Villain: Sadomasochism Begins, The Heroine Cries For Forgiveness

Chapter 55.3 The Bingshan Fairy Regrets And Cries

Could it be...

Suddenly, Ye Xuan was secretly startled, and understood what Qingxue had just done.

After all, she hasn't found the real culprit who caused her to suffer in this life.

How could she not seek revenge?

If it is said that before, she hated herself so much that she wished to kill herself and then hurry up, then later, she was so guilty of herself that she wanted to die...

And it goes without saying how much anger the original culprit who caused all this will bear from her?!-!

Therefore, Qingxue is going to take revenge——!!!

She went to find the vixen.

Could it be that she found the vixen, and, after correcting her confession, found that what the vixen said was different from the plot she made up?

This is impossible——!!!

As the system clearly stated, its own script is not just to change the heroine's mind, but to truly create the past and the future.

Everything written in the script is true.....

Therefore, except that the sincerity of the actor himself may be somewhat different from the character, everything else is true.

If Qingxue really found the vixen, what she heard from the vixen must be the same as in the script.

But, now her attitude towards herself...

Could it be that his own system is fake?

Did she know the real truth?


When Ye Xuan panicked, Qingxue continued:

"Just call me my wife..."

As she spoke, her face blushed slightly.


Scared the baby.

Ye Xuan almost thought that Qingxue got some truth, which was different from his script.

If that's the case, it's not good. Doesn't this mean that his system is also a fake?

Now it seems that he is more worried.

If the system can make mistakes, I will doubt whether my time travel is a dream.

The system is the truth, which is the first rule of the novel world.

"My lady, why...why did you look at me like that just now, almost frightened my husband."

Facing Qingxue, Ye Xuan was no stranger, and directly called out his wife.

Although for the other party, he may have not seen her for hundreds of years.

However, for Ye Xuan, he just traveled to the past, died at the hands of Qingxue, and even called her a lady just now.

He didn't feel that he would be unfamiliar with the word "lady", it was very easy to pronounce.

"It's not this stinky fox---!!!"

As she said that, Qingxue pointed her hand and released a vixen from her Qiankun bag.

It was a very seductively dressed woman.

As soon as she was released, she immediately begged Qingxue for mercy:

"Fairy, spare your life, Fairy, spare your life——!!!"

"Uh... I didn't expect that she is still alive."

Ye Xuan looked at the vixen, pretending to be shocked.

In fact, he intentionally kept this vixen at the beginning just to let Qing Zhong relieve his hatred.

Otherwise, Qingxue suffered a great grievance, and in the end she couldn't find someone to take revenge on, which would be too miserable.

But he can't really be that enemy himself, can he?

Therefore, this vixen became the best choice.

Otherwise, Ye Xuan directly changed the script to say that the vixen was killed by himself, wouldn't it be fine?

At the same time, the appearance of this vixen here also proves that something is important.

There is nothing wrong with the capabilities of the system.

Ye Xuan couldn't figure out whether it was the past or the system script that existed first, but it is absolutely true that the system can indeed create destiny.

"Husband, this vixen has caused you too much grievances. Now, I will catch her and let you dispose of her---!!!"

At this moment, Qingxue's eyes were already full of murderous intent.

In fact, on the way here just now, she couldn't help but want to kill her.

However, although she has experienced a lot of pain because of this vixen.

However, she understood that Ye Xuan was the one who suffered the most, so she wanted to leave this chance of revenge to Ye Xuan.


The vixen looked at Ye Xuan, and Yi Shi's expression changed drastically.

"Ye are still alive too----!!!"

"Hehe, are you surprised that I'm still alive?"

Seeing the vixen in front of him, Ye Xuan sneered.

Although it was fate, the vixen harmed himself after all.

Therefore, Tuxuan will not make her feel better.

However, seeing Qingxue's hard-to-dispel hatred in her eyes, Ye Xuan said:

"Miss, I'd better hand her over to you... I understand that if you don't kill her, I'm afraid your hatred will be hard to get rid of.

This is not good for your practice. "


Hearing this, the vixen couldn't help being anxious, and she quickly said to Ye Xuan:

"No, Mr. Ye, I have never offended you, you must not listen to the old Taoist Qingyu's words."

In her opinion, Ye Xuan and Mo Qingxue must have heard about what she did from Taoist Qingyu.

After all, it is impossible for ordinary people to know what she did before.

Therefore, she still has room for sophistry.

She continued:

"The old Taoist deliberately made up some reasons in order to catch me, trying to cheat you of your money.

As she said that, she also rubbed towards Ye Xuan, casting a little bit of charm at Ye Xuan.


Hearing this, Ye Xuan sneered and was about to say something.

But, the next moment, Elder Qingxue by the side of the sun was gone.

She directly slashed at the vixen with a sword.

...asking for flowers......

Stinky vixen, dare to hook up with my wife's man in front of my mother?!!


The next moment, accompanied by the sound of screams, the vixen was killed directly.

From her body, a soul floated out in a daze.

"Hmph, you have committed a lot of evil, even if you go to hell after you die, it won't be easy."

After beheading the vixen with her own hands, Qingxue couldn't help feeling dark.

Immediately, I only felt that my cultivation seemed to be starting to rise.

A clear mind will indeed make people's cultivation improve rapidly.

She hadn't had this feeling for a long time.

At this time, I saw a ghost lamp leading the way, and a walker from the underworld came over.

Qingxue glanced at the Underworld Walker, but didn't say much.

And Ye Xuan couldn't see things in the underworld because his cultivation was not enough.

"Hu Xi'er, you are dead, follow me to Huangquan."

The Underworld Walker with the lamp in his hand said to the vixen.


"? I.... am I dead?"

Looking at his hands, he felt that his body was just a phantom.

At this moment, the vixen lied.

"Huangquan.....No, I don't want to go to Huangquan!!!"

As a goblin, a vixen naturally knows what going to hell means.

All the sins of her life will be liquidated in the underworld.

She also understands what kind of terrifying place the underworld is.

Eighteen levels of hell, each level has heinous and cruel punishments, those who do evil can neither survive nor die.

This is much worse than being lost——!!!

So, without hesitation, she wanted to run away.

However, the Underworld Walker just shone the ghost lamp in his hand, and the vixen who was about to escape was forcibly taken in by the ghost lamp.

After collecting the vixen's soul, Huangquan Walker nodded slightly to Qingxue, turned around and left, stepping out, it was already the underworld.

And Ye Xuan, that is, Sifu, didn't notice what happened.

This is the efficiency of the Underworld Walker.

If it was the black and white impermanence in the past, the bull head and the horse face, let alone come to the Taihua Immortal Gate to do business, I am afraid it would be difficult to get close to the Taihua Immortal Gate.


Seeing the vixen being taken away by the Underworld Walker, Qingxue couldn't help but let out a slight sigh of relief.

For a long time, the kind of hatred that made her feel unbearable pain finally disappeared at this moment.

Immediately, she looked at Ye Xuan with endless tenderness in her eyes.


She stepped forward and threw herself into Ye Xuan's arms.


She rested her head in Ye Xuan's arms, and said with a moved face:

"It's really great, I can be with you again, I feel that my life is worth it——!!!"


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