When Lin Xiaowan connected the surge in Su Lin's grades with the power of love, she could no longer remain calm.

On the contrary, Lin Xiaowan's brain was already going through a brainstorm.

On the one hand, she promised her parents that she would never fall in love before graduating from college.

On the other hand, she wanted to feel whether the power of love was that strong.

And if she wanted to feel it, Su Lin was the most suitable person among the people she knew.

Lin Xiaowan was a person who was clear about her heart. She knew that her feelings for Su Lin were different. She couldn't be sure whether it was love, but if she fell in love with Su Lin, her heart would not reject it.

After understanding this, Lin Xiaowan's heart was panicked. She found that Su Lin had occupied a place in her heart without her knowing it.

Although it was not very important, Su Lin had already occupied that place. If the sapling sprouted, it would grow into a towering tree without knowing when.

"Ye Feng's steps for this question are completely correct. Can we now say that Ye Feng got his score on his own?"

"Some students, don't always look at people with tinted glasses"

"Facts have proved that as long as you work hard, no matter how bad the results are, you will get what you want in the end."

"Ye Feng, please sit down. I have already recognized your results. If anyone says you cheated, tell them to come to my office."

Ye Feng sat down after hearing this. There was no extra expression on his face.

Wang Yi nodded again. Ye Feng finally made some progress.

Ye Feng had already turned his attention to Su Lin. His target had never been Feng Yifei or Yan Huan.

His goal was to defeat Su Lin and completely defeat him in the place where Su Lin was proud.

""Student Lin Xiaowan, please sit down too."

Lin Xiaowan stood still.

"Lin Xiaowan....Lin Xiaowan....."

"Ah~! Teacher Wang." Lin Xiaowan came back to her senses, her eyes somewhat evasive, not daring to look at Wang Yi

"Please sit down."

"Oh, okay.

Lin Xiaowan glared at Su Lin fiercely again, leaving Su Lin confused again.

"Xiaowan, what's wrong with you?"

"It's class time, no talking."

Seeing this, Su Lin nodded and said nothing.

Lin Xiaowan stared at Su Lin's profile and sighed in her heart:"I have to admit that this guy is really handsome. Why didn't I feel anything before? Is it like what the book says that he is not open-minded?"

Lin Xiaowan felt that she was still mature. One of the main reasons why she didn't want to fall in love was that the students in the class, especially those of the same age, were not mature at all.

Those male classmates were either discussing games or novels.

But as she came into contact with Su Lin more and more, Lin Xiaowan discovered that Su Lin was a very mature person.

He was usually humorous, calm when faced with major events, and took care of everything when doing things, killing all his peers in seconds.

Lin Xiaowan felt that she couldn't go on like this, but she couldn't help but think about Su Lin.

After Wang Yi handed out the test papers, he left, and the Chinese teacher came soon.

After a cliché, he continued to hand out the test papers

"Our class did quite well in the Chinese exam this time. There were three students in the whole grade who scored 130 points in the exam, and they were all in our class."


"wipe...Is there any justice in the world for a score of 146 in Chinese? Su Lin is really cheating!"

"It's okay to get full marks in math, but it's unfair that the Chinese score is so high"

"That's right, Su Lin is going to get the first place in the whole school this time."

Yu Min frowned and said,"Be quiet, everyone. I was the one who graded Su Lin's Chinese test paper. He could have gotten full marks, but although this exam was a monthly exam, we graded the papers according to the college entrance examination standards, so he was given 56 points. The composition is very standard, but being too standard is also a deduction. Su Lin, do you understand what I mean?"

Su Lin nodded:"I know, Teacher Yu"

"Hmm~! I'll go back and read more composition books to supplement it."

"Lin Xiaowan...138"

"Xia Shiyu...130"

"Yan Huan...124"

‘Ye Feng...120. '

Ye Feng's results once caused a discussion among the students in the class.

But this time, the discussion was much quieter than before. Ye Feng had just proved with his strength that his results were obtained by himself, not by cheating.

At this time, Yan Huan and Feng Yifei's faces had begun to turn ugly.

Because Ye Feng had surpassed Yan Huan in mathematics and Chinese, if English and comprehensive science could not bring the scores back, then they would be the ones to run laps on the playground.

"Take the test paper back first, and look at the wrong questions first to see how they got them wrong. We will discuss this test paper tomorrow."

After Yu Min left, the English teacher also came.

As expected, Su Lin got full marks again.

Su Lin once again enjoyed the envious eyes of everyone, but he didn't care at all.

This score was a normal score for him. There was no other way. He had a comprehensive grasp of knowledge. As long as it was not a university question, he could answer it.

After the comprehensive science results came out, Su Lin's total score also came out, 746, first in the school. Except for the four points deducted for Chinese, all other subjects were full marks.

This time, many teachers looked at Su Lin with different eyes.

They looked like they wanted to eat Su Lin.

There was no other way. If Su Lin kept this score, he would very likely become the science champion of Jiangnan Province this year.

Similarly, the total scores of Ye Feng and Yan Huan were also released

Ye Feng ranked 664, ranking seventh in the class, and Yan Huan ranked 642, ranking eleventh in the class. School is over!!!

The playground was already full of people. The bet between Ye Feng, Yan Huan and Feng Yifei had already been widely spread among the senior high school students.

So after school, many students did not leave.

Su Lin and Xia Shiyu and Lin Xiaowan were all the same.

Su Lin found that Lin Xiaowan was a little strange today. Whenever their eyes met, Lin Xiaowan always dodged and did not dare to look him in the eye.

Su Lin was not a novice. He had had several relationships on Earth, although the results were not very good.

But he still understood Lin Xiaowan's eyes.

Su Lin touched his chin and looked at Lin Xiaowan, lost in thought. Could this girl be interested in him?

Then he thought of the three major illusions in life

"Let's check the favorability. No matter how much you guess, it's not as reliable as the favorability."

【Lin Xiaowan: 17 years old, 168cm, 48kg, current favorability (72↑ rising). 】


Is it already this high?

He didn't do anything with his mouth. Although he often stayed with Lin Xiaowan at school, Xia Shiyu was almost always there.

He didn't use any tricks, how come his favorability increased so quickly.

Tsk tsk....

"It would be great if I could get to 100 before college."

"What one hundred?"

"Well....I said it would be great if you could get 100 like me."

"Tsk~! You just performed better this time. Next time, I will definitely surpass you in the next monthly exam."

Xia Shiyu saw that the two of them were faintly competing with each other and said quickly,"Stop arguing. What's the point of arguing? Xiaowan, you are not satisfied with being the first. Let's go to the playground to watch the fun."

Su Lin and Lin Xiaowan looked at Xia Shiyu at the same time.


Xia Shiyu felt embarrassed by being stared at by the two:"What are you looking at? If you don't want to go, then don't go. Why are you staring at me?"


"hehe....Xiaoyu, your change of topic is a bit abrupt. Xiaowan and I are in healthy competition."

"That's right, we have no grudges against each other."

After saying that, Lin Xiaowan gave Su Lin a sweet smile.

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