Villain: Sadomasochism Begins, The Heroine Cries For Forgiveness

Chapter 78 Ye Xuan Didn't Deserve This Humiliation

At this moment, no one dared to underestimate Ye Xuan anymore.

Everything Ye Xuan did, in their eyes, was so ridiculous.

However, what is even more ridiculous is that they were the ones who were wrong in the end, and Ye Xuan was the one who was right.

As for Ye Xuan's character...

Naturally, no one dared to speak indiscriminately.

Even if Ye Xuan did something wrong to their Palace Master in this life, to be honest, it has nothing to do with him in the previous life.

Everyone wants to use the events of his previous life to mock Ye Xuan, maybe if he is unlucky, he will be slapped in the face.

Why bother?

Just watch it obediently.

Anyway, some people now feel that their faces have been slapped several times, and their brains are still buzzing with embarrassment.

So, at this time, everyone watched the drama seriously...

【After two or three thoughts, Ye Xuan decided to go back to the Hu Mansion.

Although he knew that his master would definitely not let him go.

However, now the master has killed his uncle Hu Wanquan and taken his body from "March 20", this is actually a turning point for him.

After all, although he also knew the secret of his uncle Hu Wanquan, in comparison, Hu Wanquan's reason for killing him was actually not that great.

The reason why Hu Wanquan killed him was because he fell in love with Yu Ling'er.

But Yu Ling'er is the daughter of the master Yu Tieshan, after the master took away Hu Wanquan's body, it is impossible for the master to have any thoughts about Yu Ling'er.

In this way, Yu Ling'er is safe.

However, under such circumstances, Hu Qian'er is in danger.

Although Hu Wanquan was indeed not a good person, Hu Qian'er didn't know everything he did.

She shouldn't be a bad person.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Hu Wanquan to do this kind of thing behind her back...

Obviously, as a father, he still wanted to make a good impression in his daughter's eyes.

That being the case, he couldn't just watch an innocent woman fall into trouble.

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan resolutely headed towards the Hu Mansion.


Listening to Ye Xuan's thoughts at the moment, the disciples in the Jade Fox Palace were a little puzzled.

According to Ye Xuan's thinking, what he did was indeed a chivalrous spirit.

But the problem is, what he did afterwards didn't seem to be the case.

What's the situation?

【"I can't go directly to save Hu Qian'er, otherwise, that old bastard master will definitely be able to see what I know."

At this moment, Ye Xuan came to the outside of the Hu Mansion, thinking to himself.

"I will find a way to let Ling'er protect Hu Qian'er."

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath and walked towards the room where Yu Ling'er lived.

He had to pretend that he didn't know the situation, otherwise, he would surely die.

Therefore, the first thing he did when he came back to the Hu Mansion was to elope with Yu Ling'er——!

Sure enough, at the moment Ye Xuan was about to reach the door of Yu Linger's room, a sense of crisis came from behind him.

The next moment, he already felt that he was restrained, and then, he was forcibly taken to the uninhabited courtyard.

Then, the person who restrained him let him go.

Obviously, he is not afraid of Ye Xuan jumping out of his palm at all.

"Nephew Ye Xuan, where are you going? It's not appropriate to break into a woman's room in the middle of the night—!"

Accompanied by such a voice, Hu Wanquan's face appeared in front of Ye Xuan.

He looked at Ye Xuan and said with a smile.


Ye Xuan looked at Hu Wanquan, pretending to be shocked:

" didn't..."


Hearing this, Yu Tieshan controlled Hu Wanquan's body, and smiled at Ye Xuan:

"Do you think that I died at the hands of your master? After all, your master is worse than me and died at my hands."

"Yes.....Really? Master... hey... I thought it was my master who was going to kill me...

Hearing this, Ye Xuan couldn't help showing a look of disappointment on his face:

"Uncle, are you going to kill me now? Then you can come anyway... I just beg you, uncle, don't let Linger know the truth, otherwise, she will definitely suffer for the rest of her life."

Hearing this, Yu Tieshan looked at Ye Xuan in surprise.

This kid has a sincere affection for Ling'er...

Now I can naturally kill him directly, but this will inevitably cause some troubles.

It's better to draw it slowly.

It's just that what Hu Wanquan said before was too beastly, and now he has to pretend to be interested in his daughter.

Otherwise, Ye Xuan would definitely be suspicious.

At that time, if he tells others about himself while he is not paying attention, it will inevitably cause more troubles.

My martial arts are so powerful that ordinary people can't deal with me, but if someone calls the legendary righteous monk, then I will be finished.

That being the case, although he couldn't be easily killed, it couldn't make him feel better.

"Your master wants to kill you, but you are still sad for him?"

He smiled at Ye Xuan:

"It seems that you are also a true temperament. Uncle, I actually admire you very much, but, unfortunately, Uncle has taken a fancy to Linger again, and Linger likes you again...Uncle really can't keep you. Tell me, what should I do?"

Hearing this, Ye Xuan's complexion changed slightly, and he almost couldn't hold back.

However, the next moment, he still took a deep breath and forced a smile:

"Uncle...Actually, I have always regarded Linger as my younger sister...

In fact, I prefer a daughter like your daughter who is gentle and courteous. Although she is not as beautiful as Yu Linger, she is very attractively dressed......


"I'm not as beautiful as Yu Linger——!!!"

At this moment, Hu Qianzao was very depressed.

Looking at Yu Ling'er, she is sure that she is more beautiful than Yu Ling'er now.

This fellow Ye Xuan is simply talking nonsense with his eyes open.

However, she did not say this.

Because, at this moment, everyone is looking at the picture.

There was some sympathy in his eyes.

【At this moment, Ye Xuan felt extremely humiliated.

He didn't expect that one day, he would say such shameless words in order to survive.

To be honest, I would rather die at this moment.

However, he hasn't reminded Yu Ling'er yet. Although he doesn't know what Yu Tieshan will do, he still needs to remind Yu Ling'er to be careful of Yu Tieshan.

At the same time, let her try to protect Hu Qian'er if possible.

If not, how could he come back now?

How could he be willing to endure such humiliation?

He has always acted with moderation, and he will not change his face in response to changes, but only at this time, he feels so uncomfortable.

Ever since he was a child, he has never endured such humiliation of not being able to act freely.



Hearing Ye Xuan's heartfelt voice in the picture, everyone in Jade Fox Palace couldn't help but feel bad for him.

Indeed, Ye Xuan's outstanding performance took them by surprise.

Such a person, but in order to protect others, was forced to say such 0.0 words...

It hurts just thinking about it.

And Yu Ling'er, naturally also felt uncomfortable.

Because, she felt, Ye Xuan must have stayed for her in the previous life.

Obviously he could escape far away, but he didn't do so, he was for himself.

He endured this humiliation for himself.

However, his dedication, obviously, will be let down by himself.

"...He's not for me——!"

Hu Qianzao looked indifferent, and said bluntly:

"He must have saved me for Yu Ling'er, just incidentally, hum, and this is also a matter of the previous life, so I don't need to take it too seriously."

She thought so, but she still felt grateful unconsciously in her heart, and she also felt a little uncomfortable about what happened to Ye Xuan in the picture at the moment.

Perhaps, Ye Xuan in his previous life was really a good person.

He did not deserve such humiliation.

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