A true love, how can anyone be right and who is wrong?

Nangong's soft remarks made Jiang Zhi Ge suddenly understand that no matter how much the two loved each other back then, a thousand years have passed now.

In this case, maybe he doesn't need to pretend to be indifferent, and he can let Nangong feel relieved.

Nangong Rou, who had been suppressing her emotions, burst into tears in an instant, and rushed into Jiang Zhi Ge's arms desperately.

"Big brother idiot!"

"I don't care! I don't care! I want big brother!"

Nangong softly cried with tears all over her face, hugging Jiang Zhi Ge tightly, unwilling to let go.

At this moment, the mental preparation before coming, as well as the guilt of praying for forgiveness, disappeared in an instant.

She can't be rational, and she doesn't want to be rational. She only knows that the man in her arms is a big brother.

No matter what happens, no matter if it's wrong, Nangong Rou is reluctant to leave her big brother.

Although she is aware of her own willfulness and that this is wrong, but the person she is facing is a big brother, and she can't find any other way except for her willfulness.


Jiang Zhi Ge looked complicated, and he also understood that a simple sentence could not cut off the bond between Nangong Rou and himself.

Maybe we can't talk about love, but Jiang Zhi Ge is Nangong Rou's big brother after all.

Nangong cried softly for a long time, seeing that Jiang Zhi Ge did not resist her closeness, she felt a little relieved.

"Big brother, you said back then that you would never leave Rou'er anyway."

Nangong Rou looked at Jiang Zhi Ge with tears in her eyes, but in the end she could only use the cute trick.

Now Nangong Rou is not the pretty girl she used to be, but the pitiful cuteness is more lethal, which makes Jiang Zhi Ge have the urge to obey all her wishes.

Jiang Zhi Ge felt helpless, touched Nangong Rou's head, and sighed, "Rou'er rest assured, although you can't go back to the past, you will always be my Younger Sister."

Nangong Rou burst into laughter when she heard the words. Although she only had the identity of Younger Sister, it was better than being kicked out directly.

As long as she can stay by Jiang Zhi Ge's side, she has the confidence to write a new story with Jiang Zhi Ge.

"Big brother is the best!"

Nangong Rou still didn't let go, but hugged Jiang Zhi Ge tighter, tears all stuck on his clothes.

Jiang Zhi Ge had a wry smile on his face, and it was okay to stain his clothes with tears, but Nangong Rou didn't care about the difference between men and women at all.

Not far away, Mo Ziyan watched silently in the corner, her eyes full of envy.

She is really envious. Even in the past thousand years, Nangong Rou can easily get Jiang Zhi Ge's care by acting like a spoiled child. On the other hand, it is useless to kneel for 30 years.

Except for the first reunion in the Great Wilderness and Jedi, Mo Ziyan no longer has the courage to fall into Jiang Zhi Ge's arms, and usually does not dare to speak too loudly, always paying attention to Jiang Zhi Ge's attitude towards herself.

Not to mention that the love is responded to, and that they can live in harmony like a master and a disciple, Mo Ziyan is already satisfied.

Ning Qiushui walked over to Mo Ziyan and said with a light smile, "Ziyan, you are also very important to him, why don't you take action?"

Mo Ziyan's face was sad and silent.

Now she walks over, I'm afraid it will break the joy of Jiang Zhi Ge and Nangong Rou's reunion like the last time.

Last time, Ning Qiushui rescued himself, who will be there this time?

At this moment, Nangong Rou also noticed the two people in the corner, and immediately froze in place.

Mo Ziyan disappeared for thirty years. She worried about Mo Ziyan's safety more than once. How could she see Mo Ziyan in Bailulin now?

And Ning Qiushui, Jiang Zhi Ge didn't see it when he was besieged in Zhengyang Temple, but now he appears in Bailu Forest where Jiang Zhi Ge lives?

"Could it be that you..."

Nangong Rou quickly thought of something, and tears overflowed from her eyes.

It turned out that Jiang Zhi Ge and Ning Qiushui had long since returned to the mountains and lived a happy life.

And yourself, just an abandoned woman, still feeling complacent about regaining her status as Younger Sister?

Seeing this, Ning Qiushui was amused, and pretended to be regretful: "Sister Rouer Younger, you are late."

Thousands of years have passed, Nangong Rou's mind has grown, but her unchanging personality will always look cute.

"Ziyan, you...how could you treat me like this?"

Nangong's soft voice was crying, and his tearful eyes were filled with the grief of being betrayed.

Forget about Ning Qiushui, he was fighting with her for Jiang Zhi Ge a thousand years ago, and Mo Ziyan was a very good friend of her.

Now that Jiang Zhi Ge has been found, even if Mo Ziyan intends to monopolize Jiang Zhi Ge's love, as a friend, she should inform Nangong Rou.

Now that thirty years have passed, the two women may even have Jiang Zhi Ge's children, right?

Thinking of herself who washed her face with tears for thirty years, and of herself tortured by guilt and remorse, Nangong Rou felt that she was about to collapse.

Mo Ziyan was in a hurry and waved her hands hastily: "Xiaorou, listen to my explanation..."

She knelt in front of Jiang Zhi Ge's door for thirty years, how could she have time to inform Nangong Rou and Su Qingqiu?

Jiang Zhi Ge didn't say much, and quietly watched the three women discussing him.

After listening to Mo Ziyan's explanation, Nangong Rou had no doubts, because she also knew Mo Ziyan's character.

Nangong thought for a while, and decided to build a pavilion to settle in Bailulin.

A few days passed in a flash, and during the time they were together, except for Nangong Rou who rejected Ning Qiushui, there were no other waves.

Nangong guessed softly, maybe Jiang Zhi Ge didn't avoid their feelings, but didn't know whose feelings to respond to.

With Jiang Zhi Ge's character, it is natural that he will be a couple for the rest of his life, and he will not let the woman he likes become a concubine, so he has been troubled by this.

At this time, who can impress Jiang Zhi Ge, who is his real partner in this life.

In fact, Jiang Zhi Ge's thoughts were not so complicated, he just felt that he was not qualified to accept the love of several women.

Although he doesn't want to let the girls feel sad, Jiang Zhi Ge must at least show the same love.

In addition to Ning Qiushui, facing Mo Ziyan and Nangong Rou, he couldn't bring up much love in his heart, but more of a sense of guilt. This is an undeniable fact.

On this day, over the sky, there was a coercion that made the space tremble.

"Jiang Zhi Ge, get out."

The voice was cold and sweet, but it contained the terrifying anger that stirred the world.

Jiang Zhi Ge walked out of the house, his face was not very good-looking.

Among the three daughters, Nangong Rou can get along as a brother and sister, and Mo Ziyan can get along as a teacher and apprentice.

However, Su Qingqiu, in what capacity should he face it?

The most important thing is that Su Qingqiu will never talk to the two girls like Mo Ziyan.

Not all Jiang Zhi Ge was prepared, a figure in a plain white dress suddenly descended into Bailu Lin.

She didn't even touch the ground, everything she passed was covered with frost, and the coldness between her brows made people dare not look directly.

Su Qingqiu looked around the forest, and sneered: "Jiang Zhi Ge, I closed my heart for you, and deduced ten thousand years of Taoism alone, but you are here in a golden house, drinking and having fun?"

"good, very good, excellent."

In an instant, a terrifying biting cold wind swept across the entire sky, almost turning this boundless world into a glacier.

Countless people crawl under the power of the emperor, praying in fear that they can get through the crisis safely.

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