Chapter 120

Chapter 120 Yafei, I’m sorry this time!!


Man Tiandi spit out a plain and cold word.

But from his right hand rubbing the seven heads, his fingers have become white because of his force. It can be seen that his mood at this time is far from being as calm as it seems on the surface.

“Yes, Lord Dragon King.

After the subordinate answered, the phone fell into silence.

A moment later, as a blind tone prompt sounded, it was touching and gentle, and mixed with delightful and pleasant female voices.

“Hello? Young Master Gu?”

This is Han Yafei’s voice.

At the same time, it also means that Xiao Tiance’s subordinates have completed monitoring of Han Yafei’s mobile phone.

The whole sky is breathing stagnant.

Hearing Han Yafei’s voice again, his heartbeat speeded up, his eyes were empty, and the soul of the whole person seemed to relax because of Han Yafei’s words.

even if

Even if she called Gu Yan’s name!!

“Miss Han has time?”

A gentle, magnetic, pleasant voice sounded.

Hear this voice.

In Man Tiance’s eyes, cold murderous aura constantly condensed!

Gu Yan!

“I just let the secretary take a look. Miss Han’s team has been very bad recently. According to your and my contract, I can unilaterally terminate the cooperation agreement for losses at this level.”


“Miss Han, I am actually not a person who values ​​interests. My attitude towards anyone is always tolerant, especially my employees. The purpose of this call is very simple. I just want to see you. Have you encountered something recently?”

“Any time for an interview?

Gu Yan then said.

After the words fell, there was a moment of silence on the phone, and then…

Han Yafei spoke.

In her nice voice, she was full of apology and anxiety at this time, and she even couldn’t believe it!

“Gu Gongzi, the effectiveness of the team has always been very good, but the person under my hand just told me that there was a problem with the distribution channel, and the seller did not sign the sales contract because the product quality was not good enough.”

“The goods have been smashed in my hands, and they have not been converted into actual benefits, but I have been staring at this big order. I don’t know why there is a problem suddenly, I just found out just now!

“I’m really sorry, it’s my negligence. I really didn’t feel good in these two days.”

“My son, where are you? I.. I will find you now!”

This tone does not seem to be purely afraid of being fired by Gu Yan.

Man Tiance has never seen Han Yafei so gaffe!

Is it just for fear of terminating the agreement….

Still afraid of leaving Gu Yan?!

Man Tiandi was breathing heavily, holding the phone tightly and pressing it to his ear.

He has no choice now, even though he doesn’t want to listen, subconsciously wants to escape, but he has to listen!

Yan asked Han Yafei out!

He wants the address!

The members of the Dragon King Palace, as well as the five great aces in the hall, will arrive in the imperial capital tonight.

If Gu Yan dared to go out.

Then this is undoubtedly good news. Gu Yan will be done tonight!

Xiao Tiance really didn’t want to delay every minute!

Jintai “Shopping center, Miss Han, I am waiting for you in the underground garage.”

“I was going to get a set of clothes today, so follow me.” Gu Yan said.

“Okay, Gu Gongzi, I, I’ll start now!” Han Yafei quickly responded.

Toot toot…

After Han Yafei finished speaking, the phone hung up.

For a time.

The air quieted down.


Gu Yan is really shameless!

Does he not value interests? He is tolerant and kind to everyone?

Man Tiance really doesn’t know how brazen Gu Yan is to say these words!

This deceptive demon, a demon in human skin!!

Even now, he is still cheating!!

He definitely can’t just watch Han Yafei fall into the fire pit!!

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Tiance temporarily reduced the resentment in his heart and dialed the phone of his subordinates.

After the call was connected, he said straightforwardly: “Tell the ace in the five main halls, Jintai Shopping Center, Gu Yan will go there and tie it directly!”

“Lord Dragon King

The subordinates took a deep breath, and their tone became a little weird, “There are four big trump cards, saying that they seem to have encountered some potential resistance.”

“At present, it has been confirmed that it is the enemy, but the identity of the enemy is not known.

“They promise to investigate this matter before tonight.”

“The only thing we can mobilize now is the Gu Ying who will arrive in the imperial capital immediately.”


Unknown enemy?!

When Xiao Tiance heard these two keywords, his face was stunned, and Gu Yan was instantly thought of in his mind!

Although the possibility is small!

However, anyone who can stop their own Dragon King Palace, except Gu Yan, who has this ability?

But how did he find out?!


This is not critical anymore.

In Xiao Tiance’s view, for Gu Yan’s actions, any trump card in the palace can be completed at will.

If the unknown enemy is Gu Yan, let the other four ace and Gu Yan check first, and send Gu Yan to kill Gu Yan!

If the unknown enemy is not Gu Yan, then he will let Gu Ying solve Gu Yan, and then check all this clearly!

Tell “Guying!

Thought of this.

Man Tiandi said gloomily: “After letting him arrive in the imperial capital, don’t worry about anything, the original plan is abolished, and there is no need to rendezvous with other trump cards!”

“Go directly to Gu Yan and tie him up!

“Yes, Lord Dragon King!”

The subordinates quickly agreed, and then said: “Lord Dragon King, what about Miss Han? It is inevitable during the execution of the task.

Hear the subordinates say so.

Man Tiance was silent for a long time, and then said, “Let’s watch it again.”

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

The subordinates are right.

During the execution of the mission, Han Yafei will inevitably be seen, and even hurt and frightened by Han Yafei.

If placed before.

Xiao Tiance will definitely change his schedule. He would rather watch Gu Yan and Han Yafei be together, and he doesn’t want Han Yafei to be hurt a little bit because of himself!


It’s different now!

After experiencing so many things, Man Tiance’s heartbeat has already changed subtly.

He would rather Han Yafei because of his injury.

I don’t want her to stay with Gu Yan for a minute and a second!

Gu Yan must die!

Man Tiance stared at the ceiling.

In the dark pupils, a trace of cold murderous aura gradually emerged, and…

A touch of crazy infatuation!

Yafei… waiting for me!

wait for me!

As long as today’s action goes smoothly, Gu Ying can tie Gu Yan.

Man Tiandi will use all means to torture Gu Yan and destroy his mind!

Then at the banquet the day after tomorrow, in front of everyone, in front of the Han family, stepping on Gu Yan’s position, showcasing his identity as the Dragon King, and personally take it all back!

By the time!

Man Tiandi will do everything to make up for Han Yafei and love Han Yafei!


This time, I’m sorry!!

Imperial Capital, a branch of the Gu Group.

Gu Yan put down the phone in his hand, stood up, walked to the underground garage, and picked a sports car to go out.

This is his plan.

In front of Xiao Tiance, ask Han Yafei to go out!

How could he not know that now in the entire Dragon King Palace, the only ones who can move are the lone shadows who have not yet entered the city?

How could he not know that Gu Ying is now being stared at by Tian Dong, and will encounter calculations as soon as he enters the city?

Gu Yan knows it!

Even the problem of the effectiveness of Han Yafei’s team was that he took the initiative to call the seller and manipulated it in the dark to make Han Yafei lose money!

Just to create this perfect scam and stay out of the matter!

Created an illusion that he didn’t know anything, just came out to talk business with Han Yafei!


Gu Yinghui deviated from the planned route due to Gu Yan’s calculations and came directly to the Jintai International Center.

As soon as Gu Ying leaves, the situation that Tiandong has arranged in advance will be broken, and the plan will be deadlocked.

Jintai International Center has a huge passenger flow!

Coupled with the fact that Gu Ying is not a good crop, Tiandong’s calculations will be in a dilemma!

Xiao Tiance watched in the dark!

Guying and Tiandong will also come to Jintai Shopping Center under the control of Gu Yan!

Han Yafei is here too!

This is a big show that Gu Yan contributed to!

The ultimate goal, there is only one…

He will use a very special method to cause Mantiance to be mentally distorted, perverted, and completely Blacken at the same time…

Solve the lonely shadow, and there will be Tiandong at the same time!

A big net connecting countless lines of interest!

Gu Yan launched a Lamborghini sports car and drove on the bustling streets of the imperial capital toward Jintai Shopping Center.

At the corner of his mouth, there was a smile that seemed like nothing.

I really miss this feeling…

After Ye Tian, ​​he hadn’t calculated for the son of luck for a long time.

But the calculation this time is different from the previous ones.

If the calculation failed in the past, Gu Yan is likely to be overwhelmed.

But now he has grown up step by step, stepped on the throne of the sky, and completed the class leap!

Even if it fails!

Gu Yan can still retreat and continue to crush Tiance!


This time, it’s not so much a calculation!

It’s better to say that Gu Yan chose a very interesting, not boring gameplay, which can not only be antibacterial, but also get all the benefits of the game!

No one can know all this.

Only Gu Yan, master all this!

Fifteen minutes later.

Jintai Shopping Center, underground garage.

Gu Yan leaned on the car door comfortably, as if waiting for someone.

Soon, a red BMW car stopped next to Gu Yan.

When the car door opened, the first thing that caught your eye was a pair of beautiful legs as tender as mutton jade.

The pair of black high heels that Yu stepped on made her perfect figure more slender, and at the same time added a touch of just right, which made people crazy and seductive.The woman seemed to pause in the car before slowly walking out.

She has beautiful features, no blemishes, and white skin.

The woman changed her previous style. Today she is wearing a black lace skirt.

The skirt is as long as just above the knees, and the diamonds dotted on the skirt look like a sky full of stars.

She was originally black and straight with abstinence, but today she is also combed into a large wave with slightly curly hair. Her long hair is tied to her left shoulder and falls naturally.

It is Han Yafei.

“Grandpa, I’m sorry for being late.

The moment Han Yafei saw Gu Yan, she hurriedly stepped forward, and a touch of negligence and tension flashed in her beautiful eyes.

I didn’t know why just now. After talking to Gu Yan on the phone, she panicked, really panicked!

She stood in front of the closet and hesitated for a long time, and finally chose this set of clothes she had never worn, a style she had never tried!

She is very conservative.

Han Yafei didn’t know what he was doing.

But she only knows that if she doesn’t dress like this today and things go badly, she will regret it for a long time.

“It’s ok.”

Gu Yan smiled gently.

next moment.

Just when Han Yafei was about to speak, she was stunned.

The man stretched out his hand, gently grabbed her jade hand, and then lifted it up.

“Miss Han, this ring is very beautiful.

Gu Yan had a natural tone and a smile on her face. He uncannyly held Han Yafei’s hand and looked at the diamond ring on her left index finger.

Diamond ring…

A faintly invisible red dot was faintly visible, beating gently!


As early as the end of the dialogue with Mantiance, Gu Yan’s men told him that a diamond ring customized by Han Yafei suddenly changed the delivery channel and passed a company within Mantiandi’s sphere of influence.

Sure enough, Han Yafei came wearing this ring.

Gu Yan didn’t have any surprises about this (Is it Zhao).


Han Yafei was a little overwhelmed by Gu Yan’s sudden behavior. Her bare toes curled up like a mimosa at this time.

She lowered her head, her pretty face flushed, her brain was a little dizzy, her shell teeth bit her red lips, and her tone was ashamed and hastily said: “Gu Gongzi, there are people watching.”

Say so on the lips.

In fact, Han Yafei was a little bit happy.

You know, this diamond ring was customized by her half a year ago. To meet Gu Yan today, she waited for the diamond ring to arrive before putting it on her hand and came to Gu Yan.

A woman is a person who pleases herself.

This sentence may be a little inappropriate for Han Yafei.

But the general meaning will not change.

No matter what Han Yafei specially dresses up for, as long as Gu Yan notices her, she will be happy!

Gu Yan let go of Han Yafei’s hand at random, and walked forward without looking back, without speaking.

Han Yafei quickly followed, and quickly began to word in her mind, thinking about how to explain things about work to Gu Yan!

This is the business!


She really doesn’t want to leave the Gu Group, or rather, leave Gu Yan!!

Imperial Capital International Airport.

In a cafe outside the airport.

Tian Dong was wearing a snow-white coat, sitting at the table by the window, looking at the newspaper in his hand.

The men in the cafe from the age of 40 to the age of 20 have cast fiery eyes here.

But if it can’t last for three seconds, he will retract his eyes again in embarrassment.

This woman’s aura is too strong, it’s so cold that it’s thousands of miles away, they don’t even have the courage to come forward to strike up a conversation!

Tian Dong looked at it, she quickly lost interest in the newspaper and took out her mobile phone from the pocket of her coat.

She wants to see…

Gu Yan and other women, how are things going!

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