Ye Xuan was about to take a good look at the surrounding situation, and the next moment, his eyes met the tiger spirit.

Immediately, he became vigilant for an instant.

The tiger spirit is also wary of him...

Another aura fell in front of Ye Xuan, and the aura dissipated, revealing the appearance of the person inside.

At this moment, Ye Xuan couldn't help but his eyes changed slightly.

"so cute--!!!"

At this moment, I saw a little girl sitting in front of Ye Xuan.

She looks like a little girl of seven or eight years old, but unlike ordinary girls, she has a pair of pointed fox ears on her head.

Behind her, there is a fluffy fox tail.

More importantly, her face is pink, like a snow jade doll carved in pink, extremely cute.


When the little girl saw Ye Xuan, she was slightly puzzled.

Immediately, she looked to the other side, and saw a huge tiger spirit standing there, looking at her.

"Wow, Brain Axe, big brother, help--!!!"

As she spoke, she rolled into a ball in fear and hid behind Ye Xuan.


Seeing this little cutie like this, Ye Xuan was speechless for a while, and looked at the tiger spirit in front of him, the vigilance in his eyes remained undiminished.

After the two sides confronted each other for a while, Ye Xuan said:

"You.....didn't treat us as food?!"

"You guys can talk...naturally not food..."

Tiger Spirit replied:

"It's you... what is it...?"

"You don't know anyone?"

Ye Xuan says:

"I am human."

"What is a person?"

With that said, it relaxed its vigilance, and looked at Ye Xuan curiously:

"You 710 is human... What about her? She seems to be a vixen."

As he spoke, the tiger spirit looked behind Ye Xuan, only to see the little girl huddled into a ball behind Ye Xuan.

A little scared poked his head out and looked at it.

"However, the vixens I've seen are all very big...

As he said that, the tiger spirit gestured with his hands:

"Why is she so small?"


Ye Xuan's face twitched, wondering what the tiger was gesturing just now.

Why do you feel a little unreasonable?!!

"I'm not a vixen—!!!"

The little girl behind Ye Xuan said:

"I'm a Fox Fairy——!"

"Isn't that still a vixen?"

Ye Xuan said casually.

"When I first arrived in Guizhou, let me introduce myself, my name is Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan said to the tiger demon in front of him:

"I don't intend to be your enemy, I just came here to practice, I advise you not to be our enemy.

"Ye Xuan, my name is Hudaudao."

The tiger spirit stared at Ye Xuan, kept a distance from Ye Xuan, and said:

"Since you don't intend to be my enemy and you can talk, then you are my friend. I'm about to have lunch. Let's go. I'll treat you to a barbecue."


Ye Xuan exchanged a glance with the little girl behind him.

The goblins in this world cave are quite hospitable, and treat yourself to a barbecue?

coo coo coo coo~

Accompanied by a stomach rumbling, the little girl in front of Ye Xuan blushed.

"I.....I was too excited before, so I didn't eat breakfast, hehehe..."

She smiled a little embarrassedly.

"I see."

(ccch) Ye Xuan nodded and said:

"Since this tiger is so hospitable, let's go and have a meal with it.


The little girl said happily.

Immediately, she turned her gaze to Hu Bold, and seeing Hu Bold's fierce and fierce appearance, she couldn't help feeling a little scared.

"However, I'm afraid it will eat me..."

"Ha ha ha ha--!"

Hearing this, Hu boldly laughed and said:

"Don't worry, talking is not food, I won't eat yours.

Let's go, although I don't know where you are from, but you seem to be very powerful.

I'm still afraid of what you will do to me. "

Said, it took the lead to go ahead.

And behind it, Ye Xuan followed the little fox not too far away.

"I am a disciple of the Taihua Immortal Sect, which sect do you belong to?"

Ye Xuan asked the little vixen.

"I belong to the Jade Fox Palace, and my name is Hu Yu'er."

The little fox replied:

"Big brother, aren't you afraid of this brain axe?"

"Hehe, who knows, if you really do make a move and you don't hold back, are we two still afraid of one of them?"

Ye Xuan laughed.

"That's true, but it's so big it's frightening..."

Hu Yuer stuck out her tongue:

"When we really fight, I don't dare to get close to it, if it swallows me in one gulp, I will die.

If something happens, you have to stand in front, big brother. "

"Don't worry, it's fine. w

Ye Xuan said.

Hu Yu'er quietly followed behind Ye Xuan, as if Ye Xuan was just a little guy in front of the tiger spirit, and she was just a little guy behind Ye Xuan.

"Come on, two, you're welcome, just oh!!!"

In front of a huge fire, Hu boldly handed a piece of roasted meat to Ye Xuan.

In its hand, it looked like a small piece of meat, but when it was placed in front of Ye Xuan, it became frighteningly large.

"Don't worry, this is not human meat, nor fox meat, and I don't have those things to eat in my area."

Ye Xuan is speechless:

"You say that, I really dare not eat..."

"Da da---!!!"

From the inside of Hu Yu'er's mouth, saliva flowed out.

she said:

"Big brother, I can smell it, there is no human or fox smell in it, don't worry eat it——!!!"

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand and grabbed the barbecue. With her small body, she was eating a large piece of meat.

Although her mouth is small, she eats happily...

Ye Xuan looked at Hu Yu'er silently, and waited quietly for a while.

"I'm so sleepy....Big Brother....I.....I want to sleep..."

As she spoke, Hu Yu'er smacked her lips, and lay down on the ground with her arms in her arms.


Looking at her like this, Ye Xuan couldn't understand that there was something wrong with this meat.

He looked at the tiger spirit:

"Is this how you treat guests?"

"Ha ha ha ha--!!!"

Hearing this, Hu Bold couldn't help laughing and said:

"Brothers, it's time to eat. This is a good thing I've never eaten before. It's fox meat -----!!!"

As it yelled, two monsters that were about the same size as it came out of the grass.

They all look like tigers, standing like people, but smaller than it.

"Boy, let us eat this little fox, we won't eat you anymore, your smell is sour, it's not delicious——!!!"

Under the bold leadership of the tiger, the three tiger spirits surrounded Ye Xuan.

...In other words, if it wasn't for this little fox, wouldn't you plan to deal with me?"

Ye Xuan said.

"That's natural."

Tiger boldly said:

"What kind of person am I, Tiger Daring? Known as a forest gourmet, I don't like to eat meat that smells sour like yours——!!!

To eat you, I might as well kill a deer and eat it myself.

This kind of vixen is still delicious——!

Her meat is delicious. "

"That's right, vixens are very cunning, and we usually can't eat them. It seems that this little guy is not sensible yet. She will eat whatever is read to her."

Another tiger demon said.

"Okay, kid, I'm starving to death, get out of the way."

"Although I don't know where you came from, you can't defeat the three of us—!"

"Ha ha ha ha----!!!"

The three tiger demons surrounded Ye Xuan with a look of covetous eyes.

Hearing this, Ye Xuan couldn't help but smile confidently:

"Three beasts, you go up together."

"Since you are looking for death yourself, don't blame us, brothers, go--!!!"

Following Tiger Boldly giving an order, the three tiger spirits all rushed towards Ye Xuan.

"Eat you together——!!!"

Facing the three tiger spirits, Ye Xuan naturally didn't dare to be careless, he saw his figure flicker, instead of retreating, he went forward to meet Xu.

The long sword in his hand was out of its sheath at some point, following Ye Xuan's body shape to dodge flexibly, after avoiding the fierce claws of the tiger spirit, he kept stabbing into the tiger spirit's body.

The sword energy was like a star, and when it slashed on the tiger demon, it split the skin and flesh of the tiger demon in an instant.

Naturally, the Tiger Demon did not expect Ye Xuan to be so powerful.

But now that they have fought, they will never stop dying.

Therefore, as they were injured, their eyes became red and more violent.

If it is an ordinary person, facing them would definitely not please them.

But, at this moment, they are facing Ye Xuan.

People who have reached the realm of immortals, and who still possess the source of spiritual power of immortals.

As long as Ye Xuan is careful not to be attacked by them, they are just lambs waiting to be slaughtered in front of Ye Xuan.


As Ye Xuan slashed down with his sword, a tiger's head flew into the sky, and the blood flowed into the sky, turning into blood mist.

"Dare to kill my brother, seek death——!!!"

Hu boldly beheaded Ye Xuan with a sword and killed his brother, and couldn't help being furious.

However, Ye Xuan held a sword in one hand, and after avoiding the tiger's bold attack, the other hand turned into a sword finger, and condensed a formula:


It turned out that another tiger demon wanted to eat Hu Yuer while Ye Xuan was not paying attention.

Ye Xuan struck with a spell, directly imprisoning its figure in place.

"What's this?!!"

That tiger spirit is so powerful.

It seems that he has never seen the confinement technique in his life.

Just when he was shocked, Ye Xuan pointed to the sky and shot out a sword aura.

The next moment, sword energy fell from the sky, piercing its forehead vertically.

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