front mirror to grab the girl who looked like her and was also called Ling'er to ask about the situation.

Such a good atmosphere, you brought it up yourself, he is willing to marry you, if you don’t want to marry, what are you kidding—! ! !

If you don’t marry today, you have to marry my old lady——! ! !


Only Elder Qingxue secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

That is to say, it is impossible for Ye Xuan to be with this Jiang Linger girl.

Because, I have never seen her before...

In other words, Jiang Ling'er had already disappeared from Ye Xuan's side before she knew Ye Xuan.

As for the reason, she naturally didn't know.

[At this moment, Ye Xuan looked at Jiang Ling'er with a look of disappointment, not understanding why she would say such a thing.

"Little Linger, why don't you want to marry me? Don't you like me?!"

He asked Jiang Linger nervously.


Jiang Linger shook her head and said:

"I like Brother Ye Xuan very much, but I heard that you men like three wives and four concubines, and you are so rich, if I marry you, you will definitely marry another woman, so I won't marry you."


Hearing Jiang Linger's words, Ye Xuan couldn't help laughing, and then said:

"Silly girl, it's normal for men to be lustful, because it's instinct."

Hearing this, Jiang Ling'er couldn't help puffing up her face, and looked at Ye Xuan angrily.

Ye Xuan tapped her forehead with his hand, and said:

"However, although there are many beauties in this world, I just want to marry you. After I marry you, I will definitely not look at other women more."]

"What a beautiful love—!"

Yu Linger looked longingly at the scene in the picture.

Immediately, she turned to look at Ye Xuan:

"Brother Ye Xuan, tell me, is it because we had such a fate in the previous life, so we are entangled again in this life? It's a pity that I didn't fall in love with you before I was reborn, and I made you suffer so much. I'm sorry——!"

"He's lying."

Just as Yu Ling'er was apologizing to Ye Xuan, Elder Qingxue couldn't stand it anymore.

She said:

"Not only did he not marry Jiang Ling'er, but he also married someone else---!!!"

She said to Yu Linger.


Hearing this, Yu Ling'er couldn't help being shocked:

"Aren't they together? This Ye Xuan didn't marry Jiang Linger?!"


Hearing this, Elder Qingxue looked at Ye Xuan in the picture with a look of disdain, and said:

"He said it nicely, but secretly, he was a scum who robbed a girl from a good family---!!!"


At this moment, Yu Ling'er was startled.

Ye Xuan kept silent, waiting for the turn of events.


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