Villain: Sadomasochism Begins, The Heroine Cries For Forgiveness

Chapter 75 This Time, I Won't Be Slapped In The Face

Obviously, no matter who it is, facing such a situation of being slapped in the face one after another, it will be extremely embarrassing.

But at this moment, some people in Jade Fox Palace have already lost face to face others.

Facing Yu Linger's proud gaze, they were so embarrassed that they couldn't help but burrowed into the ground.

Unfortunately, it is now their own home court.

Even if they were so embarrassed that they wanted to escape, they were too embarrassed to escape.


At this time, a turtle shell disciple from Jade Fox Palace said:

"As cultivators, you should correct your mistakes when you realize your mistakes. Whoever said Ye Xuan was cowardly and stupid just now, stand up for yourself."

Hearing this, everyone in Jade Fox Palace looked at him with contempt.

He was the happiest just now.

Now it's all right, you're a turtle now, aren't you?!!

"I admit, I misunderstood Ye Xuan."

At this moment, a fox girl stood up and said:

"I'm sorry for him... But, let me tell you in advance, I'm only talking about Ye Xuan in this picture, and I'm only dealing with things and not people... I didn't admit that he must be a good A--!!!"

"That's right."

Another dog-eared girl also said:

"I misunderstood him just now. He was indeed brave and resourceful. I was the one who was stupid. But I only focused on this matter. I didn't say whether Ye Xuan is a good person or a bad person."

At this moment, everyone in Jade Fox Palace was slapped too hard in the face, and they consciously apologized.

It's just that there are some thick-skinned people who pretend that they didn't say those words just now...

Like the turtle just now.

Moreover, they don't dare to speak out easily now, so as not to be slapped in the face again later...

If they are slapped in the face again, they really don't know what face they have to stand here.

【"Haha, nephew, do you think you can escape?!"

Ye Xuan was running away with all his strength, but the next moment, a figure appeared in front of him like a fleeting shadow.

He smiled, looked at Ye Xuan, and said to him:

"I was really careless just now, and I was followed by you. You seem to have seen and heard everything, right? Hey, I can't help it. I can only let you die with your master... Do you know? Actually, I really want you to be my son-in-law...

If you kneel down obediently and call me father-in-law now, I will let you go, and still marry my daughter to you, what do you think "~?"


Hearing this, his eyes lit up.

Looking at his appearance, he seems to be very excited......


If it was before, seeing Zhi Shu's performance, everyone in the Jade Fox Palace would probably start to mock him again.

But now, none of them dared to speak out.

Who knows what Ye Xuan is thinking now...

God knows, the affairs between these mortals can actually turn nine turns and eighteen turns in such a way that even these immortal cultivators can't find the north.

【"Huh? Master, why are you here——!!!"

At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly looked at Hu Wan's whole body, and said excitedly.


Hearing this, Hu Wanquan couldn't help but shook his head with a smile:

"Ye Xuan, do you want to be fooled by such a small trick as a teacher? It seems that you don't want to accept my kindness. If that's the case, then take your life!"

As he said that, he turned his body and attacked Ye Xuan.

But, at this moment.

Suddenly, a sense of crisis came from the back of Hu Wan's body, his expression changed drastically, and he moved in the air instantly...

Moving across the sky, if people in the martial arts saw this skill, they might not be able to help but scream.

Even most of the immortal cultivators present were amazed at such a movement.

This kind of thing, even many immortal cultivators, may not be able to do it.

Fortunately, Hu Wanquan sensed the danger and avoided it in time, otherwise, at this moment, he might have been stabbed by the sword stabbing behind him.

He moved around, and after falling to the ground, he looked in that direction.

I saw Yu Tieshan standing there, looking at him coldly.

And in the hands of Yu Tieshan, there is also a Qi blade sword.

Condensing Qi into a sword, it is obvious that Yu Tieshan's cultivation base is no worse than some low-level cultivators.

If not, he wouldn't be able to condense his true energy to such an extent.

"Jade Iron Mountain? How did you get untied?!!"

Hu Wanquan looked at Yu Tieshan without any haste.

In his eyes at this moment, Ye Xuan and Yu Tieshan are not worthy of his serious treatment.

He was just curious about how Yu Tieshan regained his mobility......

Could it be that besides Ye Xuan, there is another person present?

His eyes glanced around without a trace.

"Hehe, you underestimate my apprentice too much."

Yu Tieshan said:

"When he led you away, he had already used the method of releasing the acupuncture point on me. After you left, I was released by the method of releasing the acupuncture point...

Ye Xuan, well done——!"

As he spoke, he praised Ye Xuan.

When Ye Xuan heard the words, he just smiled confidently and said:

"Master, let's kill this villain together——!"

"Hahaha, you two, master and apprentice, go up together—!"

Hearing this, Hu Wanquan smiled confidently and said:

"I'll let you have a taste of the Immortal Sword Art..."

After his words fell, the sword light in his hand swept away, and the moonlight in the sky fell on the sword light.

Immediately, Hu Wan's whole body shook again and again, and he stepped out with mysterious footwork.

"The bright moon rises from the Tianshan Mountains, amidst the vast sea of ​​clouds.

Tens of thousands of miles of sword energy, blowing across the Yumen Pass——!

Can you catch my sword?!!"

As soon as the words fell, he pointed the sword in his hand towards the sky, and saw that the sword energy flew up into the sky, turned into a mighty force of thousands of feet, washed away the stratus clouds in the sky, and merged with the full moon.

This is really a fairy sword formula that is hard to find in the world——!!!


"This... is this the sword technique of banishing immortals?"

"It's worthy of its name...Although Hu Wanquan is just a mortal, but (a good one) he took out the power of this sword, I am afraid that most immortal cultivators will not be able to take it-!!!"

In the Jade Fox Palace, everyone couldn't help sighing when they saw the scene on the screen.

"It seems that even if Ye Xuan rescues his master, it's useless..."

"No wonder, only Ye Xuan showed up the next day..."

"It seems that he is begging for mercy at a critical moment, right?! Just!"

Someone whispered like this, but he immediately saw that Ye Xuan on the side was looking at him with a smile.

That pair of eyes, as if to say your face does not hurt?' Like.

This time, he was embarrassed——!!!

Just now, he slipped his lips for a while, and said what was in his heart again.

However, Hu Wanquan's move was too exaggerated, even half of the mountain would be chopped off by him.

How can a mortal fight against his sword art?!!

Therefore, he felt that this time, he should not be slapped in the face.

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