At this moment, in the entire Jade Fox Palace, everyone was silently looking at the scene in the picture.

Then, they cast their eyes on Ye Xuan, all of them looked disgusted, and then spat out a mouthful of saliva.

"This Ye Xuan is really not a thing, even hooking up with the uncle's concubine."

"that is--!!"

"What a shameless person. He was like this in the previous life, and I'm afraid he is not a good person in this life. He is indeed the one who would do things to harm our Palace Master—!"

"The way I see it, we'll just kill him—!"

Just when someone was saying this, Qingxue appeared in front of Ye Xuan in a flash, and glanced at everyone present:

"The truth is still unclear at this moment, if someone yells at my husband again, be careful that I'm not polite to him—!"


At this moment, Qingxue's domineering husband guard shocked everyone in the Jade Fox Palace.


He really deserves to be the real person Qingxue.

Taihua holds the head of the "eight eight three" sword seven saints, even two immortals can't stop her...


Seeing this situation, Hu Qianzao couldn't help but snorted coldly.

Since he chose to deal with Ye Xuan, the truth has already become clear.

But I didn't expect that this real Qingxue is so unbearable, as a fairy, he is so naive, it's really a vain name——!!!

How could I wrong Ye Xuan?!

【...Come here, help me, come here——!!!"

The night is confusing, but the Hu Mansion is brightly lit.

At this moment, an exclamation spread throughout the entire bottom.

Immediately, there was a commotion in the Hu Mansion, and many people came towards the courtyard.

Among these people, there is naturally Yu Ling'er.

"There are prostitutes, help--!!!"

With the sound of exclamation, everyone squeezed into the room and saw Ye Xuan pressing on the beautiful woman, as if planning to cover her mouth.

Seeing this situation, Tian Linger couldn't help but widen her eyes.

"Okay, you bastard, you're looking for death——!!!"

Seeing that it was Ye Xuan who was doing evil, the disciples of the Hu family who rushed over couldn't help but show surprise, and immediately held their swords and were about to kill Ye Xuan.


At this moment, a loud shout stopped everyone.

The disciples of the Hu family who were about to do something looked behind in surprise, only to see Hu Wanquan walking in with a cold face.

Seeing the situation inside, he suppressed his anger and said to everyone:

"Go back, nothing happened tonight, did you hear?!!"


Hearing this, all the disciples looked at Hu Wanquan with hesitation on their faces.

A look of disbelief.

Master, he wants to cheat on your concubine, can you bear it?

At this moment, they felt that the head of their master was green——!!!

"go back--!!!"

Hu Wan's complexion was gloomy, and he shouted heavily:

"If anyone tells about what happened tonight, I will never forgive him.

Ling'er...Qian'er, you all stay here. "


Hearing this, all the disciples of the Hu family left in despair.

Only Yu Ling'er and Hu Qian'er were watching the scene here.

Hu Qian'er's face was full of anger, and Tian Ling'er's face was pale.

"Huiniang, what's going on?"

After all the disciples left, Hu Wanquan asked his concubine.

"Master, it's him...he broke into my room suddenly, and said that he took a lot of good things from the house and wanted to take me give me a good life... If I don't obey, he will


These things are all brought by him.

The concubine burst into tears and said to Ye Xuan secretly:

"Fortunately, I defended my innocence by resisting desperately---!!!"


Hearing this, Hu Wan looked gloomy and cold, looked towards Ye Xuan, and said:

"Ye Xuan, what's going on?!! Please explain..."

Hu Qian'er looked in the direction the concubine was pointing, and saw a treasure chest lying on the ground.

She opened the box, and it was full of gold and silver jewelry, which was very valuable.

Especially the jade pendant inside......

"Isn't this the jade pendant my mother left me? I said I couldn't find it anywhere, so it was stolen by you——!!!"

Hu Qian'er glared at Ye Xuan with disdain and contempt in her eyes.


Seeing his daughter's appearance, Hu Wanquan said aside:

"The truth is still unclear, so don't wrong a good person."

Hu Qianer was dissatisfied and said:

"What is the truth about this? Didn't everyone see it with their own eyes?!!"

"What you see may not be the truth."

Hu Wanquan said:

"There must be something wrong here... Ye Xuan, tell me honestly what's going on, and my uncle will believe you."


"This..... Hu Wanquan is indeed the father of the Palace Master in his previous life. He is so kind."

"Yeah, if it was me, I'm afraid I can't help but kill Ye Xuan, and he is still willing to let Ye Xuan explain."

"However... speaking of it, there should be a problem here?!"

"There must be a problem, the concubine let Ye Xuan in just now, but now she falsely accuses Ye Xuan of forcing her.

"Could it be that this guy who doesn't like to collude with a few unruly disciples of the Hu family? To frame Ye Xuan.

"It might be like this... However, it's also Ye Xuan's fault for being lustful, and he actually made plans for his uncle's concubine, and he deserved what happened to him.

"He just went by himself—!"

"That's right, let alone marrying Hu Qian'er, even marrying Yu Ling'er, I'm afraid it's impossible..."

...... Unexpectedly, such an upright person like Hu Wanquan would teach such shameless scum disciples. It can only be said that good teachers do not necessarily have good disciples.

"Isn't that right...Then Ye Xuan is also a disciple of Taihua in this life, and his ability is also not small, and he is already a husband and wife with Master Qingxue."

"It's true..."

Thinking of this, everyone looked at Ye Xuan with even more contempt.

Among other things, Ye Xuan's method of hooking up with women is quite good.

Even real Qingxue can hook up... She is a fairy who has been famous for a long time.

Although it is definitely worse than those elders in the fairy world, but it is also a figure who became famous hundreds of years ago——!!

If it weren't for the special means of hooking up women, I believe that such a real person of immortality would fall in love with Ye Xuan.

"Next, it depends on how Ye Xuan will explain."

"Hehe... No matter how much he explains, it can't change the fact that he went to the concubine's room on his own initiative.

【"Senior brother, what's going said——!!!"

Looking at Ye Xuan, Yu Linger's face was pale, with an expression of disbelief.

Hearing this, Ye Xuan looked helpless and said:

"As she said... I was the one who came here because of the wealth and sex..... I stole these treasures..."

"Brother, you——!!!"

Hearing this, Tian Ling'er couldn't help but look sad and indignant.

"Ye Xuan.....Ye Xuan....I've already said that I want to betroth Qian'er to you. In the future, everything in the Hu Mansion will belong to you?"

Hearing this, Hu Wanquan looked at Ye Xuan with an angry look on his face, shook his head and said:

"In the future, you want money and a beautiful wife... What is there? 3.8 Why are you in a hurry...Since this is the case, then I can no longer protect you, uncle, I will seal your martial arts and send you to see the official... Let me ask you again, is there any secret behind this?!!"


"Ye Xuan didn't intend to explain?"

"He's too stupid. Hu Wanquan has said it all. If you want to listen to his explanation, as long as he tells the truth, he may have committed adultery at most. It's better than what he is now.

"Maybe, it's because he was frightened and forgot how to say it..."

Everyone in the Jade Fox Palace was thinking about it, but Ye Xuan didn't explain it.

Although it's not nice to say that you have thoughts about your uncle's concubine, but it's better than being sent to the government as a prostitute.

Ye Xuan was clearly plotted, even if he was hooked, but he still has room for explanation.

How did you just plead guilty?!

Only Yu Ling'er, her expression became even more flustered...

Here it comes, here it comes, another classic misunderstanding plot, I must have misunderstood Ye Xuan again——!!!

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