After Zhou Qi finished speaking, he turned his head down quickly, like everyone else, Hideki didn't dare to breathe.

They and Jiang Zhi Ge did not have the deep feelings of Nangong Rou's three daughters. The guilt of nearly killing Jiang Zhi Ge in the Zhengyang Temple was enough to implicate their ten clans to death.

Especially Zhou Qi, he was saved from death only by the kindness of Jiang Zhi Ge.

Now that he came to Bailulin and asked Jiang Zhi Ge to leave the customs, it was not just the word 'cheeky' to describe it.

However, the heaven is about to die, and everyone is really desperate, so they dare to risk being beheaded by anger and come to Bailu Forest to ask Jiang Zhi Ge.

Jiang Zhi Ge was expressionless and could not see what was in his heart. He looked at the many familiar faces in Zhengyang Temple one by one, and tapped the stone table with his fingers without saying a word.

At this moment, Bailu Forest was extremely silent.

Zhou Qi's group was in a cold sweat, and they could even hear each other's heartbeats.

The finger tapping on the stone table symbolizes Jiang Zhi Ge's thinking, and every tap is like a drum beat in the hearts of everyone.

Betting against Jiang Zhi Ge still cares about the common people, and the heaven still has a chance to breathe.

If the bet is wrong, there are more than a dozen people present, and I am afraid that none of them will survive.

After a long time, Jiang Zhi Ge suddenly said, "Do you think that I, Jiang Zhi Ge, is a weak puppet who can only sacrifice himself for others?"

There was no substantive coercion, just a word that was piercingly cold, and instantly made everyone present fall into the abyss and lose their souls.

Sure enough, Jiang Zhi Ge was still not happy to see them.

Jiang Zhi Ge's expression was gloomy. Before, his thinking was not whether he should go out to save the world, but whether he should kill this group of people.

They are all sanctimonious, but how many of them are really thinking about the dawn of the common people?

They are afraid of death themselves and their tribesmen being killed by monsters, rather than worrying about the billions of beings in the heavens.

A group of people came to Bailulin together, not trying to risk their lives to help Jiang Zhi Ge, but holding the banner of "righteousness" and trying to force Jiang Zhi Ge out of the prison to save the world.

"Emperor, Emperor Lord, calm down, I have no other thoughts, just for the common people..."

When they came here, everyone had already planned to die, but when they really faced Jiang Zhi Ge, even if they didn't feel the threat of death, they couldn't stop their hearts breaking.

Not to mention them, Zhou Qi, who was Xuan Cang's old division, was also a master of six gods, so he didn't dare to say a word of persuasion.

Just as the atmosphere froze, Ning Qiushui suddenly said coldly, "Don't talk about the common people, what are you looking for to see the emperor?"

Zhou Qi and his party looked slightly sluggish when they heard the words, they were all focused on Jiang Zhi Ge, and only now did they realize that Ning Qiushui was also beside him.

Not Nangongrou, not Mo Ziyan, nor Su Qingqiu, but Ning Qiushui?

Zhou Qi was the first to react, and hurriedly kowtowed again: "Forgive the villain's stupidity, and kowtow to the Empress!"

"Meet the Empress!"

"Meet the Empress!"

Jiang Zhi Ge's face was slightly stiff. His relationship with Ning Qiushui was indeed unusual, but he had not yet officially confirmed his identity.

Just when Jiang Zhi Ge was about to explain, he was interrupted by a look from Ning Qiushui.

Jiang Zhi Ge felt helpless when he saw this, but he still chose to default.

Ning Qiushui coughed twice, and continued with a stern face: "You should understand that after the Zhengyang Temple incident, the people who are the least qualified to persuade the emperor to leave the customs are you."

"Emperor Empress, I should die if I know my sins, really, I really can't bear the suffering of the common people..."

Zhou Qi sighed in his heart, no one thought that Ning Qiushui would be next to Jiang Zhi Ge in the end.

With Su Qingqiu's character, he will never let other women call her, and she will not even tolerate Jiang Zhi Ge having an affair with ordinary women. Ning Qiushui is at best an imperial concubine.

However, neither Ning Qiushui nor Jiang Zhi Ge refuted the title of 'Emperor Empress'. Are Ning Qiushui's methods powerful?

She not only stayed by Jiang Zhi Ge's side, but even managed to squeeze out other women to truly monopolize Jiang Zhi Ge.

In fact, Ning Qiushui did not have the ability and would not force Su Qingqiu's daughters away. It was purely Jiang Zhi Ge's own fault.

"Sin deserves ten thousand death? I think you are greedy for life and fear of death, and pray to the emperor for protection under the pretext of common people."

Ning Qiushui's face was stern, and although his words were cold, people could not feel the coldness.

Zhou Qi also saw that Ning Qiushui was trying to help them.

Everyone secretly glanced at Jiang Zhi Ge, and after confirming that Jiang Zhi Ge did not refute, some people raised their heads one after another.

"Emperor Empress, sinners like me, know that even death can't atone for my sins."

"To die today, I just ask the emperor to come out and save the world!"

Except for a small number of people, most of them did not hesitate at all. Concentrating spiritual power in their palms will destroy their lives and souls.

They don't want to be able to atone for their sins, they just want to be able to move Jiang Zhi Ge.

Jiang Zhi Ge's face was cold, and he didn't mean to stop it.

However, just as the soul was about to be destroyed, Jiang Zhi Ge suddenly released a force that instantly made everyone unable to move.

Jiang Zhi Ge flicked his fingers to extinguish the light in the hands of everyone, and said indifferently: "If I die, I can't atone for my sins. What qualifications do I have to ask me to go out?"

Although this group of people went to death, although he could not move him, he still saw a little sincerity.

Many people seek refuge in a sanctimonious manner, but some people, such as Zhou Qi, are really thinking of the dawn of the common people.

Ning Qiushui was not surprised at all, pretending to be emotional: "Azhi, their lives are not worth it, but this sincerity..."

In today's move, she not only helped Zhou Qi's group, but she also persuaded Jiang Zhi Ge to some extent.

Compared with the majestic and unparalleled Emperor Xuan Cang, Ning Qiushui still prefers Jiang Zhi Ge, who has a pure heart.

Jiang Zhi Ge shook his head and did not answer.

He was not obliged to save the common people, especially after the Zhengyang Temple incident. It was a kindness for him to kill everyone without anger, and he really didn't want to sacrifice himself for the so-called sentient beings.

Ning Qiushui looked calm, looked at Zhou Qi and his group and said solemnly, "The emperor's decision has been decided. If you dare to disturb the emperor in the future, you will be at your own risk."

"Thank you, the emperor, for the grace of the emperor not to kill."

While Zhou Qi and his party were grateful to Ning Qiushui, their hearts were more sad.

If Ning Qiushui can't persuade Jiang Zhi Ge to help him, who else can make Jiang Zhi Ge change his mind?

When everyone left, Ning Qiushui turned to Jiang Zhi Ge and sighed helplessly: "Ah Zhi, you are the only hope in the entire heaven, and even in the heavens and the world, and you really have to sit back and watch hundreds of millions of souls suffer. ?"

If you are someone else, it is no problem to choose to be alone, but Jiang Zhi Ge is different.

He is the lord of the world, known by the world as the supreme supreme being with unparalleled benevolence and righteousness, shouldering the prayers and hopes of hundreds of millions of souls.

It's not that he can't save the people, but only he can save the people.

"Qiu Shui, I can save the people, who can save me?"

Jiang Zhi Ge sighed in disappointment, struggling to get rid of the shackles of affection, how could he be bound by the common people of the dawn again?

Everyone was praying that Emperor Xuan Cang would show up to save him, but no one remembered that Jiang Zhi Ge was only one of the common people who took off the cloak of the Lord of the World.

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