No one would believe that two young people who have not experienced much in the world would be idle and bored, and make such a secret signal.

Moreover, it is possible to communicate without them understanding.

Therefore, everyone in Yuhu Palace prefers to believe that Ye Xuan and Yu Ling'er are truly connected with each other.

However, at this time...

[In the screen, a memory screen appears.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

At this time, Ye Xuan was watching the sunset with Yu Linger, when suddenly, Ye Xuan took Yu Linger's hand and lightly tapped her palm.

"Linger, you have grown up."

Ye Xuan says:

"Some things, I should tell you too."


Hearing this, Yu Linger asked curiously:

"Brother, what's the matter?"

Ye Xuan says:

"I think the two of us should be different from others. When we talk to others, we communicate through our mouths. In this way, what we said may be heard by others, so it is not a secret between the two of us......

Therefore, I specially compiled a set of communication methods that allow us to understand each other's thoughts without talking, and outsiders will never be able to see what we are talking about.

I want to teach you this communication method, and treat it as a secret between the two of us...

You were ignorant before, I was afraid you would tell others.

Now, Linger, are you willing to learn from me this communication method that only the two of us can use?"

Hearing this, Yu 930 Ling'er couldn't help but look excited, she said happily:

"Is it a secret between me and my brother? I want to learn from my heart—!"

"Well, then listen carefully. My communication method is different. If we want to learn this method, we must first have our own language system..."

"Hahaha, that's great, brother, from now on, the two of us can whisper things that others can't hear—!"

Years later, after finally learning the secret code Ye Xuan taught her, Yu Linger was very happy.

Ye Xuan said:

"Ling'er, you have to remember that this code is the biggest secret between the two of us, so when I want to use this code to talk to you, it must be

I speak from the bottom of my heart, you can't have any doubts...

Similarly, when you use this code to talk to me, I will not have any doubts. If you want me to die, I will die immediately without hesitation.

So you must be cautious when using code words to speak. "

"...Brother, I understand."

Seeing Ye Xuan speak so seriously, Tian Linger nodded heavily:

"I will never misuse the secret between us."1


Looking at the scene in the picture, in the memory, Ye Xuan taught Yu Ling'er to use that set of codes, all the people in Yuhu Palace couldn't help being shocked.

In this world, is there really such a person as Ye Xuan?!!

Just in order to keep the secrets belonging to two people with Yu Linger, he actually specially developed a set of language that is completely independent of the normal language system, and then coded these languages ​​into codes for Yu Linger?

To be honest, what Ye Xuan did was even more inconceivable to them than Ye Xuan's sudden learning of immortality.

It's too strong——!!!

What is so rare is that Yu Linger is willing to learn from Ye Xuan with such a password system that is useless except for Ye Xuan...

Moreover, she still studies so seriously?!!

However, it is precisely because of such things that Ye Xuan can now communicate with Yu Linger in front of Yu Tieshan without being discovered...

This is really, all things come to fruition——!

Unfortunately, Ye Xuan didn't know that Yu Tieshan was going to kill him.

Even if he reminded Yu Ling'er, it might be useless.

Hey, Ye Xuan is so talented, he is really too smart.

It's a pity, it's a pity, if he can live a little better, the future is really hopeless.

Thinking of this, everyone sighed helplessly, and looked into the picture.

【"Ling'er, listen to me carefully. What I'm going to say next is all true and it's about my life. Calm down.

Ye Xuan then said to Yu Ling'er with a secret signal:

"Your father killed my master, that is, your grandfather, and also killed your mother.

Master is not a good person either, he has bad thoughts about you, he wanted to kill me and your father last night, but your father killed you instead.

Your father used sorcery to take away the body of your uncle, and now he is in your uncle's body.

Now he mistakenly thinks that I don't know that he has taken away his uncle, so he didn't kill me last night, but pretended to win me over with his identity as uncle.

But I suspect that he didn't actually believe that I didn't know that he had taken away his uncle. As for why he didn't kill me, it should be because he had other concerns.

I want you to find out what he is worried about, and then find a way to save my life——!

Remember, your father is not a good person, if (ccdd) ​​you plan to reason with him, then my life will be gone.

Also, your father may attack Hu Qianer, because Hu Qianer knows her father best, she may see some flaws, you have to find a way to keep her, she is innocent


At this moment, Yu Ling'er couldn't help but look pale.

She had clearly analyzed all the codes given to her by Ye Xuan, and the conclusion she got was correct.

In this short period of time, Ye Xuan told her too many things that she couldn't accept.

However, she had to accept it.

Because, this is what Ye Xuan said in code, and there is no room for her to doubt it.

If she doubts, then she is letting Ye Xuan die...

Ye Xuan had already made it very clear that it was his life.

Tears welled up in her eyes.

At this time, she had to believe Ye Xuan's words unconditionally, even if she didn't understand what Ye Xuan said for a while.

Even if Ye Xuan said that her father killed her mother, her grandfather took away her uncle...

Each of these things shocked Yu Linger so much that her world view collapsed.

Normally, she would have collapsed long ago.

But, now she has to think about Ye Xuan first——!

In Ye Xuan's arms, she said to Ye Xuan:

"Senior brother... will my father be okay?"

At the same time, she asked Ye Xuan with a secret signal: Brother, in that case, why didn't you escape last night?

"I wanted to run away."

Ye Xuan replied in code:

'But I don't dare to bet whether your father will be mad at Hu Qian'er, because he deliberately let me know the truth and deliberately wanted to kill me. I don't want to regret it in the future, so I came back to you and asked you to protect Hu Qian'er. '

'You think for her... what about me?

Yu Ling'er asked a little jealously.

I can only hope you're okay.

Ye Xuan replied: 'Otherwise, if I don't come back, something will happen to you. "

Yu Ling'er wept silently, she knew that when speaking in secret signs, one should not act emotionally.

However, at this moment, she was still a little jealous.

My sweetheart came back for other women, not for myself.

However, she also understood that Ye Xuan was right.

If her father is crazy and wants to attack her, then there is no point for Ye Xuan to come back for her, he just dies with her.

Ye Xuan didn't choose to think of other ways, but put herself in danger to relax her father's vigilance, so that maybe she could protect Hu Qian'er.

He is using his life to save Hu Qianer——!

With his senior brother's intelligence, he shouldn't have done this kind of thing.

"Brother, why did you do this? Have you really fallen in love with her, after all, she is also your fiancee now?"

She asked Ye Xuan with a secret signal.

"Silly girl... I just don't want to. Someday in the future, I will recall that I regretted an innocent woman's death. As for the fiancée you said, I didn't take it to heart."

Ye Xuan stroked Yu Ling'er's hair and comforted her:

"Don't worry, I'm here."


Seeing everything in the picture, the people in Jade Fox Palace were once again stunned.

Ye Xuan didn't come back for Yu Ling'er, but for Hu Qian'er?

No reason for the fiancée, just so that one day in the future, I will not remember that I did not save an innocent woman?

This, what a great person——!!!

However, what happened to Ye Xuan later...

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