【"Hahaha, Junior Brother Ye Xuan, I heard that you and Junior Sister Linger have been cultivating with Uncle Yu in the deep mountains all these years. Come to think of it, you must have cultivated profoundly.

Come on, senior brother, let me offer you a toast, if you have time, you must let senior brother see your kung fu—!"

While the banquet was still going on, a young man came to Ye Xuan and said to Ye Xuan with a smile on his face.

At this moment, Ye Xuan has already been toasted by them in turn.

On the surface, these guys are hospitable, and they are all toasting Ye Xuan.

However, anyone who cares can see that they drank less themselves and drank more with Ye Xuan.

Even if a person can drink, how can he drink so many people?

Although Ye Xuan was unhappy, he was scrupled about his master's face, so he pretended to be a fool, and was superficially polite with these guys, and he drank as much wine as he wanted.

Big deal, just drink it here.

In his opinion, this is the home of Master Hu Wanquan, and his uncle and master Yu Tieshan are brothers, so even if he drank it, it's no big deal...

"Brother... are you okay?"

Yu Linger whispered to Ye Xuan.

At this moment, she has a bit of worry in her eyes:

"If you really can't drink it, don't drink it...... They seem to be feeding you on purpose."

"Don't worry, I'm not stupid.

Ye Xuan replied:

"If I really can't drink it, I'll lie down on this table or on the ground, what can they do with me?"


Hearing this, Yu Linger nodded.

That's right, senior brother is not stupid, how can he fail to see that these guys are holding back bad ideas.

"That's good."

Here the juniors drank to their heart's content, and over there, Hu Wanquan and Yu Tieshan clinked glasses again and again.

"Junior brother, you are really cruel, after all these years, you are not willing to come to visit me as a brother.

After drinking a cup, Hu Wanquan said to Yu Tieshan.

"Hey, senior brother, forgive me. Junior brother has accomplished nothing all these years. He lives in seclusion in the mountains and dares not meet people. Unlike senior brother, he is rich and famous."

"Hehe, what did the senior brother say? You and I are as close as brothers, and what is mine is yours. As long as you open your mouth, the senior brother's family property will be divided into half of you, how about it?"

Hu Wanquan laughed loudly.

"Hahaha...Senior brother loves you so much, how can you do such shameless things? Come on, brother, I respect you."




Everyone in the Jade Fox Palace watched the banquet and whispered something one by one.

"It seems that the father of the Palace Master's previous life was also a good person. See how kind he is to the younger brother."

"It's just... as soon as you open your mouth, you will be willing to give half of the family property to the younger brother."

"The palace master was born in a good family in her previous life, otherwise, how could she have this opportunity in this life to become our book of blessings?"

Only Hu Qianzao, looking at the scene in the picture, for some reason, a faint sense of familiarity began to emerge in his mind.

"Could it be that the memory of the previous life has not been cleaned? It has affected me now?"

She frowned, thinking so.

Looking at Hu Wanquan in the picture, she actually had a faint emotion.

[In the picture, everyone is drinking happily. At this moment, Hu Wanquan suddenly turned his gaze to Ye Xuan.

He laughed and said:

"By the way... Xuan'er is not married yet, right?"

Hearing this, everyone at the scene fell silent, and everyone who was about to get drunk Ye Xuan looked at their master.

Yu Tieshan said:

"Xuan'er is indeed not married yet."

"That's really nice."

Hu Wanquan laughed loudly and said:

"My Qian'er has not yet betrothed to someone else, a pair made by heaven and earth?!"


Hearing this, many people present became anxious.

Hu Qianer said anxiously:


"Okay, Qian'er, this matter is up to Dad, don't interrupt."

When Hu Wanquan saw his daughter's appearance, why didn't he understand that she didn't want to?

However, this kind of thing is what adults have the final say on.

She couldn't help but not want to.


Hu Qian'er snorted, and Ye Xuan glared at You Guang viciously.

At this time, Yu Ling'er beside Ye Xuan was naturally also anxious.

She hastily tugged on Ye Xuan's sleeve, motioning Ye Xuan to refuse quickly.

The surrounding disciples of Hu Wanquan also became anxious...

The junior sister is so charming, and she is the only daughter of the master, the daughter of a rich family, and a lady of everyone, how can she marry this boy?!!

They're all still making up their minds.

It's just that my junior sister has never looked down upon them——!!!

Ye Xuan naturally also had an innocent look on his face.

Although, a man would be happy if he was suddenly told that he wanted to marry such a beautiful little girl to him.

However, he has already made an agreement with Yu Ling'er beside him.

Of course he couldn't agree.

But, at this time, can he speak?!!

This is the uncle who took the initiative to speak up. As the woman's family speaks, if he refuses, wouldn't it be disrespectful to the uncle?

In this way, the master will definitely be dissatisfied.

Only the master can refuse this matter...

Therefore, Ye Xuan looked at his uncle and didn't interrupt.

Seeing Ye Xuan's appearance, Yu Ling'er showed a look of disappointment.

The kind of close-up shot...



In the Jade Fox Palace, no one expected that Hu Wanquan would suddenly do such a thing, so they couldn't help but hire him.

No, what's the situation?

Why would Hu Wanquan suddenly want to marry his daughter to Ye Xuan?

If this happened, wouldn't it mean that the palace lord had a marriage contract with Ye Xuan in her previous life.

Then why did she say that Ye Xuan is a thief, a little prostitute, and let people beat him and send him to prison?

Why didn't Hu Wanquan and Yu Tieshan come forward to take care of this matter?

I can't, it's because the Palace Master didn't want to marry Ye Xuan in her previous life, so she deliberately slandered Ye Xuan, right?

This is absolutely impossible——!!!

They didn't believe that their palace master would have such a bad character in his previous life.

Absolutely impossible.

Only Yu Ling'er looked at herself in the camera with a look of complete disbelief in Ye Xuan, and her face suddenly became blushing. Zhao twitched for a while.

Is that really the case?

it is as expected---!!!

Although she had already guessed what the plot would be like, but seeing that she did not believe Ye Xuan again, Yu Linger panicked.

Could it be that in this life, I also left Ye Xuan because I didn't believe in him?!!

God, I am too much!!!!

How many lifetimes have I owed Ye Xuan------!!!

On the other hand, Qingxue looked at Ye Xuan and Yu Ling'er with pitiful eyes.

I heard that there is a kind of couple in this world, called the seven generations of resentful couples. They have been in love for seven lifetimes, but they have no chance to be together for seven lifetimes.

Could it be, Ye Xuan and Yu Linger are like this?! Yun!

At this moment, the person who was most puzzled was Hu Qianzao.

Because, with the scenes in front of her, she felt that she always had a sense of sight when looking at them.

As if seen before.

I don't even know what's going on-!!!

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