Villain: Sadomasochism Begins, The Heroine Cries For Forgiveness

Chapter 55.1 The Bingshan Fairy Regrets And Cries

At this moment, Fairy Qingxue leaned quietly in Ye Xuan's arms.

For the first time in hundreds of years, her mood was so peaceful and peaceful.

Looking back on myself over the past few hundred years, I really wronged Ye Xuan too much, too much.

For himself, he is even willing to die by his own hands, willing to bear his own hatred, just to keep himself from feeling uncomfortable

He didn't even want to explain to himself, he would rather let himself hunt him down for hundreds of years with hatred than let himself live with guilt.

If it wasn't for him being different from ordinary people, I'm afraid he would have been killed by himself in the cycle of reincarnation long ago, and he would no longer exist.

However, even if he hated him so much, he didn't want to listen to his explanation and caused him to suffer so much, but at the moment when the truth was exposed, he easily forgave himself.

Even, I didn't blame myself too much.

Could it be that he could really accept his forgiveness so peacefully?

No, absolutely not---!!!

Thinking of this, Jun Qingzhong's eyes could not help flashing a trace of determination.

Even if I spend my whole life, I have to make good compensation to Ye Xuan. This time, I will never let him be wronged again.

Yu Ling'er was also leaning in Ye Xuan's arms, her eyes were full of guilt.

She is different from Elder Qingxue. The misunderstanding between Elder Qingxue and Ye Xuan was witnessed by Ye Xuan himself, so Elder Qingxue had the opportunity to kneel down and beg Ye Xuan for forgiveness.

Seeing her so delicate appearance, even I can't help but blame her.

Moreover, the matter between Ye Xuan and her can only be said to be a trick of God, no wonder she.

But what about yourself?

I didn't even take the initiative to apologize to Ye Xuan once, but after explaining to Ye Xuan, I became cheeky and stuck to him.

How can this work?!!

No, I have to admit my mistake to Wang Xuan.

"Ye Xuan, I'm sorry——!!!"

Thinking of this, Yu Ling'er suddenly jumped up, knelt down in front of Ye Xuan, and said with teary eyes:

"I'm really sorry...I really didn't expect...not only did I hurt you so much before rebirth, but also, I was so hateful in my previous life...I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, you punish me, you can beat me, scold can do whatever you want---!!!"


At this moment, Ye Xuan couldn't help being speechless for a while.

No, is the script written by myself so powerful?

It was fine just now, and now you are begging for forgiveness.

Cough, I'm a little embarrassed about how you're doing, laughing...

Looking at Yu Linger, Ye Xuan smiled and said:

"Senior Sister Ling'er, let the past matter pass, don't mention it in the future (if I mention it again, I will feel guilty.

After all, I wrote the script by myself, and I have the final say on what I did for them.

Forcibly reversing the plot and making the heroine who should have killed herself feel guilty in front of her, this is really despicable.

Ye Xuan himself can't bear the guilt of the heroine.

He stretched out his hand to Yu Ling'er, beckoning her to return to his arms.

Yu Ling'er was so moved that she had to obediently return to Ye Xuan's arms, like an obedient little rabbit, she raised her head and looked at Ye Xuan with pitiful eyes.

"Okay, it's all over... Don't feel guilty any more...Since we can be together now, why bother thinking about those unpleasant things before?"

Hearing this, Yu Ling'er and Mo Qingxue looked at each other and nodded slightly.

Obviously, Ye Xuan can say that, but they definitely don't think so.

How could the past pass so easily.

What they owe Ye Xuan will never be repaid.

Thinking of this, Yu Ling'er also strengthened her belief.

She must hurry up and work hard to cultivate and return to the original fairy realm.

Only in this way can she be worthy of staying by Ye Xuan's side, and she can help him when he is in need.

"By the way, husband...why, you won't be reincarnated?"

At this time, Fairy Qingxue suddenly raised her head and asked Ye Xuan:

"As far as I know, the only ones in this world who don't enter reincarnation are demons, who will re-condense their bodies and be reborn after death. Even immortals must enter reincarnation after death.


Hearing this, Yu Ling'er also cast a curious look at Ye Xuan.

Speaking of which, Ye Xuan's secret is indeed quite big.

Why can his practice speed be so fast, and why, after death, he does not enter reincarnation, but is just reborn?

Is he really a demon?

Probably not------!!!

"If I'm really a demon, what are you going to do?"

Ye Xuan looked at the fairy in his arms, and asked her:

"Are you going to kill me?"

Elder Qingxue shook his head slightly, and said with a smile:

"Even if you are a devil, I believe you are a good devil, how could I kill you for no reason, not to mention, I still owe you so much..."

Seeing Elder Qingxue in his arms, Ye Xuan nodded slightly.

From the looks of it, Fairy Qingxue has indeed changed a lot from the former Mo Qingxue.

After all, this has been the case for hundreds of years.

In these hundreds of years, with vicissitudes, she is no longer the Mo Qingxue she was back then.

Apart from the fact that her hatred towards him has not changed before, I am afraid that she is almost not the same person as Mo Qingxue now.

Now she is much more mature than before.

It's just that because of the hatred of the whole life, her temperament is very cold...

Now the hatred has completely disintegrated, and her cold temperament is gone.

"Actually, I'm not a demon."

Ye Xuan says:

"It's just that my situation is special and it's hard to explain."

Ye Xuan replied.

He can't say that he has a system that allows him to travel back to the past and play the role of the big villain in her mind...

Everything that happened before was actually directed by him himself according to the script, right?

If he had said that, the hostess, who had been moved to cry in his arms before, would turn into anger the next moment and pick up the sword to fight him desperately.

After all, there are some things that you want to do from the bottom of your heart are still different from acting according to the script, and the feeling is even more different.

What's more, the script was written by Ye Xuan himself.

It belongs to self-directed and self-acted......

That way, the hostess won't go crazy with anger, that's a weird thing.

"Since it is difficult to explain, there is no need to explain."

...asking for flowers...0

Yu Linger and Qingxue both said at the same time.

After speaking, both of them looked at each other and smiled.

That's right, there's no need to explain, no matter what Ye Xuan does in the future, I'm afraid they will believe Ye Xuan unconditionally.

The three of them stayed silently for a long time, and finally Elder Qingxue left Ye Xuan's arms.

She opened her mouth and said:

"Husband, I still have some things that must be dealt with. After I finish dealing with it, I will definitely come back to you......

As she spoke, she said to Yu Ling'er again:

"Ling'er, during this period of time, my husband will be handed over to you first, you can't let him suffer any more grievances-!!!"

"Uh... um..."

Hearing this, Yu Ling'er was a little depressed.

What do you call your husband——!!!

He...Although he used to be your husband, you have already left him.

It’s very embarrassing to call out now, huh——!!!

Also, even if you don't say it, I will take care of Ye Xuan, leave it to me, you said that on purpose, right?

Although depressed, at this moment, Yu Ling'er felt a little guilty.


After all, she in the previous life was also one of the chief culprits for Qingxue and Ye Xuan's feud.

Of course, Elder Qingxue also understood that he owed Yu Ling'er.

If it wasn't for him, Jiang Ling'er in the previous life might have married Ye Xuan, and the two would miss the marriage later, and it was all his fault.

So she didn't mean to...

Yu Ling'er agreed, and Elder Qing said to Ye Xuan:

"Husband, wait for me to come back."


Ye Xuan nodded in agreement.

If he disagrees, can he stop her?

Just don't know what's up with her.

With a wave of her hand, she put away the front dust mirror and flew towards the sky, turning into a light spot in the distance and disappearing into the air.

Here, only Yu Linger and Ye Xuan are left.

The next moment, the special space that Ye Xuan and Yu Linger were in collapsed, and their time instantly synchronized with the outside world.

This is a special spell cast by Fairy Qingxue. In fact, it is a kind of illusion, which makes them feel like they have passed a long time.

In fact, only one edition has passed.

This kind of spell is only effective when used by people with high cultivation bases on people with low cultivation bases.

Originally, Elder Qingxue wanted to let Ye Xuan die clearly in the illusion, but in the end, she was slapped in the face by Ye Xuan...

Now, this illusion naturally no longer needs to be maintained.

For Ye Xuan and Yu Ling'er, it took just a short while, but it seemed like several days had passed.

After all, some of the content in the front mirror is very detailed...

It has been so many days just after reading those contents.

All of a sudden, several days of content poured into the minds of the two of them, and the feeling of exhaustion surged up instantly.

Especially Ye Xuan, he has traveled to the past at this moment, and the experience of several years makes him feel very tired

Originally, Yu Ling'er wanted to continue teaching Ye Xuan to practice, but now she has lost her energy.

Both of them sat on the ground weakly, looking at each other.

(This chapter has been rectified, so the content after that may be a little confusing, everyone should be fine after waiting for a long time. Force).

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