Villain: Sadomasochism Begins, The Heroine Cries For Forgiveness

Chapter 84 Are You Worthy Of Laughing At Ye Xuan?

Under the escort of two yamen servants, Ye Xuan, who was beaten all over his body and covered in blood, was dragged into the dark prison.

Behind him is a bright entrance, but in front of him is endless darkness.

At his feet are the shocking bloodstains left when he was dragged from the light to the darkness.

For a prostitute, the two yamen guards didn't have a clue, they threw Ye Xuan into the cell unceremoniously:

"Go in and wait for me!!!"

"Hmph, what I wish most in my life is this kind of shameless bastard. If I didn't see you dying, I would have kicked you—!"

As the two yamen servants spoke, they bluntly gave Ye Xuan a pooh, and then left here with resentment on their faces.

At this moment, Ye Xuan has already been beaten to the point of unconsciousness, so who cares what they said and did?

When he finally regained his strength, he only felt that his mind was also groggy.

Gradually, he began to feel an indescribable severe pain coming from his fingers, feet, and shoulders.

This severe pain made him faint.

To what extent does a person have to be in pain before he faints from the pain?

How much pain does it take for 22 to be in a coma and hear his own wailing before he wakes up?!

It was hard for Ye Xuan to imagine how he survived, but when he woke up, he only felt that his whole body was about to split apart.

Even when the martial bone was crippled, he didn't feel such pain

For a moment, tears could not help but flow from his eyes, endless grievances, at this moment, finally couldn't break down, and completely revealed it.

"Hehe, since you want to pick flowers, you should know what will happen if it falls into the hands of others. Why are you crying?"

At this moment, in the darkness, a person said with a sneer.

Ye Xuan looked into the darkness, and after a long time, he finally saw clearly that there was a person sitting there.

I saw that man had a long beard, his hair was messed up, and his clothes were in tatters. He couldn't see his face for a long time, but he looked like a monkey wrapped in sackcloth.

His eyes were very fierce, just staring at Ye Xuan viciously.

Judging from his appearance, he doesn't seem to be a good person.

Looking at the person in front of him, Ye Xuan couldn't help but smile wryly.

How can someone who can be locked in here be a good person.

Even if I am a good person, I am not a good person during this time......

All his life, Ye Xuan has always liked to take the initiative, and was never willing to entrust his affairs to others.

However, this time, he was completely useless.

He's just a cripple.

Asking Junior Sister to find a way to save herself, if you think about it, it is just a naive expectation.

After all, if the junior sister can be careful not to be discovered by the old fox of the master, it is already very powerful.

What's more, he wanted her to save him.

Moreover, even if she saved herself, she would be a crippled person, and the crippled martial bone would not come back again.

This time, I really paid the price of my life to save an innocent person.

But, if there was a next time, would I still do this kind of thing?

Knowing that there will be such a result, but deliberately acting like a hero, even taking his own life...

Ye Xuan wanted to say that next time he would not do such a thing.

But, if there is a next time, can he really refuse to save him?

Perhaps, this matter, he himself can't explain clearly.

At this moment, facing the prisoner, Ye Xuan got his freedom instead.

Because, now he can say anything.

He opened his mouth and said:

"I'm not a prostitute, I'm... I was treated as a prostitute."


Hearing this, the villain on the opposite side couldn't help but have a playful expression on his face:

"It's not a prostitute, I've heard of being wronged, but I haven't heard of it. Someone was sent in as a prostitute voluntarily.

Boy, tell me about your situation. If you speak well, I can consider it, sir, and stop beating you. "


Hearing this, Ye Xuan sighed, resisting the severe pain from all over his body, and said:

"Forget it, left and right are boring, let me tell you..."

As he spoke, he told the villain what happened to him during this time.

However, he didn't say anything about the secret sign between him and Yu Ling'er.

After all, he is not so naive, telling him the truth when he sees someone.

Otherwise, if the other party is with Yu Tieshan, wouldn't he have killed his junior sister as well?

It is his own business that he is willing to sacrifice his life to save others.

However, he couldn't involve his junior sister who could have survived.

As long as Yu Tieshan doesn't know that Yu Ling'er has already exchanged secret signs with him, he can't do anything to Yu Ling'er anyway.

After all, Yu Linger is also his daughter after all.

Following Ye Xuan's narration, the original ferocious expression of the villain in the dark also softened.

"What you said is really exciting, sir, I am very happy to hear it.

He said to Ye Xuan:

"However, it is still necessary to fight, because I don't believe your words."

"Do not believe?"

Hearing this, Ye Xuan smiled and shook his head:

"That's right, how could anyone believe such a thing..."

"What I don't believe is not what you said."

The villain said:

"I don't believe you are so stupid. At this time, you don't go to the Xianyi Bang for help, but throw yourself into a trap, enter the palm of your master, and let him slaughter you... In your story, you are very smart, but unfortunately, you are so stupid that you forgot to make up such an important thing.

"Immortal Righteous List?"

Hearing this, Ye Xuan couldn't help being a little puzzled:

"What's that? Hiss..."

While speaking, pulling the wound on his body, Ye Xuan only felt a sharp pain hit him, and he couldn't help but gasp, beads of sweat fell down, and his face turned pale.

" don't even know the Immortal Righteous List?"

Seeing Ye Xuan like this, the villain couldn't help laughing and said:

"Things that three-year-olds know, you don't know. Well, let me tell you. Every big city has strongholds of immortal cultivators. Immortal cultivators usually don't pay attention to ordinary people's affairs. However, if someone uses evil methods to harm people, or if mortal powers are really difficult to solve, they will help ordinary people. Even, some meddling immortal cultivators will even take care of such trivial matters as catching thieves 523 or helping to solve murders...In short, if it is In your situation, you can go to the Xianyi List for help, but I didn’t expect that you didn’t even know about this kind of thing, and you foolishly fell into your master’s trap, hahaha.....I laughed so hard——!!!”

Hearing this, Ye Xuan's eyes brightened.


The justice in this world is actually maintained by the cultivators.

No wonder, the master didn't directly kill himself before.

Logically speaking, with his martial arts, it would be easy for him to kill himself, and no one would dare to control him.

At most, it is for the sake of reputation, there is no need to do it openly......

You can do it secretly.

However, he didn't even do such a thing secretly.

It's not that he has any evil tastes, but that in this world, people really can't kill people at will.

It's ridiculous, I think I'm smart, but I don't even know such an important thing——!!!

However, fortunately, I have already told my junior sister the truth.

In this way, Junior Sister should be able to save me soon...

It's just that I hope she will be more careful in her actions, and don't let something happen to her.


Seeing Ye Xuan being ridiculed for being unwise in the picture, the people in Jade Fox Palace are upset for Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan has done a good job, it is really his master who is too mean.

He didn't even teach him such important common sense, obviously he had already made up his mind to kill him.

Even if he is smarter, so what?!!

This villain deserves to mock Ye Xuan?!!

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