"I don't know what happened below....... The battle is so intense——!!!"

At this time, Yu Ling'er was standing on Qingxue Peak with Ye Xuan, looking around the Taihua Mountain below.

I saw fierce battles taking place all around Taihua Mountain.

Countless monsters rushed towards the foundation of the Taihua Mountain formation. Suddenly, the herd of beasts surged like a tidal wave, which was very terrifying.

These monsters are as small as a human being, but they move very sensitively.

But the big one is as tall as several floors of buildings, and when it is slapped, the ground shakes and the mountains shake. Although the action does not seem to be very sensitive, it is also not a small threat.

It's just that, looking from the zenith, these small-scale battles cannot be seen.

Really fierce battles, in the sky.

Everywhere in Taihua Mountain, you can see that the masters of Taihua Xianmen are suppressing the group of monsters.

Even Daoqin Daoist has personally participated in the battle.

The clanging sound of the zither came from Taihua Mountain, where the sound of the zither passed, countless monsters disappeared in smoke.

In the sky above the entire Taihua Mountain, a huge formation visible to the naked eye was in motion, and the sky seemed to have turned into a part of Taihua Mountain. As the power of the formation passed, all monsters were suppressed.

This time, all the people capable of fighting in the entire Fairy Gate of Taihua Mountain were dispatched collectively.

In the sky, immortals in battle can be seen everywhere, with sword aura flying freely.

The demonic aura is also overwhelmingly strong.

"Sword Transformation into Nine Heavens—!"

At this moment, I saw a clear shout from somewhere below, and the sword intent soared into the sky, and the sword energy filled the sky, turning into a huge statue of Nine Heavens Profound Goddess in the air, and slashed towards a certain place with a sword.


Accompanying it was the sound of a tragic monster roar.

It seems that some powerful monster was killed by the sword of the Nine Heavens Xuannv.

"Nine Heavens Profound Sword Art.....It's Master Qingxue..."

Yu Ling'er looked in that direction and said.

"Really, this is the Nine Heavens Profound Sword Art, it is really powerful."

Ye Xuan secretly regretted that in the script he wrote, the mysterious exercise could be practiced by himself, but the system automatically corrected it to be a exercise that only those who read the exercise could comprehend.

There is no way, he can only miss the opportunity to practice the Nine Heavens Profound Sword Art.

However, since Qingxue knows how to let her teach herself, with her selfless sword heart, it shouldn't really take hundreds of years to learn such a kung fu.

It's just that Ye Xuan is a little strange. In the script of Mount Taihua, when did there ever be a monster attacking the mountain?

Even if there is, isn't it a play that I arranged after a long time?

What is the situation now?

Therefore, he directly asked Yu Linger:

"Ling'er, you said you were reborn, so do you know about this great battle?"

"I have no idea."

Yu Ling'er shook her head and said with a puzzled look:

"I never knew there were so many evil spirits attacking Taihua Mountain... Strange...why, now there are so many evil spirits attacking Taihua Mountain?

How is this going?!!"

With puzzlement, the two watched the battle down the mountain from the top of the mountain.

The battle lasted for two full hours.

A big battle ended with Taihua Mountain intact.

Although the entire Taihua Mountain was busy up and down, there were no casualties.

On the contrary, the evil spirits who attacked the mountain suffered heavy losses, leaving many corpses behind, and many evil spirits were captured and imprisoned in the Taihua Demon Prison.

Ye Xuan and Yu Ling'er waited on Qingxue Peak for an unknown amount of time. Finally, they saw a sword light flying up to Qingxue Peak.

The sword light dissipated, revealing Qingxue's appearance.

"My lady, how are you, are you hurt?"

Ye Xuan hurriedly asked with concern.

...I'm fine, it's just that I've consumed some spiritual power, and I'll recover after a while of meditation. "

Qingxue replied:

"But...it's troublesome now.

"What the hell happened?"

Ye Xuan asked.

"It seems...a major event that affects the world has happened..."

Qingxue said:

"The demons in the world are in turmoil, and some people are deliberately pushing those monsters to attack Taihua.

The specific situation is not yet known. "


Ye Xuan nodded and said:

"It seems that I really have to hurry up and practice... Otherwise, next time I encounter this situation, I won't even be able to watch the battle."

Although he had reached the realm of immortality before, it was achieved in a script state.

In the script state, Ye Xuan will never encounter any real danger, and there will be no situation where he can't do the things in the script.

Because there is a system to help him meet the script requirements.

However, it is different now, now in the real world...

If he really encountered any danger, not only would he not have the ability to fight, he would not even have the ability to protect himself or escape.

That's too ridiculous--!!!

Seeing Ye Xuan like this, Qingxue nodded with a smile and said:

"You're right... Husband, don't worry, since I entered the Taihua Immortal Gate, I have saved a lot of good things. I will give you all these things to help you return to the fairyland as soon as possible——

As she said that, she felt a little regretful...

If she hadn't killed Ye Xuan in her previous life, with Ye Xuan's terrifying talent, if she had lived for hundreds of years, she would have been invincible already.

It's her fault that Ye Xuan is in such a mess now.

Therefore, she must try her best to help Ye Xuan recover her cultivation as soon as possible——!!

"Brother Ye Xuan, I will also seize the time to practice hard and try not to hold you back.

At this time, Yu Ling'er on the side was also secretly swearing.

Must practice hard.

After all, although her talent is already powerful enough, it is still far behind Ye Xuan's terrifying talent.

Maybe... Ye Xuan is actually the legendary fairy root.

Although no one can tell whether his spiritual root is good or bad, but only the fairy root can have this kind of cultivation speed.

Fortunately, although Yu Ling'er is not the reincarnation of an immortal, she is also a person who has reached an immortal.

She believes that as long as she is willing to work hard, Jia Ding will not be used too much by Ye Xuan.

On the other side, a woman with an expression of unwillingness, her hands covering her shoulders "eight nine seven", is standing in a hidden place outside Taihua Mountain, looking in the direction of Taihua Mountain.

Behind her, nine big tails were hanging powerlessly on the ground.

And on her shoulder, a very obvious scar could be seen, bleeding profusely.

As the spiritual power in her hands continued to flow toward her shoulders, the wound on her shoulders was healing little by little.

However, just as the wound healed a little bit, a sword energy could be seen flying across, opening her wound.

"The hateful sword energy, Taihua swordsmanship, really deserves its reputation, even if I am now, I can't heal myself..."

The woman looked resentful:

"It's just that I didn't expect that I would take the risk and sneak into Taihua while the group of monsters were attacking the mountain, but I didn't find Ye Xuan, that flirtatious lover at Qingyan Peak...

Could it be that he lied to me from the very beginning?

He is not from Qingyan Peak at all?


Forget it, if we wait a little longer, he will always come out of Mount Taihua. "

After finishing speaking, a space crack opened behind the woman, and she slowly retreated into the space crack, never to be seen again.

One day passed quickly.

The next day, early in the morning, Yu Ling'er came to Ye Xuan's door and knocked on the door.

"Brother Ye Xuan... is getting up soon, and is about to start practicing.

When she knocked on the door, she was still a little worried, if another Uncle Qingxue came out of Ye Xuan's room, she would be a little embarrassed.

After all, this pair of dogs and men were originally in love with each other, and they also had a marriage contract in a previous life, and they had already spent a night in Qingyan Peak before.

Now at Qingxue Peak, aren't the two of them even more restrained?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but blush.

It's really embarrassing to live with them by yourself.

By the way, when does brother Ye Xuan plan to marry me?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but look forward to it.

Immediately, with a creak, the door was opened by Ye Xuan from the inside.

"Huh? Brother Ye Xuan, are you alone... Isn't Uncle Qingxue here?"

Yu Linger asked curiously.

I thought that I would see some scenes that shouldn't be seen.

"Do you want to see her there?"

"No, no..."

Yu Ling'er shook her head like a wave drum.

Ye Xuan laughed:

"What were you thinking just now?"

"Ah...I...I didn't think about anything..."

Yu Ling'er's face turned red, she didn't know that Ye Xuan was teasing her on purpose.

"It seems that Uncle Qingxue is going to Taihua Hall to discuss matters. Brother Ye Xuan, come, let's continue to practice."

Saying that, Yu Ling'er took Ye Xuan's hand and walked towards the Spirit Gathering Formation on one side.

After the two sat on the ground, Yu Linger said to Ye Xuan:

"Brother Ye Xuan, although I know you have been to the fairyland, I don't want to remind you.

In matters of practice, haste makes waste.

Therefore, if you feel that your cultivation speed is not fast enough, you still have to calm down and wait for the opportunity slowly.

There is no rush to practice this kind of thing.

Although it didn't take long for you to guide the spirit, I think that no matter how fast your cultivation speed is, it should take about seven days to consecrate, so take your time.


Hearing this, Ye Xuan closed his eyes, and with a thought, the spiritual power in his body surged wildly, and immediately, a burst of spiritual light emanated from his body.

After the light dissipated, Ye Xuan sat there, his whole body emitting a star-like light.


Looking at the scene in front of him, Yu Lingchuan couldn't help being dumbfounded.

"It's only...two days?"

Opened in two days?!

Two days of consecration.....Do you dare to hurry up?!!

Isn’t your cultivation speed a bit too scary——!!!

"Okay, don't look at me, and continue to practice."

Ye Xuan said to Yu Ling'er.

"Uh... oh..."

Yu Ling'er was hit hard...

With the speed of Ye Xuan's cultivation, I'm afraid, it won't be long before she will be overtaken.

Haste makes waste, now she wants to make progress in her cultivation as soon as possible, so as not to be surpassed by Ye Xuan soon.

Because, she believed that once Ye Xuan surpassed her, she might not be able to keep up with Ye Xuan.

While the two were practicing, they saw a ray of sky light falling from below, which immediately transformed into the figure of Qingxue.

"Miss, you are back."

Ye Xuan opened his eyes, looked at Qingxue who came back, and said with a smile:

"What did you say when you went to Taihua Hall this time?"

Hearing this, Qingxue said:

"This time not only the monsters attacked Taihua Mountain, but also many sects of cultivating immortals in the world were attacked by the demons, and even some weak sects of cultivating immortals were killed because of this.

Being wiped out..."


Hearing this, Ye Xuan couldn't help being surprised:

"There is such a thing, has the reason been investigated?"

"It's not clear yet..."

Qingxue shook her head and said:

"However, because of this incident... many sects of cultivating immortals headed by the Taihua Immortal Sect have decided to strengthen their disciples' practice.

Strive to let all disciples reach the psychic realm as soon as possible and have the ability to protect themselves. "


Hearing this, Ye Xuan couldn't help being a little puzzled:

"I understand the truth, but, can this cultivation level be improved if you want to improve?

Even if Linger's talent is so good, she has only cultivated since she was a child, and now she is only in the state of controlling objects.

"It's just what it's called——!!!"

Hearing this, Yu Linger suddenly became upset, and she said to Ye Xuan:

"Brother Ye Xuan, I'm already amazing, okay...it's pretty good for ordinary people to reach the realm of imperial objects at the age of one hundred and eighty. The Taoist Qingyu you met in your previous life, I'm afraid he will never die."

I haven't reached the imperial realm in my life. "

Seeing that Yu Linger was upset, Ye Xuan reached out and touched her head, and said with a smile:

"Okay, don't make trouble.


Yu Ling'er nodded obediently and stopped talking.

Qingxue went on to say:

"If it is just a duty of practice, it is naturally difficult for ordinary people to quickly succeed in cultivation, but cultivating immortality itself is beyond the imagination of ordinary people, and naturally it cannot be considered with common sense.

If you gather the power of many immortals, you can open a blessed place called Huanyudongtian. That blessed place is different from the outside world, and time flows very fast...

Only one day has passed outside, but it seems like decades have passed inside.

That is to say, as long as all the disciples of the immortal family are sent into the universe cave, the goal of making all the disciples of the immortal family soar in a short period of time can be achieved.

"Oh? So powerful——!"

Hearing this, Tu Xuan couldn't help but his eyes brightened:

"There is such a powerful place, why don't you usually use it?"

"Because even a god can't create something out of nothing, and the storage of spiritual power in the universe is limited."

Qingxue replied:

"That is to say, if a large amount of spiritual power in the cave is consumed in a short period of time, because the flow rate in the cave is a thousand times faster than that of the outside world, if you want to restore the spiritual power in the cave, you must

The same has to wait for thousands of years.

Therefore, after discussing with all righteous immortal sects, Fuyu Dongtian will never break into it if it is not necessary.

The Huanyudongtian can only be used when facing a huge crisis.

Moreover, Huanyudongtian only shortened the cultivation time of the disciples of the immortal family on the surface.

For the fairy family who entered the cave, people have really experienced those decades of cultivation.

If one lacks xinxing, it will be difficult to persevere day after day.  …

However, this is the first time that so many people have been allowed to enter the Huanyu Cave. Perhaps, even if they feel bored again, they can maintain their cultivation in it until they reach perfection.

"Hiss... So, wouldn't it be possible for me to become an immortal in one day?!!"

Hearing this, Ye Xuan's eyes brightened.

What a beautiful thing--!!!

"Yeah, I've never heard of this place called Huanyudongtian... If there is such a place, I can cultivate into a fairy in one day-!!!"

Yu Linger said happily.

Seeing Ye Xuan and Yu Linger so happy, Qingxue couldn't help laughing and said:

"What are you thinking, where is such a good thing...

Although the Huanyudongtian allows people to cultivate and become immortals in it, but the Huanyudongtian is divided into levels.

At each level, the level of cultivation that can be cultivated is fixed, and the power required to open the cave is also extremely huge.

Even if it is just to open the spirit-leading realm on the first floor, it will take three immortals to apply at the same time.

In order to open the world of the psychic realm, almost all the immortals who are willing to make a move have to make a move together.

If you enter the cave-heaven level of the spirit-leading realm, then you can only cultivate to the spirit-leading realm, and you will be sent out by force.

In the same way, if you enter the level of the Imperial Object Realm, you will be forcibly sent out after you reach the Imperial Object Realm.

In short, this is a place that is fair to people with mediocre talents. As long as you are willing to work hard in it, you will definitely have a corresponding cultivation level after you come out...

Of course, the time spent inside is real.

If you spend decades in it before coming out, it is also equivalent to losing decades of life in the outside world. The gain or loss depends on the individual's choice.

And most of the people who can become disciples of the major sects of cultivating immortals are not bad in talent, so they won't worry about wasting their lives if they think about it. "

"There is such a good place... I was really Bai Xiuxun in my previous life.

Ye Xuan said so.

"Me too--!!!"

Yu Linger said regretfully:

"In my previous life, I was so focused on cultivating that I didn't know there was such a place. It seems that although I have become an immortal, I still don't know enough about the world of immortal cultivators."

"Hehe, the two of you are still living too short a time. When you live thousands of years, you will know that the more you practice, the more you can feel that your understanding of this world is too short.

Too shallow. "

Qingxue smiled triumphantly.

"The so-called female college junior holds gold bricks. I am a female college junior, and the golden mountain is overwhelming the sea."

Hearing this, Ye Xuan smiled at Qingxue.


Hearing this, Qingxue blushed and said:

"Actually, I'm not that old. I spent most of my time in meditation and retreat. At that time, age was not counted."

Sure enough, women care about age, even fairies who are not old for thousands of years.

"Brother Ye Xuan, that's great. In this way, you can reach the psychic realm soon."

At this moment, Yu Linger said excitedly on the side:

"With your talent, you can completely enter the cave world, and you don't need to work so hard to increase your cultivation. You can spend a lot of time practicing spells and exercises... By the way,

Don’t you want to learn the Nine Heavens Profound Sword Art? You can also ask Uncle Qingxue to teach it to you now, after you go in, you can wait until you have practiced before coming out——!!!"

Yu Ling'er had already noticed that although Ye Xuan had been to the realm of immortals in his previous life, what he practiced were all miscellaneous spells, and his strength was much weaker than that of ordinary immortals.

But it's also true, the truly powerful fairy art, without a hundred years of hard work, how can it be so easy to achieve.

Ye Xuan became an immortal after only a few years of practice, so it is understandable that his strength is not stable.

However, now that there is a world of caves, the problem of Ye Xuan's unstable strength can also be solved together.

"Actually, most of the cultivating sects also have this intention."

Qingxue said:

"After all, the talent of the disciples of Xiuxian sect is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary casual cultivators.

After they enter, they can take advantage of the time difference inside to increase their cultivation base while practicing their unique moves.

That's certainly enough time for most people.

This can be regarded as a disguised form to take advantage of some more, so the heads of the sects discussed together and gave all the immortal sects five days to prepare.

These five days are the time for all the disciples of the Immortal Sect to preach.

It can be said that as long as the immortal disciples who come out of the Huanyudongtian do not die young, they will definitely become the pillars of the sect in the future.

Compared with those who rely on their talents and have cultivated to extremely high levels in the outside world in a hundred years, they have spent hundreds of years in the world to polish themselves.

much more.

Of course, whether you are willing to spend so much time polishing yourself depends on whether each disciple has a firm heart.

After all, the lifespan of a cultivator is also limited. If you feel that you have practiced enough, you can come out early.

For these five days, the two of you should temporarily stop practicing. Next, I will try my best to teach you the Nine Heavens Profound Sword Art.

Teaching it by myself is much more effective than practicing with a secret book of exercises.

"Very good--!!!"

Hearing this, Yu Ling'er was overjoyed.

She has long wanted to learn the Nine Heavens Profound Sword Art, but this set of sword techniques is too difficult, even if it is her, it may take hundreds of years to learn it.

Ye Xuan began to think about it.

Seeing Ye Xuan like this, Qing asked him:

"What's wrong?"

"I was just wondering if there is any Taihua Sword Art that is more powerful than the Nine Heavens Profound Sword Art.

Ye Xuan says:

"I feel that the Nine Heavens Profound Sword Art is not suitable for me...this set of swordsmanship should not have much long-range attack ability?"

The Nine Heavens Profound Sword Jue obviously paid too much attention to melee combat, and there were almost no long-range means.

What Ye Xuan likes is the kind of swordsmanship that is invincible in melee combat and capable of kiting to show off enemies from a distance.

Hearing this, Qingxue nodded and replied:

"That's right, the Nine Heavens Profound Sword Art really doesn't have any special long-range attack ability. The long-range sword energy is basically released by relying on my cultivation base, but when you reach the realm of the immortal

Afterwards, you can change the exercises as you like, and then you can naturally learn other exercises..."

"Since the opportunity is rare, why not practice a difficult exercise from the beginning?"

Ye Xuan said.


Hearing this, Qingxue hesitated for a moment before saying:

"The Taihua Xinghong Sword Jue handed down by Taihua Patriarch Master Bixia is more difficult and stronger than the Jiutian Xuanjian Jue.

However, it is precisely because this sword technique is so difficult that basically no one succeeds in practicing it, so the technique that specializes in sword qi and the technique that specializes in sword skills are derived from this technique.

As for the original Xinghong Sword Art, because it is too difficult to practice, no one has practiced it anymore. There is only a single copy left, which has been dust-sealed in the master Daoqin's place...

Husband, if you want to try it, I can ask the real master to borrow the Xinghong Sword Art. "

"Isn't that too ostentatious?"

Ye Xuan laughed.

"No, my husband, wait a moment, I will contact Daoqin, the head of the sect."

With that said, Qingxue stood up and moved a formula.

Immediately, the next moment, a ray of spiritual light flew in the direction of the Taihua Hall.

In front of Qingxue, a phantom soon appeared.

This phantom is exactly the figure sent by Daoqin Daoist, it looks like she has come here in person.

In fact, it was almost the same, she could also see the situation here.

She looked at Qingxue and asked:

"Master Qingxue, what do you want from me?"

"Sect Master, I want to borrow Xinghong Sword Art."

Qingxue said to Daoqin's phantom.


Hearing this, Taoist Daoqin couldn't help showing a bit of surprise in his eyes.

She looked at Ye Xuan and Yu Ling'er on the side, and her eyes became even more surprised.

This Ye Xuan, she naturally still has an impression.

She was sent to Qingyan Peak a few days ago, and for some reason, now Qingxue wants to come over from Qingyan Peak.

At the same time, Elder Qingyan's daughter Tian Ling'er also came here to practice.

Daoqin Daoist is also aware of this matter.

However, she stared at Yu Ling'er and said:

"Although Ling'er is talented, in my opinion, she can't

Let's wait until she becomes an immortal to practice Xinghong Sword Art. "

"No, master master, you misunderstood, I didn't ask for the Xinghong Sword Art for Ling'er, but for Yuxuan.

Qingxue explained.

"Yu Xuan?"

Hearing this, Dao Qin's eyes turned to Ye Xuan, and his eyes were naturally even more surprised.

Ye Xuan doesn't have any spiritual roots at all, so it is basically impossible to practice in this life.

Even if one is lucky enough to practice successfully, there will be no achievement.

"Are you planning to send him into the cave of heaven and earth?"


Qingxue replied:

"Let him enter the universe, and let him practice Xinghong Sword Art by the way, maybe he will be able to do it after practicing it?"


Hearing this, Daoqin could not help sighing, and shook his head slightly.

Ye Xuan obviously has no spiritual roots, but why is he so obsessed with cultivation?

Moreover, I also want to practice the most difficult Xinghong Sword Art...

Isn't this a joke?

However, no matter what, if it can make him retreat in the face of difficulties, and don't waste his time on the mountain, it would be good.

This Xinghong Sword Art, as well as the more difficult exercises such as the Nine Heavens Xuan Sword Art, are generally not allowed to be practiced by those who are not talented enough, so as not to waste time.

But Ye Xuan, if he likes to practice, let him practice.

She naturally didn't believe that Ye Xuan could really practice it, so she said:

"Alright, I have asked General Bai to send the Xinghong Sword Art.

Ye Xuan could naturally tell that Daoqin really didn't believe that he could master the Xinghong Sword Art.

However, Ye Xuan doesn't believe that he can't do it.

He possesses the sword heart without self, destined that no sword formula in this world can defeat him.

As long as you take the time, you can definitely master it———!!

After a while, there was a cry of cranes in the sky, and immediately, a huge white crane held a secret book of exercises on its feet and sent it to Qingxue Peak.

After coming to Qingxue, it delivered the secret to Qingxue, and then it flapped its wings and stood aside.

Obviously, it is waiting for Qingxue to lend the secret back to it.

"Just right, let me see how difficult this Xinghong Sword Art is..."

Thinking of this, Qingxue opened the Xinghong Sword Art and began to copy the words in Japanese.

After a while, she copied everything down.

Immediately, she frowned and asked Bai He to send back the original Xinghong Sword Art.

She said to Ye Xuan:

"Husband... You should not practice this Xinghong Sword Art, it is too difficult, it is completely different from the difficulty of Nine Heavens Xuan Sword Art... If you don't have the ultimate talent in swordsmanship, I am afraid that you will even beat this

It takes hundreds of years to understand Xinghong Sword Art. "

"Really? Is it so difficult?"

Hearing this, Ye Xuan was a little surprised, "Then is this sword technique powerful?"

"Fighting is naturally powerful, but even Daoqin Daoist has not practiced it, which shows how difficult this method is.

At this moment, Qingxue finally understood why Daoqin did not agree to let Yu Linger practice Xinghong Sword Art.

No matter how much time is spent on this sword art, I am afraid that people with insufficient talent will not get any benefit.

The loss outweighs the gain.

"Isn't that just right? I like to practice this kind of exercises that others can't practice. Give it to me."

Ye Xuan said confidently.

Seeing Ye Xuan like this, Qingxue reminded him:

"No, unless you promise me, my husband, if it is fifty years, no... within ten years, if you don't have a little understanding of this method, you can't practice it anymore.

Ye Xuan's cultivation talent is good, but his previous life's strength was so bad, Qingxue suspects that his swordsmanship talent is not that good either.

In other words, he couldn't practice any high-level swordsmanship.

"Don't worry, I'm not the kind of person who doesn't know himself."

Ye Xuan held out his hand to Qingxue.

"I can rest assured that."

Hearing this, Qingxue was still unwilling to give Ye Xuan the Xinghong Sword Art.

she said:

"You can read this Xinghong Sword Art after you enter the Huanyu Cave. During this period of time, you should learn the Nine Heavens Xuan Sword Art from me, or Taihua's Tianhong Sword Art."

Seeing Qingxue's serious look, Ye Xuan became even more curious.

How powerful is the Xinghong Sword Art?

Could it be that compared to Xuanjian Jue, it is a qualitative leap?

Otherwise, how could Qingxue be so worried that she only spent time practicing Xinghong Sword Art?

However, since she is already like this, then he will follow her.

As she said, there is plenty of time for practice in the universe cave.

Five days passed quickly.

For five whole days, Ye Xuan and Yu Ling'er have been receiving Qingxue's guidance to practice.

Five days later, all the Taihua disciples who were new to entry and whose cultivation bases were not psychic, gathered in the Great Hall of Taihua.

It is so mighty, there are thousands of people......

In other words, this is what a great cultivator should look like.

At this moment, these newly promoted Taihua disciples all carry one or several Taihua Secret Books with them, waiting to take them to the Huanyu Cave to practice.

Looking at these new disciples with insufficient cultivation, those Taihua brothers and uncles who have already psychic cultivation are all envious.

If given the chance, they would also like to enter the Huanyu Cave.


Especially some people who happen to have psychics, are even more depressed.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that we would have such an opportunity."


"I heard that this universe cave can allow us to directly reach the psychic realm in a day.

"This is amazing—!!!"

"In this way, wouldn't I be able to fly with the sword tomorrow?"

"Hiss, I'm so excited just thinking about it——!!!"

All the disciples were talking about it.

At this moment, someone noticed Ye Xuan and Yu Linger who came in.

"Look, it's Ye Xuan."

"It's the rookie who got the first grade but doesn't have spiritual roots?"

"Is he going to enter the cave of heaven too?"

"Hey, why bother, it's good to be carefree on this mountain without spiritual roots, but wouldn't he be wasting his life in vain if he enters the universe and caves?"


"Who is that junior sister next to him, she is so beautiful——!!!"

"She is the daughter of Elder Qingyan, her name is Yu Ling'er, I heard that she started to practice spirits at the age of four, and Tian has already reached the realm of Yuwu at the age of four.

"What? So young, so powerful——!!!"

"you do not say."

"It's incredible——!"

"I'm afraid she is the most powerful among the younger generation of the Taihua Immortal Sect, right?"

"That's not necessarily the case."


Amidst the discussion among the crowd, everyone looked at a person curiously.

"You say it's not necessarily true, there is no one more powerful than Yu Ling'er, right?"

"That's natural."

The man said proudly:

"To tell you the truth, our little junior sister of Qingxiu Peak is already an imperial object at the age of eight."


Hearing this, everyone present could not help but gasp.

eight years old?

How can an eight-year-old do this?!!


Yu Ling'er also heard the conversations of those around her.

"Eight-year-old Yuwu? When did such a powerful junior sister appear in the Taihua Immortal Sect? Why don't I know.

She whispered to herself:

"I have never heard of such a powerful person in my previous life...how do I feel that everything in this life is different from what I remembered before my rebirth.

Hearing this, Ye Xuan also showed a strange expression:

"Who knows."

Maybe... because you are no longer the heroine, the script has begun to favor other heroines, so the story line has begun to undergo drastic changes?

In short, in the world of cultivating immortals, everything is possible every day.

He was worried before that his script did not match the reality.

Well, now the future in Yu Ling'er's memory directly does not match the reality.

I don't know how many heroines are mixed in this world to cause this situation.

In short, the more heroines there are, the more careful he has to act.

"Hey, look, Ye Xuan is so close to that Junior Sister Yu Linger.

"Really, damn it, it's killing me--!!!"

"Could they already be a couple?"

"No way...……"

All of a sudden, because Ye Xuan and Yu Ling'er were very close when they talked, the people around couldn't help showing envy.

Of course, most of these people are brothers.

Especially...... A senior brother whose surname is Qin and whose Taoist name is Yushou looks at this side with a bit of hatred in his eyes.

His cultivation base has reached the stage of transforming gods, so he naturally has no way to enter the universe.

Qin Yushou had already heard about Yu Ling'er, and now seeing the real person, he only felt that she was as beautiful as a fairy, which made his heart flutter.

Unexpectedly, Yu Ling'er would get so close to this trash without spiritual roots.

Thinking of this, Qin Yushou slowly came to Ye Xuan and Yu Linger with a smile on his face.

He put away the hatred in his eyes, showed a smile as bright as the sun, and said:

"Presumably, this is the new junior brother Yuxuan, and junior sister Yuling'er, right? I am Qing Guangfeng's first disciple, Qin Yushou, and I have heard of these two great names for a long time."

In his opinion, at this moment, he is a good-looking talent, gentle and refined, and if he takes the initiative to chat, he will definitely make a young girl like Yu Linger show shyness.


As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Yu Ling'er looking at him with disgust, even with a bit of hatred in his eyes.


what the hell-!!!

Where did I offend her?

It was just the first sentence, and she started to hate herself?!!

At this moment, Qin Yushou wondered if he had made a mistake.

Did you forget to brush your teeth today?

Or did you get something dirty on your face?

Otherwise, why was he hated when he just opened his mouth?

However, I haven't eaten for decades, so I don't need to brush my teeth.

Illusion, must be an illusion.

Cough, he coughed lightly, and then showed that sunny smile, waiting to see Yu Linger's admiring gaze towards him.


Yu Linger said to Ye Xuan:

"Brother Ye Xuan, this person is so annoying, we don't want to talk to him, and he is still standing in front of us blocking the way.


Hearing this, Ye Xuan couldn't help laughing, and said to Yu Ling'er:

"You can just tell me this kind of thing. It's so embarrassing for people to say so loudly."


Hearing this, Qin Yushou spit out a mouthful of old blood.

what the hell

Is he actually hated by her?

She still calls Ye Xuan, the good-for-nothing brother?

What's going on--!!!

For some reason, Qin Yushou always had a feeling that Yu Ling'er should belong to him.


Uncertain, I have a destined fate with the other party, so I have this feeling.

But now, the girl she has feelings for is calling another man brother, and she also says she hates it?

Hate yourself?

At this moment, Qin Yushou felt as if struck by lightning...

Moreover, this person named Ye Xuan is not laughing at himself, is he?

A trash that doesn't even have spiritual roots——!!!

If he dared to enter the Huanyu Cave, he might have died of old age in it before he could choose to come out.

By him, by laughing at me?!!

Under the incomparable jealousy and hatred in his heart, Qin Yushou had a smile on his face that made people like Qin Feng.

He opened his mouth and said:

"Hehe, it looks like I disturbed you two."

He didn't believe it, with his temperament, he couldn't compare to Ye Xuan, this little boy.

By the way, Yu Ling'er must have said something ironic because she was too shy when she saw her.

Yes, it must be so.

It's not that he hasn't been admired by some junior sisters before. Among those junior sisters who admire him, there are some who obviously like him, but always like to say some irony to attract his attention.


Hehe, unexpectedly, Tian Linger is also this type.

Don't look at how close he talks to Ye Xuan, in fact, she may really just regard Ye Xuan as an older brother.

Although she has a bad attitude towards herself, it is precisely because of this that she is different from others in her heart.

After all, it was the first time I met her, so she had no reason to hate herself so much.

Thinking of this, Qin Yushou was naturally very confident.

So he said to Ye Xuan and Yu Ling'er:

"I'm so sorry."

That's what he said, but he didn't intend to take the initiative to crawl away.


Seeing Qin Yushou standing in front of him with a confident smile on his face, Ye Xuan was a little puzzled.

what is he doing

Yu Ling'er has already made it so clear that she hates him, why don't you hurry up and get out of here, really think he is handsome, just standing there with a charming smile will make the girl's heart flutter?

"Linger, let's go talk elsewhere."

Ye Xuan said to Yu Ling'er.

Yu Linger nodded and left with Ye Xuan.

She was afraid that if she didn't leave Ye Xuan again, she couldn't help but want to beat this Qin Yushou.

Qin Yushou took the initiative to come over to say hello to Ye Xuan and Yu Linger, and this scene was naturally seen by the people around him.

How could they not see that Qin Yushou must have taken a fancy to Yu Ling'er and wanted to get close to her.

Unexpectedly, others ignored him.


There are people around who are secretly amused.

A few people even laughed out loud....

"Who is that senior brother? Where did he offend Ye Xuan and junior sister Yu Linger? How does it feel, they don't give him face at all."

"Yeah, I feel the same way hahahaha..."

"That senior brother is Qing Guangfeng's senior senior brother, his surname is Qin, and his Taoist name is Yachen.

"Senior brother Yushou is also really good. Can't you tell that the young couple has a good relationship? If you go to talk at this time, who doesn't know what he is planning."

"That's right, no wonder people despise you."

Amidst the discussions among the crowd, Qin Yushou's complexion suddenly became very ugly.

He never thought that he would be so disgusted [so ignored——!!!

Could it be that, as the guys around said, Yu Ling'er saw her purpose, and that's why she disliked me so much?

Humph, Yu Linger, Ye Xuan——!!!

He put away his ugly face, but he had already made up his mind.

Turning his head and looking at Ye Xuan and Yu Ling'er over there, he still had a bright smile on his face.

In the future, I will take Yu Linger into my hands, and I will definitely see if you, Ye Xuan, can still be as proud as you are at this moment——!!!

From his point of view, his senior brother at Qingguang Peak, who has transformed into a god, can't be compared to Ye Xuan, a piece of trash?

Even if Yu Ling'er really likes Ye Xuan, he still has a way to make Yu Ling'er fall in love with him-!!!

It's just that his character is very stingy.

Since Yu Ling'er doesn't like him now, he won't make it easier for her after he finds a way to win Yu Ling'er.


This is just thinking about Yu Ling'er's talent is so good, I'm afraid it won't take a hundred years to be on the thigh of a fairy.

This is his real purpose.

After all, his talent is limited, and since he reached the stage of transformation, his cultivation has almost stagnated.

Ye Xuan and Yu Ling'er were talking to themselves, but they naturally knew it.

Qin Yushou must die!!!

It's a pity that none of them can do anything to him now.

As for asking Qingxue to help him, it is unnecessary.

Now that there is this opportunity to open the universe, one day later, Ye Xuan will come out of it, and it will be the psychic period.

It's been said before...

The strength of a cultivator does not have much to do with his cultivation, unless the realm is too far apart.

For example, the gap between a mortal and an immortal cultivator in the imperial realm, or between an immortal cultivator below an immortal and an immortal...

In the realm of psychics, Ye Xuan can already guarantee that he is invincible under immortals.

What's more, he still has the source of immortal spiritual power. In addition to being not as explosive as an immortal, in terms of means, he may not be worse than a real immortal.

What's more, even if there is no universe, Ye Xuan will be able to avenge himself in a short time, so why ask Qingxue to help?!!

And Ye Xuan is confident that he can deal with Qin Yushou after he comes out, and Yu Linger is also confident.

She is someone who has reached the realm of immortals, and this time, she plans to enter the cave of heaven and earth to practice the Nine Heavens Xuanjian Jue.

After she came out, pinching Qin Yushou to death was as easy as eating and drinking.

Before her rebirth, she was sorry for Ye Xuan too much.

And all the grievances Ye Xuan suffered were because of Qin Yushou.

Therefore, she will not let Qin Yu go.

Although, killing fellow disciples is somewhat inconsistent with Yu Ling'er's principles.

However, this Qin Yushou just believed in animals, and if he killed them, he would kill them.

Yu Linger is not afraid——!!!

If Qin Yushou, the original hero, knew, not only did Yu Ling'er hate him the first time they met, but she had also made up her mind to kill him.

I don't know what he will think, but Ye Er will probably be depressed.

After all, it is impossible for him to know that Yu Ling'er is a reborn person, and she has already read the future script.

"After entering the Huanyudongtian, you guys give me a good lesson on that Ye Xuan, it's best to prevent him from coming out.

At this time, Qin Yushou was whispering orders to several new disciples of Qingguang Peak.

"Ah this......"

Hearing this, those new disciples couldn't help but hesitate.

"Don't worry, as long as you do well, the benefits will be indispensable to me."

Qin Yushou said:

"Otherwise, you don't even want to hang out in Qingguang Peak in the future."

"Uh...yes, we listen to the big brother——!!!"

Those new disciples didn't dare to say anything, so they had to answer.

Although the Taihua Immortal Sect is an orthodox Immortal Sect, there is no absolute good in this world, and naturally there is no absolute evil either.

In such a big sect of the immortal family, there are also things that hide evil people and practices.

Of course, there must be some people who only agree on the surface, but are actually unwilling to do this kind of thing.

However, some people's eyes are already shining, and they regard Ye Xuan on the opposite side as their prey.

"All disciples."

At this time, Daoqin Daoist is speaking to all Taihua disciples at the very head of the main hall.

No matter how the people below whisper, what she said can reach everyone's ears:

"Listen to me."

Immediately, the Taihua Hall, which was still noisy, became quiet all of a sudden.

All eyes were on Daoqin Daoist.

It is said that immortals are immortal, but in fact they also have a lifespan.

Daoqin Daoist is a fairy, with a young and beautiful face like a girl in her teens, but her hair has turned into silver and white, and she has been practicing for many years.

"Your master must have told you about the matter of the cave, so I won't go into too much detail here, and I will just tell you the rules for entering the cave.

The time in the Universe Cave is completely different from the speed of the outside world. One day in the outside world is a hundred years in the Universe Cave.

After entering the universe cave, you only need to devote yourself to practice.

However, the aura in the cave is full of aura, and there must be a lot of spirits and monsters. For you, it may not be a safe place.

After entering the Huanyu Cave, you need to be careful and not be careless. "

"Yes, thank you Master Master for teaching——!"

All the disciples responded respectfully.

Master Daoqin nodded in satisfaction, and then continued:

"Afterwards, all the seniors of the Immortal Cultivation Sect will work together to open the Huanyu Cave, and with your own strength, there is definitely no way to enter the Huanyu Cave.

So, you need to come to me to receive the door talisman later.

Those who hold the door talisman can enter the universe and caves only by urging the power of the talisman with their thoughts.

Remember, the time in Huanyudongtian is real, not an illusion. If you can't make progress in it, you can't force it, and waste your time in it.

If you feel that you are not talented enough, just come back in time

Otherwise, when you come back, you will regret it too late.

And if someone with good talent can practice far faster than ordinary people in it, he can naturally suppress his cultivation and study the unique knowledge of the sect in it.

The universe cave opened this time is divided into five levels: guiding spirits, consecrating light, building foundations, imperial objects, and psychic psychics.

Everyone who enters the Huanyu Cave for the first time must choose a gate symbol that suits them.

Those who want to enter the realm of Yinling can only choose the gate array of Yinyuan level.

After you have cultivated to the realm of guiding spirits in the Universe Cave, the door talisman will naturally transport you to a higher level of the Universe Cave.

Do not forcibly enter the low-level cave in order to covet more practice time, otherwise, you will be forcibly sent out of the universe cave, wasting a great opportunity.

Have you ever understood?"

"Yes, I will understand——!"

The disciples have already started to get excited.

"Since that's the case, everyone come forward to get the door talisman."

Real Daoqin said:

"In front of me 2.0, these five elders respectively distributed the five levels of heavenly door charms of the universe, the universe, the world, the spirit, the light, the foundation, the object, and the psychic. Now, you can queue up to go to

They received the door amulet in front of them.

So, soon, all the disciples lined up in five rows, and went to receive the door array.

Those who react slowly will naturally be ranked at the back.

"Brother Ye Xuan, I'm going to get the talisman."

Yu Linger said to Ye Xuan:

"see you later."


Ye Xuan nodded, turned around and walked towards the Foundation Establishment team.

Although it took him only two days to reach the consecration state, it took him at least a year to reach the psychic state.

Now there is an opportunity to shorten the training time, so he is naturally very excited.


Ye Xuan was dressed in the costume of a new student and stood in the team of the Foundation Establishment Gate Talisman, immediately attracting everyone's attention.

"Junior brother, did you make a mistake... this is where you can get the Foundation Establishment Gate Talisman.

A Taihua disciple behind Ye Xuan asked Ye Xuan.

The costume designers of Taihua disciples work very diligently. Basically, the costumes of each class of disciples are different.

What Ye Xuan was wearing was the uniform of a student who had just started, so he was particularly conspicuous among these senior brothers.

"Yeah, I know.

Ye Xuan says:

"I'm here to receive the foundation building talisman, is there a problem?"


Hearing this, the senior brother couldn't help but look shocked.

"You...you have just started for a few days, have you already been consecrated?!!"


Ye Xuan nodded and said.

"Ha ha ha ha--!!!"

Hearing this, all the senior brothers around laughed out loud.

"Junior brother, stop joking, you'd better go back to your team."

No matter how talented a person is, it is impossible to be consecrated in such a short period of time.

A brother reminded Ye Xuan:

"Otherwise, I'm afraid you will be laughed at by everyone later."

However, his reminder was too late.

I saw that at the queue where the spiritual stage disciples were led, everyone turned their eyes to Ye Xuan.

"Look, Ye Xuan has gone to the Foundation Establishment Gate Talisman."

"Ye Xuan? Isn't he the one who doesn't have spiritual roots? No way, I remember that he has good grades, and he's still very smart...how come this is all wrong."



"Brother Ye Xuan, you are in the wrong place [Yingling is here—Wang!!!!"

In the spirit guide queue, someone shouted at Ye Xuan.

The noise here naturally attracted the attention of Daoqin Zhenren and others.


They cast their gazes at Ye Xuan's queue, and they were all very surprised.

Ye Xuan lined up in the wrong line?!!


Especially Elder Qingyan, when he saw Ye Xuan standing in the foundation establishment team, his expression was strange.

Beside him, Elder Qingguang smiled at him and said:

"I said Qingyan, what's going on with your disciple, you can make mistakes? Did you not listen carefully to the master's speech?"


Hearing this, Elder Qingyan snorted coldly and said:

"This boy, what a shame, he is not my disciple, he has already switched to Senior Sister Qingxue's sect.


Hearing this, Elder Qingguang couldn't help laughing out loud:

"Hahaha... It's plain, you are serious, you don't make drafts when you lie, isn't it just a joke made by the disciple?

As for such outrageous things...

Who doesn't know, Senior Sister Qingxue never accepts apprentices.

What's more, she is still such a disciple without spiritual roots, what is she taking in?"

"Hmph, you won't believe me when I tell you."

Qingyan snorted coldly, if Qingguang knew that Qingxue hooked up with Ye Xuan, his jaw would probably drop in shock.

However, he didn't dare to talk nonsense about Qingxue.

What if he thinks wrong?!!

"I said Junior Brother Ye Xuan, this is not the place for you to stay."

At this time, Yu Shou came to Ye Xuan's side, and said to him with a smile on his face:

"Look, everyone is laughing at you..... Who doesn't know that you don't have a spiritual root? Even if you have a spiritual root, even if you are very talented, it is impossible to become a consecrated disciple in just a few days......Okay, listen to my brother's advice, don't make people laugh here."

Hahaha, I thought Ye Xuan was a smart person, but I didn't expect him to be so stupid that he could even line up in the wrong place.

The wrong row went north and said that he was here to lead the foundation.


Isn't this grandstanding?

It's like a clown------!!!

On the surface, he was saying nice things to Ye Xuan, but in fact, he was already ridiculing in his heart.

However, this is also good, take this opportunity to show off your good character as a senior brother, and let Yu Ling'er take a look.

Now Yu Ling'er must be paying attention here——!!!

Thinking about it, he looked at Yu Ling'er, only to see that Yu Ling'er was really looking at Ye Xuan in the psychic team on the side.


Ye Xuan never expected that he would attract so many people's attention when he was ranked here.

However, it took only one sentence, and everyone was already looking at this side and started discussing it.

By the way, aren’t you a villain?!!

What are you all staring at?

Keep your eyes on the main character——!!!

There is no reason for the villain to be noticed all the time.

He doesn't need to say much, and he doesn't want to be like those protagonists, hiding his cultivation and pretending to be aggressive, he won't.

With a direct thought, he mobilized the spiritual power in his body, and in an instant, Ye Xuan's body was radiated with spiritual light.

A golden light rushed out from Ye Xuan's body and enveloped him.

That kind of starlight is as beautiful and dazzling as the golden light, which is very eye-catching on this occasion where no one has shown their cultivation.

Seeing this scene, everyone present was stunned!!!


How could this be—!!!!

Doesn't Ye Xuan have no spiritual roots?

No way, did we all get it wrong?!!

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