On the seventh day, Qi Muyao ushered in the last medicinal bath, while Jiang Zhi Ge stayed outside the house as usual.

After a long time, when the medicated bath time ended, Jiang Zhi Ge could not see Qi Muyao appear, but heard the sound of falling from the house.

Jiang Zhi Ge's heart sank, and he waited for a while, but he didn't wait for Qi Muyao's voice to ask for help, nor did he see Qi Muyao walk out of the house.

He had to get up and walk outside the door, and asked aloud, "Do you need my help?"

Qi Muyao is also very self-respecting, she just fell to the ground and said nothing, for fear of attracting Jiang Zhi Ge's pity and worry.

"No, don't come in..."

The voice was flustered, and also revealed a little anxiety.

Jiang Zhi Ge closed his eyes and was silent for a moment, then sighed, pushed the door and walked into the house.

Inside the house, Qi Muyao was anxious, with tears in her eyes, and was groping for her own clothes.

At this time, her skin was as good as before, perhaps because she was repaired by the medicinal bath, she was a mortal. Her skin is like a fairy, and she is better than Jade Snow, and with her charming and charming appearance, she can be regarded as an amazing alluring woman.

It's a pity that Jiang Zhi Ge, who had never witnessed such a beautiful scene in his previous life and this life, could not have a trace of evil thoughts, and his attention was all on Qi Muyao's bleeding knee.

Although it is very strange, whether it is affected by memory or the body of the Demon Emperor, this is not a bad thing. After all, it is a heinous crime to have evil thoughts on such a pitiful girl.

"do not move."

Jiang Zhi Ge frowned, took out the pre-prepared dress for Qi Muyao to wear, and drew a touch of Spirit Power to heal her leg injury.

In the past, Qi Muyao's clothes were as tattered as rags, and she should have changed into better clothes.

"Chuan, Brother Chuan..."

Qi Muyao's voice trembled and did not resist.

Since getting along so far, she has long been secretly in love with this immortal big brother who treats her unconditionally, and not long ago, she still looked hideous with scars all over her body. Even if she was shy, how could she resist being naked by Jiang Zhi Ge?

He didn't want Jiang Zhi Ge to come into the house to help, he just didn't want him to see his helpless and embarrassed appearance.

"Silly girl, in front of me in the future, not only do you have to get rid of the habit of talking, but you can't be brave, understand?"

After getting dressed, Jiang Zhi Ge sighed and turned to leave the house.

"Brother Chuan!"

Qi Muyao seemed to have something to say, and hurriedly grabbed Jiang Zhi Ge's shirt.

"After the scars are removed, how does Mu Yao look like..."

"It's very beautiful, the skin is like fat, the hands are as soft as weeds, there is a lotus flower, and the city is full of beauty."

While sincerely admiring, Jiang Zhi Ge also has some doubts, Qi Muyao is not born blind, and should have a certain understanding of her own appearance.

Hearing this, Qi Muyao was relieved and said softly, "Brother Chuan, Mu Yao has nothing to repay for such kindness, only..."

Halfway through, she was about to take off the dress that Jiang Zhi Ge put on.

Qi Muyao did have a certain understanding of her own appearance. She asked, just to know Jiang Zhi Ge's evaluation of her own.

Qi Muyao knew that he was only a mortal, and it was difficult for him to repay Jiang Zhi Ge's kindness.

Jiang Zhi Ge grabbed Qi Muyao's hand and asked in a deep voice, "So casual, you're not afraid that I'm ugly? Aren't you afraid that I'm just trying to save your innocence?"

He knew that to make Qi Muyao show his innocence without saying a word, the first is to have affection, and the second is to repay his kindness.

"This is a repayment, nothing else."

Qi Muyao understood what Jiang Zhi Ge meant, and couldn't help but tremble.

She does have a touch of affection, but even if Jiang Zhi Ge looks extremely ugly, what qualification does she have to ask for love? What qualifications are there to dislike?

If it is ulterior motives, Qi Muyao is also very clear that no immortal will conspire to innocence a woman with scars and scars on her first acquaintance.

It has been my luck for three lives to meet Jiang Zhi Ge, and it will be difficult to communicate again in the future.

This time it seems that she is dedicated to repaying her kindness, but in fact she does not want to leave herself with regrets.

It has nothing to do with kindness or appearance, just because of an affection that is almost delusional and praying.

Jiang Zhi Ge saw Qi Muyao's lie at a glance, and then sighed after a moment of silence: "If you want to talk about repaying your kindness, you can wait until your eye injury is healed."

Qi Muyao was stunned when she heard the words. Does Jiang Zhi Ge still have to work hard to treat her eye injury?

"Take care of yourself, and I'll see you later."

Jiang Zhi Ge left Qinghe Village for no other reason than to find Lu Tianjiao for a drink.

When he got out of trouble, he thought about many scenes of enjoying life, but now he is in the world, but he thinks drinking and having fun with Lu Tianjiao is the best way to spend time.

Qi Muyao came back to her senses, her eyes were flushed, and she nodded heavily, "Yeah!"

At this moment, Qi Muyao was glad that she was blind.

As long as the eye injury does not heal, he will still have the opportunity to stay with Jiang Zhi Ge.

She doesn't ask for love, let alone fame, or even to be cared by Jiang Zhi Ge. As long as she can listen to Jiang Zhi Ge's voice more, she will be satisfied.

As for the innocence that was not successfully given, Qi Muyao shouldn't have any more worries. A person like her might not be qualified to devote herself under the pretext of repaying her kindness.

What kind of person is Jiang Zhi Ge, if he accepts the sacrifice of a woman so casually, can he still be called Jiang Zhi Ge?

After Jiang Zhi Ge walked out of the house, he looked up at the bright and clean moon, and suddenly felt a little ashamed.

In the face of Qi Muyao, he really couldn't have too many feelings, just an ordinary girl who helped out.

When he noticed Qi Muyao's affection, Jiang Zhi Ge's mind also flashed the faces of Nangong Rou's three daughters inexplicably.

However, what kind of characters are Nangong Rou's three daughters, how can a mortal Qi Muyao be compared?

Although as long as Jiang Zhi Ge responds to this love, Qi Muyao will not be so humble, but he really has no affection for Qi Muyao. What is the use of a love that is almost alms and pity?

The gap in the identity gap makes Qi Muyao's affection for Jiang Zhi Ge so humble as dust, even Jiang Zhi Ge himself is powerless to change.

In the following period, Jiang Zhi Ge occasionally went to Lu Tianjiao for a drink, and occasionally returned to Qinghe Village to take care of Qi Muyao, who was blind.

Life is like a bowl of clear soup with little water, but it makes him feel extremely comfortable.

In a flash, three months passed, and the so-called Xianmen assessment was coming soon.

Jiang Zhi Ge didn't forget his promise to teach Han Chang Sword Technique, and was going to personally go to the 'Daqixiantai' where he was going to conduct the Xianmen examination to confirm whether he passed or not.

Lu Tianjiao was Han Chang's half-master, and after thinking about it, he decided to visit with Jiang Zhi Ge.

However, before the two left Hanjia Village, they saw that Han Chang was still arguing with Han Linglang at the entrance of the village.

The two quarreled fiercely, holding wooden swords against each other, and it was no exaggeration to fight.

"Han Linglang, I'll say it one last time, get out of the way!"

Han Chang clutched his shoulders that had been drawn blood by the wooden sword, his face extremely ugly.

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