Villain: Sadomasochism Begins, The Heroine Cries For Forgiveness

Chapter 53 The Fairy's Embarrassing True Fairy

"Brother Ye Xuan, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please, please forgive me...No, I don't beg you to forgive me, just hit me, you let me do whatever...I'm sorry for you---!!!"

Yu Ling'er never thought that it was obviously a matter between Elder Qingxue and Ye Xuan, but in the end it burned on her own head.

Why was he so cheap in his previous life that he not only abandoned Ye Xuan, but also didn't give Ye Xuan a chance to explain, forcing Mo Qingxue to stand out.

And said such exaggerated things to brother Ye Xuan——!!!

What does it mean that Mo Qingxue is good at serving people? Do you know what serving people is? You, you just talk nonsense——!!!

However, no matter how much she begged for forgiveness, the harm she caused to Ye Xuan could not be undone.

He owed Ye Xuan too much, too much.

Elder Qingxue on the other side had already blushed and burst into tears.

In the picture, how proud she is at this moment, and how cruel what she said to Ye Xuan, at this moment, she can understand more and more how much Ye Xuan was hurt at that time.

How much she owes Ye Xuan.

I have been searching for my enemy for hundreds of years, only to find out that I owe the other party a love that will never be repaid, and I have caused such harm to the other party.

At this moment, how can she be as high as before?

How could he be as cold and ruthless as before?!

She wished she could run up to Ye Xuan, kick Yu Ling'er away, and kneel there herself.

However, she didn't know how to take that step.

So, she could only stand here, looking at the next content on the screen in embarrassment.

Ye Xuan looked at the sky, of course he knew that this Xuan Lingzi was transformed by Jiang Linger.

After all, except for the heroine's original script, everything was fabricated by Ye Xuan.

Even Jiang Ling'er was a plot character made up by Ye Xuan on a whim.

However, his script is what actually happened in this world.


Ye Xuan is also a little curious, is Jiang Ling'er really Yu Ling'er's past life?

If so, then the ability of the system is a bit too powerful?!

Is it the script that came first, or the fate that came first?

Ye Xuan couldn't help but start thinking about this question.

But soon, he discovered that with his current ability, even thinking about it was useless.

Forget it, let's start the show.

Looking at Mo Qingxue and Jiang Linger's two daughters in the sky, Ye Xuan showed a look of being struck by lightning, and it seemed that it took him a long time to react.

He looked at the sky in disbelief:

"Qingxue... Listen to my explanation... As long as you are willing to listen to my explanation, after listening, I will let you kill me... There is a reason why I treated you like that before

"No need—!!!"

Seeing that Ye Xuan actually wanted to lie to her, Mo Qingxue's eyes were full of coldness:

"Ye Xuan, let me tell you, I won't take your life today, but I will come again soon.

I swear, I will never let you go, if I don't kill you with my own hands, I, Mo Qingxueyuan, will fall into the endless hell forever——!!!"


Hearing this, Ye Xuan's expression changed drastically.

But, before he could speak, Mo Qingxue had already disappeared into the sky together with Jiang Linger.

There was only an echo in the sky.

"Ye Xuan, just wait, you used to treat me like a disposable plaything, one day, I will make you pay for your ruthlessness

Ye Xuan looked at the sky dejectedly, with a look of grievance in his eyes, and tears rolling down his face.

"Why...why won't you listen to me?!!"

The hunk wept again.

He knew that the more painful he was acting now, the harder Qingxue would be hit when he came to see this scene.

By the way, abuse that stinky girl Yu Ling'er again.

Although in this era, Ye Xuan doesn't know what expressions the two girls will have when they look at the picture, but he also knows what expressions they will have when they see this.

You must be crying and regretting——!]

"Why don't you listen to his explanation----!!!"

At this moment, Elder Qingxue, who was outside the screen, also wished to capture his past self and teach him a lesson.

If she had listened to Ye Xuan's explanation, maybe everything would have been different.

Or, even if she heard the explanation, she wouldn't believe it.

However, she obviously had the opportunity to know the truth, but she missed it in vain.

Now, in the eyes of Elder Qingxue, there is only remorse left.

In her heart, there is only guilt.

In her impression, Ye Xuan has always been a calm and calm person.

Even when bullying her, he has always behaved in an orderly manner.

She had never seen Ye Xuan look so sad.

At this moment, even though he was an immortal, Elder Qingxue couldn't help feeling dizzy and almost fainted.

Yu Ling'er has already cried so badly, if at that time, if she was willing to say a few more words to Ye Xuan in her previous life, it would be different.

However, not only did Mo Qingxue not believe in Ye Xuan, she also did not believe in Ye Xuan in her previous life.

The two of them, whom Ye Xuan loves and cares about the most, hurt Ye Xuan at the same time, and did the most sad thing for Ye Xuan---!!!

"Brother Ye Xuan... woo woo..."

Yu Ling'er hugged Ye Xuan's feet and cried loudly:

"sorry Sorry....."

Although she didn't have the slightest impression of that Jiang Ling'er.

However, when she thought that this might be her previous life, she recalled the scene where she failed Ye Xuan's sincerity in her mind.

With a feeling in her heart, she was naturally even more sad.

Looking at Yu Ling'er in front of him, Ye Xuan smiled and shook his head, helped her up, and said:

"Silly girl, why are you crying...Although Master Qingxue said that I am my previous life, I don't seem to feel it at all...Maybe, I am not the same person as him at all."

"There is nothing wrong with this matter."

At this moment, Elder Qingxue said with red eyes and tears all over his face:

"You will know after reading.....I was wrong....I was wrong from the beginning to the end...I'm sorry.....Ye Xuan......"

As she said that, she knelt and sat on the ground weakly, and she even wanted to ask Ye Xuan to forgive her.

However, thinking that Ye Xuan still doesn't know anything, begging Ye Xuan to forgive her at this moment is really shameless.

At least, until Ye Xuan finishes watching all the things she's done since.


Wrong, she's been wrong all along-!!!

Ye Xuan knows what Elder Qingxue said.

Because, in Mo Qingxue's script, it was not the last time I met her.

But she still wants to avenge herself——!!!

With such a long operating space, how could Ye Xuan miss it?

Do you think the story is over?

Actually, this is just the beginning!!!

Next, it’s really Ye Xuan’s script——!!!

He didn't forget that the more he influenced the heroine's heart, the more rewards he would get.

The rewards this time must be very rich——!!!

[In the screen, it is still going on.

"Hehe, I didn't expect, Miss Mo, from now on, you will be a poor Taoist companion.

At this time, Jiang Ling'er brought Mo Qingxue to the mountain where she had left before. She stretched out her hand, hooked Mo Qingxue's chin, and smiled at her.

Just now, seeing Ye Xuan's sad appearance, her heart was very happy.

However, it is also very sad...

Because, Ye Xuan didn't recognize her at all from the beginning to the end.

Moreover, Ye Xuan probably has already forgotten about her by now.

In the things Mo Qingxue told her about the past, her name was not even mentioned.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel heartbroken.

How long has it been...

However, she didn't want to appear so sad, so at this moment, she could only tease Mo Qingxue to divert her attention.

However, at this moment

"Actually... you are a woman... aren't you?!"

Jiang Linger was stunned by Mo Qingxue's words.


She stared blankly at Mo Qingxue, and asked in disbelief:

"How did you know?"

Mo Qingxue said:

"Actually... I already knew it. From the time you said you wanted Yu Jian to take me to Ye Xuan to settle accounts, I felt that you are not as tall as I look, and you still have a woman's smell... Otherwise, how could I have made my own way and said such shameless words just now.

Although Ye Xuan treats me in every possible way, but this is between me and him, how could I casually get involved with other men just because of this?"


Hearing this, Jiang Linger was even more shocked:

"So that's how it have already seen that I am a woman.

To be honest, when you said you were willing to follow me just now, I really looked down on you...

Now it seems that I underestimated you. "

After all, Mo Qingxue had nothing to do with her, it was just that she offered to help Mo Qingxue.

However, if Mo Qingxue flirts with her without her consent, then she will indeed feel that Mo Qingxue is too casual.

"Xuan Lingzi said..."

Looking at the Taoist priest in front of her, Mo Qingxue asked:

"Why do you want to look like a man?"

Hearing this, a trace of anger flashed in Jiang Linger's eyes, and she said casually:

"Men in this world are not good, why should we women be bullied by them?

So, I also became a man, and I will never be a woman again. "


Hearing Jiang Linger's words, Mo Qingxue was a little stunned, and then said:

"Could it be... Taoist priest, you too..."

"It's not what you think..."

Jiang Ling'er shook her head, she wanted to say that she was not as miserable as Mo Qingxue.

However, thinking that Mo Qingxue was miserable enough, she took back those words.

For a person who has already had a miserable life, what he is most afraid of is that the people around him will also say that he participated in...

"I just met a heartless person, and I have decided to never see him again."

she replied.

Mo Qingxue was silent, she didn't know what to say at this moment.

The two seemed to quiet down for a while.


Seeing that Yu Ling'er and Elder Qingxue were still crying, Ye Xuan secretly laughed.

However, at this time, he naturally did not appear very happy.

Otherwise, it would be bad if the two of them saw something.

After thinking about it, he said to Yu Linger and Elder Qingxue:

"Hey, I said two, think about it carefully, if it is really me, I will

It's too miserable, being wronged by you so much, heartbroken, how are you going to compensate me?!"

"Brother Ye Xuan...... As long as you can forgive me, you can ask me to do anything——!!!"

Yu Linger quickly replied.

Thinking about what she did to Ye Xuan brought tears to her eyes:

"Wuuu.....I really didn't mean it, Brother Ye Xuan, I feel so uncomfortable, I really feel so uncomfortable..."


Elder Qingxue on one side also looked at Ye Xuan, and saw that Ye Xuan was looking at her with a pair of clear (pretend) eyes, as if he was comforting her.

She was silent for a moment, then said:

"I have owed you too much in your previous life...More than you can imagine... You can read the back, after you finish reading, I will let you dispose of it.

At this moment, her heart was already full of despair, and even the immortals could only shed tears.

And who is willing to accept Ye Xuan's relief.

【Screen flow.........

Cut to Ye Xuan's side.

At this moment, Ye Xuan was also crying. He was sitting alone in the courtyard, and there was a pile of empty wine bottles in front of him.

A young man who was originally high-spirited, but now his face was already full of decadence.

He violently picked up a bottle of wine and poured it into his mouth forcefully.

"Jiang Linger... Mo Qingxue, are you really so heartless?

Are you really not willing to give me a chance to explain?!!

why why--!!!

What the hell did I do wrong?!!!"

As he spoke, he actually choked on the wine and coughed sadly:

"Come back... Please... come back..."


If it was the former Elder Qingxue who saw Ye Xuan at this time, he might not be able to help but spit.

Even though you have done all the bad things, you still have the face to be sad?

Do you still have the face to call me unfeeling?

Do you want face? You———!!!

However, at this moment, Elder Qingxue already understood all the truth.

She already understood that Ye Xuan was the one who had been enduring the wrong.

He has done everything for himself, but what about himself?

After I got all the good things he did to me, I left with boundless hatred for him and endless harm to him.

No matter how he explains, he just doesn't listen...

What a high-spirited person Ye Xuan used to be, but now, he is so decadent that he seems to have aged decades suddenly.

In the past, Mo Qingxue thought that Ye Xuan didn't love herself at all.

But now, Elder Qingxue understands.

It's because she has never seen through, the love hidden deep in Ye Xuan's heart.

If, if she could bear it for a while longer, perhaps, everything would be different.

Of course, if Mo Qingxue can endure it for a while longer, Ye Xuan can only say that according to the plot, she will be tortured for a while longer...

However, Elder Qingxue will definitely never know this truth. what extent does a person have to be change so much...||..."

Looking at the sad look of Ye Xuan in the picture, Yu couldn't stop crying.

However, at this time, as a young girl, she couldn't help being a little curious.

Does Ye Xuan like Jiang Ling'er more, or Mo Qingxue more?

Although Jiang Linger is the one Ye Xuan really likes, Mo Qingxue has been with Ye Xuan for such a long time...

When she was with him, that happy scene, even now recalling it, Yu Linger felt a little warm in her heart.

However, those happy scenes have already been fragmented at this moment.

Moreover, since Elder Qingxue had come to Ye Xuan at this moment, he wanted to kill him.

That means, I'm afraid, in Ye Xuan's previous life, he still didn't get any good results from Elder Qingxue.

That's pathetic.

This should not be his result...

He did good deeds all his life, but why did he not get good rewards?!!

【"Young Master Ye, you can't drink any more... No matter how much you drink, the mistress will not come back, and Miss Jiang will not come back..."

At this time, a maid said to Ye Xuan:

"Drinking hurts your body."

"Drinking hurts your body...hehe..."

Ye Xuan says:

"so what?

At least... In this way, I won't suffer the same pain as when I was awake. It turns out that loving someone is such a sad thing———!

No, it's about loving two people, and moreover, it's still not enough to love..."

Seeing Ye Xuan like this, the maid could not help but sigh.

Then, she thought for a while and said:

"Young Master Ye, didn't you say are practicing Taoism?

Then why don't you concentrate on cultivating Taoism? I heard that people who have achieved success in cultivating Taoism are gods and omnipotent. Maybe, at that time, you will be able to find Miss Jiang and the mistress. "


What the maid said made Ye Xuan's eyes shine.

He said to himself:

"Yeah...why didn't I think that during this period of time, I was only thinking about being sad, but I forgot that if I succeed in cultivation, I can go anywhere in the sky and on earth, I don't believe it,

I can't get them back.

At that time, I must lock them up and explain to them every day, and don’t let them out until I finish my explanation, hum!!!”

"That's right, Young Master Ye, you should think so, you are so capable, why are you so sad——!!!"

The maid smiled and said:

"When you have achieved success in your practice in the future, catch them back, lock them up, explain them slowly, and don't believe them or you—!!!"


Ye Xuan let out a long sigh of relief:

"Since this is the case, today, let me be sad for the last time, and tomorrow I will stop doing these wasteful things... You can go down.

"Yes, Wu."

The maid responded, turned and ran away.

After running out of Ye Xuan's yard, she sighed and shook her head.

"How can it be so easy to cultivate the Tao... How can it be possible to become a god... I have never seen a god in my life..."

Ye Xuan stood up and looked towards a flower tree in the courtyard. His eyes were melancholy, and he couldn't help but read:

"The wind lives in the dust, the fragrant flowers are gone, and the day and night are desolate, just combing your hair.

Things are people, but people are not worried about leaving people. Tears flow before words are spoken.

However, the scenery by the Daoxi River is still good, and I am afraid that it will add more sorrow to my heart.

Where can sadness go, one day seems like three autumns..."

It's not that he insists on pretending, it's that the Qianchen mirror doesn't have the function of checking his heart, if he doesn't read out these sad words, Mo Qingxue and Yu Ling'er in the future won't know that he is watching

Blooming tree, what kind of mood is it expressing?

Only when they deeply feel their own 'pain', will they regret it...

Ye Xuan's purpose is definitely not as simple as whitewashing himself.

He wants to clean himself up, get rewards, and at the same time, take down all these disobedient heroines in one fell swoop.

Yes, he is such a despicable person......

What does it matter if you are mean, as long as it serves your purpose?

He is a good person, but he always takes the script of the villain. If he plays a villain honestly, he will be killed by the heroine.

That is true innocence——!!!


Qianchen mirror couldn't see the inner voice of the person in the picture, so at this moment, Elder Qingxue and Yu Ling'er were both sad and happy.

They were sad that Ye Xuan was so sad.

Worrying about my heart, every day is like three autumns...

In Elder Qingxue's mind, she even began to recall that when Ye Xuan taught her to read and write, she thought reading was useless.

However, now she understands that reading can not only allow her to cultivate immortality, but also allow her to deeply understand at this moment the extent of Ye Xuan's love for her.

But, they are also happy.

Ye Xuan finally decided to cheer up.


Seriously, seeing Ye Xuan being so sad and decadent day by day, they felt very uncomfortable, so uncomfortable——!!!

The feeling of guilt like a knife pierced their hearts made them wish to rush into the screen and slap their past selves.

【"Cultivation of Immortals focuses on spiritual root, character, and understanding..."

At this moment, in the picture, Ye Xuan is sitting cross-legged in his yard.

With his five hearts turned to the sky, he concentrated his mind in meditation, and the spirit energy of the surrounding world surged towards him crazily.

Because the speed at which he absorbed the spiritual energy was so fast that it actually caused a spiritual energy storm in the vicinity.

However, there are no real experts in Wuyuan Town, and naturally no one connects this whirlwind with someone practicing.

Immediately, Ye Xuan slowly opened his eyes:

"I didn't expect... In just a few years, I have already cultivated to the realm of harmony—!"

Looking up at the sky, Ye Xuan's eyes were a bit sad.

"Are you going to cross the catastrophe soon? Hey... I don't know if I can survive this catastrophe."



Hearing Ye Xuan's words on the screen, Elder Qingxue couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of old blood.

In just a few years, he has already reached the Dao Harmony Realm?!!

What kind of cultivation speed is this——!!!

Yu Ling'er also had a strange expression on her face...

In her last life, she spent decades cultivating to become an immortal, and she is already very remarkable. She thinks that the world is so big that there are not many people who are more powerful than her.

Unexpectedly, Ye Xuan didn't live in any famous mountains or great rivers, nor was he in any paradise, he just practiced in a secular small courtyard for a few years, "Bian Ran has already joined the Tao.

And, is there going to be a tribulation?!!

This is too exaggerated——!!!

By the way, what kind of spiritual root is Ye Xuan...

Thinking of this, Yu Ling'er couldn't help asking curiously to Elder Qingxue:

"Uncle Qingxue, when you seek revenge on Ye Xuan, what kind of cultivation is it?"

Hearing this, Elder Qingxue replied:

"My early cultivation speed was very slow. At that time, I should only have the imperial object realm, and barely stepped into the threshold of cultivating immortals...

I thought that I would have the opportunity to seek revenge on Ye Xuan at that time, but unexpectedly, Ye Xuan is still much stronger than me...

I thought he was in the psychic realm at most, but he has already reached the Dao realm——!!!

It turns out that the gap between me and him is so huge. "

"Brother Ye Xuan is so amazing..."

Yu Ling'er couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, she said to Elder Qingxue:

"Then it looks like, Senior Uncle Qingxue, you have no chance to take revenge on him."

Hearing this, Elder Qingxue shook his head and replied:

"No, actually...I killed him."


Hearing Elder Qingxue's words, Yu Ling'er was stunned:

"Uncle, you said... Ye Xuan died in your hands? This... What's going on? Could it be that he let you?!! Didn't he explain it to you?!!"

"No, he didn't let me go, and he didn't explain to me...or, he didn't have a chance to explain, even though my cultivation level at that time

Not as good as him, but my achievements in the future will not be worse than him.

Elder Qingxue replied:

"You don't know, since I embarked on the road of cultivation, I have been encountering many adventures...

I often encounter exercises, magic weapons, and natural and earthly treasures that can increase my cultivation.

Although the later Ye Xuan was formidable, he was not my opponent. "

"Adventures continue?"

Hearing this, Yu Ling'er couldn't help but look shocked:

"Could it be, Elder Qingxue, are you still the legendary Man of Destiny?!"

According to legend, in this world, some people are born with destiny.

God needs them to complete some missions, so in order for their strength to grow rapidly and reach the level where they can complete missions, they will always get the things that others want in their lives.

An unimaginable opportunity, and a rapid increase in strength at a speed that ordinary people can't imagine.

"Probably so."

Having said that, Elder Qingxue couldn't help showing a bit of pride in his eyes:

"Although I'm sorry for Ye Xuan, but this is the truth. Even if he is really so good, I have achieved a higher achievement than him by relying on my adventure..."


Hearing that Elder Qingxue's future achievements will be higher than Ye Xuan's, Yu Ling'er is inexplicably unhappy.

She felt that the progress of Ye Xuan's cultivation was so terrifying that he could be chased by others, but he shouldn't be surpassed by others.

However, as Elder Qingxue said, if this is the truth, what can she say?

In some people's hearts, there are some very powerful people, or peerless arrogance, or a generation of emperors. In their stories, these people are indeed very powerful and admirable

However, maybe they are just a small character with insignificant strength in other people's stories.

Just like Ye Xuan now, his cultivation speed is already so terrifying.

Anyone who is an enemy of Ye Xuan will probably despair because of Ye Xuan's cultivation speed.

However, the truth is...

No matter how fast Ye Xuan's cultivation was, Mo Qingxue easily caught up.

In Mo Qingxue's script, Ye Xuan is the villain, and it is absolutely impossible for him to be stronger than Mo Qingxue.

Otherwise, what is the meaning of the heroine Mo Qingxue?!

Therefore, when talking about this matter, Mo Qingxue was still somewhat proud.

However, her heart is still very heavy.

After all, it is precisely because she is too strong that Ye Xuan is not her opponent, so she has no chance to explain to her.

Speaking of which, the stronger she is, the more damage she will do to Ye Xuan...

While the two women were talking, Ye Xuan raised the corners of his lips.

In your script, I am indeed not your opponent.

It's a pity that now your destiny is over long ago.

What you are looking at now is my script——!!!

Looking up at the sky, Ye Xuan frowned slightly.

From the looks of it, it was his own catastrophe that was approaching.

It's not bad to experience the feeling of crossing the catastrophe in advance. This is a free experience. For ordinary people, is it not the first time for anyone to cross the catastrophe?

However, relying on the script of the system, I can experience the tribulation.

There are really many advantages to the script.

I didn't expect to use the time in the script world to increase my experience and knowledge before, and I wasted the time of a script.

That's decades of experience——!!!


I saw a tribulation thunder rolling down in the sky, chopping down towards Ye Xuan.

That thunder dragon-like frenzied lightning seemed to smash everything in Wuyuan Town into ruins.

Ye Xuan straightened his body and soared into the sky, facing the thunder and lightning.

Squeezing the formula with both hands, a huge Tai Chi pattern appeared in Ye Xuan's hand. With Ye Xuan's finger, the Tai Chi pattern turned into a grand array of tens of miles.

The sky was separated into upper and lower ends by the Tai Chi array.

The thunder calamity that fell from the sky bombarded the Tai Chi formation.

Suddenly, the entire Wuyuan Town seemed to be turned into daylight.

The next moment, Ye Xuan seemed to have entered a very peaceful world.


"Brother Ye Xuan..."


Before he could see the situation around him clearly, two familiar voices came from his ears.

He turned his head to look in the direction of the sound, and saw Jiang Ling'er and Mo Qingxue were there

Both of them looked at him quietly with very beautiful smiles.

Immediately, Jiang Linger's smile froze. She looked cold and asked Ye Xuan:

"You promised to marry me, why did you find another woman?!!"


Yu Ling'er looked at Jiang Ling'er in the picture, and couldn't help but gritted her teeth secretly.

Ye Xuan, don't listen to her, she is your demon.

Ye Xuan looked at Jiang Ling'er and said:

"You're not Jiang Ling'er, get out of the way—!"

After the words fell, Jiang Ling in front of Ye Xuan's eyes disappeared.

With a look of hatred on Mo Qingxue's face, she said to Ye Xuan:

"Husband, why are you doing this to me, tell me, explain to me quickly

As long as you explain it to me clearly, I will forgive you..."


"Ye Xuan, leave her alone!!!"

Mo Qingxue also secretly squeezed her hands tightly.

This is just Ye Xuan's demon, if Ye Xuan gives in to the demon, it will be over.

However, this kind of thing is very clear to outsiders.

However, for those who crossed the catastrophe, this scene actually happened.

If he can't strengthen his belief, he will be confused by the inner demon and fail to cross the catastrophe.

The end, needless to say...

【"Go away——!!!"

Ye Xuan said to Mo Qingxue without any hesitation:

"I'll explain it to my wife, but it's not you ugly thing

"Husband, you are so cruel, you have done so many excessive things to me, and you don't even want to explain.

Mo Qingxue had a sad look on her face.

Ye Xuan waved a spell, and directly broke her up.

"Hehehehe... Ye Xuan, you can be so heartless when facing us, but if you face the real Mo Qingxue, can you still be so heartless?!!"

Just after Ye Xuan shattered the image of Mo Qingxue, another evil voice, regardless of gender, came from the sky.

"Tell me...... Can you be unfeeling to the real Mo Qingxue?"

Along with the voice, Mo Qingxue's image appeared again:

"You want to explain everything to Mo Qingxue clearly, but have you ever thought that after you explain everything to her clearly, she will feel that she owes you, and at that time, she will still

would want to kill you?"

"Wouldn't that be better?"

Ye Xuan said with a cold face.

"Really? You really think so?"

The illusory Mo Qingxue came to Ye Xuan again, raised her finger to Ye Xuan's heart, and said:

"Did you forget that Mo Qingxue once made an oath that if she doesn't kill you with her own hands, she will fall into the endless hell forever, and if she doesn't kill you, she will break her oath......

You should understand what is the consequence of a cultivator breaking his oath. "

At this moment, Ye Xuan showed a look of panic.



What the illusory Mo Qingxue said made Elder Qingxue, who was looking at the screen at this moment, widen his eyes involuntarily.

If she can't kill Ye Xuan and break her oath, what will be her consequences?

She had never thought about this before.

But, now that I think about it, if she can't kill Ye Xuan, I'm afraid she will obey the oath and fall into the endless hell forever.

Thinking of this, Elder Qingxue couldn't help panicking.

There was a vague bad feeling in her heart.

"Could it—!!!"

"Hahahaha, I seem to understand."

Seeing the panicked look on Ye Xuan's face, Huan Huan Mo Qingxue looked smug, and said to Ye Xuan:

"Ye Xuan, what are you going to do now? It doesn't matter if you survive the disaster, the woman you love will never forgive you.

What is the fun of practicing Taoism?

It's better to die, clean and comfortable. "

"That's right, don't you think that you are too tired to live?"

At this time, Jiang Linger on the other side also appeared:

"The woman you love has left you, and your wife has a deep hatred for you. Even if you want Mo Qingxue to explain, it's useless. Even if she really believes what you say, in the end

She also died herself, why bother?"

"Come on, accept the fate of extinction."

The two heart demon phantoms kept whispering words in Ye Xuan's ears to entice him to give up the tribulation.

This kind of powerful bewitching power is like a person who usually doesn't stay up late, suddenly being forced to work overtime for several days without rest, but being given a pillow

He only needs to close his eyes, lie down obediently, and don't have to think about anything, and he will naturally relax.

How tiring is it to live?!!

Ye Xuan at this moment is going through such a test.

However, there was no hesitation on his face, but he waved his hand again, breaking up the two figures.


The next moment, the white light dissipated, and in front of Ye Xuan's eyes was the falling thunder calamity.

If he had been distracted for a moment just now, he would have been blasted to pieces by Lei Jie now.

However, I saw that Ye Xuan increased the output of spiritual power in his hands.

The next moment, the thunder disaster dissipated.

Immediately, on Ye Xuan's body, a powerful Qingling Xianqi bloomed.

He became a fairy.

For others, it seems that it is not particularly difficult to overcome all kinds of difficulties and become an immortal. 】

Seeing Ye Xuan in the picture complete the tribulation so easily, Yu Ling'er and Elder Qingxue also secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

However, immediately, they felt a little lost unconsciously.

Ye Xuan's ability to survive the calamity so easily proves that this kind of heart is nothing to him.

That is to say, the two of them don't seem to have any influence on Ye Xuan...

Although it's wrong to think this way, they clearly know that Ye Xuan needs to succeed in crossing the tribulation, but, as women, they hope that Ye Xuan will pay more attention to them.

People are such contradictory existences.

But, no matter what, Ye Xuan's success in overcoming the tribulation seems to be something to be happy about.

Both women showed excited eyes.

Looking at his hands, Ye Xuan said to himself:

"Is this what it feels like to be a fairy?

It seems that there is nothing special, except that the spiritual power is more pure and powerful, but it is not as smooth as imagined.

If someone heard Ye Xuan's words, I don't know if they would be depressed.

You know, Ye Xuan has already certified himself as an immortal in a short period of time.

This may be something that others may not be able to do for hundreds of years.

However, Ye Xuan actually said that it was not that fun.

Those who haven't experienced the feeling of becoming a fairy, if they hear what he said, I'm afraid they can't help but want to beat him up.


the next

At this moment, Ye Xuan frowned again, not knowing what he was thinking.

"It's so easy to become a fairy, it's too powerful——!!!"

Looking at Ye Xuan in the picture, Yu Ling'er cast her eyes on Ye Xuan beside her.

She secretly thought that Ye Xuan's cultivation speed was so fast, but in comparison, she seemed to be far behind.

If I don't work hard to practice, I am afraid that I will not be worthy of him in the future.

.....Fortunately, I had many adventures back then, otherwise, I would definitely not be able to compare to Ye Xuan..."

Looking at the situation on the screen, Elder Qingxue also said:

"At the beginning, I didn't know how terrible Ye Xuan was. At that time, I was even a little complacent, thinking that cultivating immortals was nothing more than that.

Looking at it now, if I had come to seek Ye Xuan's revenge early, I'm afraid I would have been caught by him long ago. "

Saying so, she regretted endlessly in her heart.

If she had been caught by Ye Xuan long ago and explained clearly by Ye Xuan, she would not have made such a big joke today.

Is everything a trick of God?

I failed Ye Xuan and hurt Ye Xuan.

Now, it's my turn to lose face......

【In the picture, Mo Qingxue has finally reached the psychic realm. At this moment, she just feels that she is completely different.

"I have finally reached the psychic realm, Ye Xuan, today is the day I will revenge on you——!!!"

She smiled coldly, and then, with a cold expression on her face, she looked in the direction of Yefu in Wuyuan Town.

"In the past, you treated me like a plaything and humiliated me at will, but now you are just an ant that I can crush to death at will!"


Elder Qingxue: .........


Ye Xuan is already a fairy, but she is only in the psychic realm, so she uttered such arrogant words of revenge.

No one had heard it before, and she hadn't felt anything yet.

But now, looking at the scene in the picture, Ye Xuan and Yu Ling'er who looked at the other side could clearly see the scene where they spoke.

Suddenly, her face brightened up.

This, this is too embarrassing——!!

Oh my god, why did I say such things back then?!!

What a shame--!!!!


Ye Xuan next to him couldn't help laughing out loud, and laughed outright:


His smile is naturally true and false.

To be honest, it was really funny, but he had already read the script, so it wasn't that funny anymore.


On the other hand, Yu Ling'er covered her stomach with laughter:

"Ye Xuan is already a fairy, you are still psychic, how dare you say that he used to treat you as a plaything, but now you treat him as an ant... Hahaha——!!!"

"Stop laughing—!!!"

The cheeks of Elder Qingxue, who were as fair as snow, were immediately stained with a blush.

It's like a white plum in winter, with a few hints of red in the white.

She never thought that those words of revenge that she once said, how happy it was to think of it at the time, but now it seems so embarrassing.

Comparing with Ye Xuan's pictures, this is simply her dark history——!!!

However, the more she behaved like this, the more amused Ye Xuan and Yu Ling'er felt.

【"Ye Xuan, I'm here to seek revenge on you, I hope you won't be too surprised, hehe, now I'm already a cultivator in the psychic realm-!!!"

With a sneer, Mo Qingxue flew up and flew in the direction of Wuyuan Town. 】


You sneered at your sister—————!!!

Looking at the self in the picture, he was still talking, and even sneered.

Elder Qingxue's complexion turned even redder.

Please, what kind of shitty mirror is this, why is it always so horribly detailed in places that shouldn't be detailed.

I can remember some things clearly, but it shows clearly to myself.

It's too embarrassing---!!!

Also, you are in the psychic realm now, and everyone else is a fairy.

Don't let people be surprised?

Are you trying to kill me laughing you——!!!

If there is a hole now, Elder Qingxue can't help but want to get in.

After all, it was just too embarrassing, too embarrassing.

Unbearably embarrassing...

Ye Xuan and Yu Ling'er were also laughing non-stop.

"You're still laughing—!!!"

Seeing them like this, Elder Qing became a little bit annoyed.

She didn't care whether she owed Ye Xuan or not, and became angry at Ye Xuan and Yu Ling'er.

"Okay..... let's stop laughing... stop laughing... poof..."

Ye Xuan said, but couldn't help laughing out loud.

He said solemnly:

"I... I didn't laugh at you... Really... I just remembered something happy.

"Hee hee hee......"

Yu Linger also laughed.

Elder Qingxue looked at her coldly...

Yu Ling'er shrank back in fright, then said:

"I... I also think of happy things."

Elder Qingxue was annoyed on the face, but he was so ashamed in his heart that he wanted to dig a three-bedroom and one living room on the ground.

Helpless, she could only continue to look into the picture.

【"Ye Xuan, come out to die—!!!"

Mo Qingxue was successful in cultivation, she came directly to the sky above Ye Mansion, stood in the air, walked in the air, looked at Ye Mansion below, she opened her mouth and shouted.

At this time, she was like a female fairy descending to earth, full of vigor and power.

The people below who heard her voice all looked at the sky in shock.

"...God, look, is that a fairy?"

"It's a fairy, it must be a fairy-!!!"

"Hey, she seems to be... Mrs. Ye."

"What? Is it really Mrs. Ye?"

"Which Madam Ye?"

"Hi, don't you know? Mrs. Ye Xuan——!"

"Oh, I remembered. It turned out to be Ye Xuan's wife, Mo Qingxue. I heard that after Ye Xuan married Mo Qingxue a few years ago, he treated her well on the surface, but in fact, he treated her

She treated her as a slave and abused her, and he even had her brother killed..."


"Isn't that right? I heard from the servants of the Ye Mansion that Mo Qingxue was pregnant with Ye Xuan's child at that time, but Ye Xuan deliberately knocked her out."

"Ah? He's too useless, Hudu doesn't even eat his son."

"Hehe, to Ye Xuan, Mo Qingxue is just a woman of low birth, he may not really treat her as his wife."

"That's right, none of these rich people has a good thing."

"No wonder, I heard that Mo Qingxue later followed a fairy head. It seems that she learned the skills from the fairy head, and she came back to take revenge."

"Hehe, Ye Xuan is really self-inflicted, she is a beautiful lady, she is like a fairy, if she is not treated well, she has now become a life and death enemy, why bother?

"Hahaha, this is a good show——!!!"]

The situation in the picture made Elder Qingxue feel even more embarrassed.

She clearly remembered that when she had just achieved success in cultivation, she ran to Ye Mansion to take revenge.

"Uncle Qingxue, with your strength at that time, you will definitely not be able to defeat Ye Xuan, did he arrest you?

did he explain it to you

Did you not listen to his explanation at all?"

Yu Ling'er asked Elder Qingxue.

Hearing this, Elder Qingxue shook his head and said:

"At that time, I did trouble Ye Xuan, but I didn't expect him to be away...

What a pity... If he was there at the time, perhaps, he could have caught me and explained everything to me.

There will be no later events..."

"That's right, that's really a pity."

Hearing this, Yu Ling'er felt a little regretful:

"Is this the arrangement of fate?!!"

No, it's the arrangement of the script......

Ye Xuan said secretly on the side.

【"Ye Xuan, come out and die, otherwise, I will tear down your Ye Mansion——!!!"

In the sky, Mo Qingxue's voice was still coming.

But in Ye Xuan's room, Ye had a look of helplessness on his face.



Seeing Ye Xuan appearing on the screen, Elder Qingxue suddenly felt bad again...

No, she just said that Ye Xuan was not at home, but now Ye Xuan appeared on the screen.

What's going on?!!!

Naturally, Yu Ling'er also saw Ye Xuan, and she asked Elder Qingxue:

"Uncle... Didn't you say that Ye Xuan is not at home?"

"Ah this..."

For a moment, Elder Qingxue was so embarrassed that he didn't know how to explain:

"If he's at home, why doesn't he come out?!!"

【"Hey...... what can I do......"

Ye Xuan looked in the direction of the sky, his face was helpless, and his eyes were full of sorrow.

"When I crossed the catastrophe before, what the heart demon phantom said was absolutely not false.

The lady once swore that if she didn't kill me with her own hands, she would fall into hell forever......

If I meet her now and explain everything to her, I am afraid that after she understands the truth, she will immediately give up the idea of ​​killing me.

At that time, she will be dead.

No, I can't see her-!!!"

Speaking of this, Ye Xuan showed a look of reluctance, and then, he made a formula, and his whole body turned into a fairy light, and disappeared into the room.


"It turned out that Ye Xuan didn't dare to see his uncle again because he was concerned about his uncle's oath."

Yuling (had it) said:

"It's also because of this that you, uncle, have the opportunity to grow up slowly, and even surpass Ye Xuan's, right?"


Elder Qingxue heard the words, and said with embarrassment:

"Probably so..."

She had already recalled what she had done back then.

Now it seems that it is too embarrassing-!!!

Because Ye Xuan was concerned about her oath, he didn't dare to meet her, and he didn't dare to explain to her.

But what did she do?

"Ye Xuan, by now, have you become a coward? Are you afraid of me?!!


In the sky, Mo Qingxue yelled at Ye Fu below.

"Very well, don't think that if you don't come out [I can't do anything with you——!!!"

As she spoke, she went on to exclaim:

"Everyone in Ye Mansion, listen to me and get out of Ye Mansion immediately, otherwise, I will immediately turn Ye Mansion into ruins with thunder—!!!"


"Quick, run fast——!!!"

"Oh my God, Madam Qiran is so powerful now!!!"

"She is already a fairy, what should I do, she wants to kill Young Master Ye."

"What else can I do, this is their family business, do you want to take care of it?!!"

Suddenly, in the entire Ye Mansion, dozens of people escaped up and down.


Looking at the panicked people below, Elder Qingxue sneered and shook

shaking head:

"Unexpectedly, I just reached the psychic realm, and I have already made you Ye Xuan a coward, Ye Xuan, have you ever thought that one day, you will also be under my command?"



Elder Qingxue's face turned even redder.

She couldn't help roaring in her heart, please, stop talking.

I want face——!!!

Obviously Ye Xuan is already a fairy, but he, a little psychic cultivator, is talking nonsense on Ye Xuan's head.

How embarrassing and embarrassing this is.

It turns out that the truth turned out to be like this...

Why do I only know now.

She felt her face was burning hot.

On the other side, Yu Ling'er couldn't help laughing secretly as she looked at the scene in front of her.


Elder Qingxue, it's too embarrassing.

I thought it was great to reach the psychic realm, and I was very proud, thinking that Ye Xuan would not dare to see her.

And call him a shrinking turtle...

If Ye Xuan didn't love her, I'm afraid she would have been slapped in the face by then——!!!

What else did Ye Xuan tremble under her hands.

It really made my lungs explode with laughter, even though Mo Qingxue didn't know the truth at that time.

However, the current Elder Qingxue knows the truth.

Hee hee hee...…

Thinking of this, Yu Ling'er looked at Elder Qingxue again.

Immediately, Elder Qingxue's complexion turned redder.

How could she not understand what Yu Linger meant——!!!

Unexpectedly, everything I did before, thinking I was straightforward, turned out to be a joke.

【"Ye Xuan, it looks like you are afraid to come out to see me?

Very good, it seems that you don't know what it means to be a monk in the psychic realm.

Thinking that this small shabby house can protect you, don’t you——!!!”

Seeing that Ye Xuan hadn't come out yet, Mo Qingxue could only continue to speak harshly.

"It took me so many years to take revenge. I didn't expect this feeling to be so refreshing. I used to kneel down and beg him, and I didn't want me to give him a child. Now

But I was so scared that I didn't even dare to show up...Ahh..."

Sneer JPG.


Ye Xuan, who had already slipped to the Green Leaf Mountain outside Wuyuan Town, looked at Mo Qingxue in the distance, and laughed out loud after hearing what she said just now.

"Hahaha... She said that I don't know what it means to be a monk in the psychic realm... My wife is too cute."


Elder Qingxue couldn't help covering his face with his hands.

It's really embarrassing to see people...

Speaking of which, I didn't think there was anything wrong when I took revenge back then, but looking back now, the things I did were really embarrassing.

What the hell is going on with this past mirror, why is the picture about my embarrassment not so detailed?!!

Originally, I should have readily found Ye Xuan to be complicated.

But now, it has become an embarrassment for myself...

Can you please skip all these contents?

She only felt that her face was so hot that her hands ached, especially when Yu Ling'er was still laughing and looking at her, which made her feel like she was being pricked all over her body.

Goosebumps are up.

However, the more Elder Qingxue thought about it, the more that Qian Chen mirror seemed to be going against her.

Not only did the plot not skip over, but it was still playing below.

【"Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan......"

Looking at so many people below, everyone was looking at the sky curiously, but Ye Xuan never showed up.

Mo Qingxue couldn't help but shook her head and sighed:

"Up to now, do you really think that you can escape from me by chance?

Well, let me show you the methods of psychic monks.

In case you think, I am the same as last time, just here to scare you.

Today, you must die—!!!"

As she spoke, she pinched a formula with both hands, and the spiritual power circulated in her hands.

Between Mo Qingxue's fingers, a formation pattern instantly expanded.

In the next moment, a pattern appeared in the sky.

The rays of light from the pattern enveloped the entire Ye Mansion inside.

To those mortals below, Mo Qingxue at this moment is like a fairy, a goddess.

However, for those off-screen....


"Puff.....․Hahahaha...Today, you must die——!!!"

Yu Ling'er couldn't help laughing out loud.


Ye Xuan also laughed out:

"The means of the psychic realm are really powerful... Poof... However, compared with the immortals, they are still far behind."

The laughter of the two, Elder Qingxue heard it in his ears, wishing he could come over and beat them up——!!!

These two guys are so disgusting——!!!

Fortunately, only the two of them saw this dark history.

Otherwise, I don't even know if I want to kill someone or not.

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