Chapter 135

Chapter 135 You are nothing but a dog of the same family

Ouyang Feng secretly made up his mind.

I just heard from the people in the banquet hall that he seems to be from the Dragon King Palace.

Very good, if this troublesome Dragon King Palace gets in the way…

He will lift the Dragon King Palace directly!

Everyone present has their own thoughts.

Only Qi is too simple.

She looked at Gu Yan’s handsome face, and Bai Zhe’s porcelain-like face showed an inconspicuous blush.

Of course she felt happy. In her opinion, Gu Yan seemed to have just appeared to save her Prince Charming.

If you really marry Lei Tianxiang, what is the difference between being dead?

But this was the marriage arranged by her father for her.

As a daughter who has always followed her father’s wishes, Qi’s mother can’t do anything against her father.

And although she likes piano, chess, calligraphy and calligraphy on weekdays, she also has a little understanding of business matters.

The reason why there was no resistance was because Qi Ma knew that the Qi family was now supported by his father alone.

Qi Gao is a very vain and face-saving person.

Although the decoration of their house is magnificent, outsiders look very beautiful.

But that is just superficial.

The real reality is that the mother and father quarrel every day about money, and even do it.

Two elder brothers, one Qi Jia, can only eat, drink and have fun, and the other Ouyang Feng, go to college, with a gloomy face every day.

No matter how stupid Qi’s mother is, she understands the current situation. If Qi’s family doesn’t marry Lei’s family, there won’t be that much money at all.

So she didn’t even want to blame Qi Gao.

And now Gu Yan appeared, just like a prince, postponing the marriage of the two, and also made Lei Tianxiang afraid to act rashly.

I blame myself, biting her teeth.

If she can be more useful and win glory for the Qi family by herself, it will not be used as a tool for marriage.

Thank you Gu Gongzi well later.

He lowered his head and peeked at Gu Yan, his ears were hot.

Seeing Qi’s reaction, Gu Yan was very satisfied.

The reason why he didn’t cancel the marriage of Qimu and Lei Tianxiang directly.

One is because now the Lei family is under his control, and Lei Tianxiang is now one of his dogs, so he can do whatever he wants.

He wouldn’t let Lei Tianxiang align his hands, but he couldn’t let Qi go away either.

If you give up and leave, with Qi Gao’s character in the original text, he will definitely help Qi’s mother find a “frustrated” home.

And out of Gu Yan’s sight, it is more conducive to Ouyang Feng’s secret layout.

So only in this way can the Qi family and Lei family be contained at the same time.

And Qi is now in Lei’s house, Ouyang Feng dare not act rashly.

After all, you have to kill mice, but you are always afraid of breaking the jade bottle.

Seeing that his son had bowed his head, Lei Hongshen finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The Lei family can do things for Gu Yan, because for Gu Yan, Gu Yan will definitely not treat them badly.

Originally, if his son still didn’t know each other, Lei Hongshen had thought of breaking Lei Tianxiang’s legs directly, so that he would be restrained.

Fortunately, Lei Tianxiang now realizes that this Gu Yan is not a talkative philanthropist.

Seeing that the two had surrendered, Gu Yan gave a chuckle.

“Master Lei, I will leave first. See you at Qingyun Teahouse at ten o’clock tomorrow morning.”

After that, he took Ye Liuli and left.

“I see, Master Gu!”

Lei Hong breathed a sigh of relief as soon as Gu Yan left, frowning.

“Patriarch Qi, you have also seen it. It’s not that I don’t want to continue the marriage contract between the two. Since Gu Gongzi doesn’t like us to arrange marriage events for the juniors, let’s do this first.”

Hearing Lei Hongshen’s words, Qi Gao looked miserable, but his old face had to smile.

Of course “Of course, Gu Gongzi is right.”

Ouyang Feng lowered his head and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, alert in his heart.

Why would Gu Yan want to dissolve their marriage contract?

No, no, he didn’t cancel the marriage contract between the two, but why did he say that.

Having seen the intrigue in Ouyang’s house in the previous life, Ouyang Feng has already understood.

There is no inexplicable action in the world, only with its own purpose.

So is Gu Yan’s purpose to deal with the Lei family, or is there another plan?

Also, he asked Lei Hongshen to meet at Qingyun Teahouse. Is there something going on?

No matter what, it has nothing to do with him. He only needs to protect him before he can destroy the Lei family.

At this time, Lei Hong deeply supported his forehead.

“Patriarch Qi, I think we will go back separately today.

This is what it means to fall.

Qi Gao can only connect channels.

“Okay, okay, we will leave at once.”

Then, he took the two of them and left quickly.

Ouyang Feng, who was thinking about leaving in his heart, felt anxious in his heart.

She also wanted to thank Gu Yan in person, if Gu Yan left, it would be too late!

So he hurriedly told Qi Gao.

“Father, I won’t go back with you, you don’t have to wait for me.

Then, carrying the skirt and disappearing into the corner.

Seeing Qi Ma’s flying white skirts, Ouyang Feng felt anxious.

Why does Qi leave at this time?

Just about to chase, he was stopped by Qi Gao.


Ouyang Feng looked struggling, but still had to turn around and ask.

“what’s the matter?”

Since Ouyang Feng was twelve years old, Qi Gao has stopped Ouyang Feng from calling him his father.

Qi Gao breathed fire in his eyes and slapped Ouyang Feng fiercely!

Ouyang Feng didn’t expect Qi Gao to come out like this, looking mob.

“what are you doing?”

After Qi Gao finished his beating, seeing Ouyang Feng’s terrifying expression, his heart was a little flustered.

When did Qi Feng become like this?

Why did he just feel that this Qi Feng feels like Lei Hongshen’s feeling?

But soon, Qi Gao denied this idea.

Qi Feng is nothing but mud that can’t support the wall, how could he have such a momentum.

Thinking of this, Qi Gao felt confident again.

“Qi Feng, why did I beat you? What are you pretending to be stupid here!”

“I really don’t understand.

(Wang Hao) Ouyang Feng has zhenqi body protection, although it does not hurt, but the heart is extremely painful.

For Ouyang Feng, Qi is not worthy to carry shoes!

But he couldn’t move the height.

Qi Gao is Qi’s father, and Qi also respects Qi Gao very much.

Damn it, obviously he has been born again.

“If it weren’t for you to mention free love, would Mr. Gu tell Mr. Lei to cancel the marriage contract!”

How Qi Gao thinks Ouyang Feng is not pleasing to his eyes now.

Hearing Qi Gao’s logic, Ouyang Feng was overwhelmed.

Ouyang Feng gritted his teeth and said with a smile.

“I didn’t mean it, I was just afraid of being wronged.”

“Qi Feng, you remembered it for me, you are just a dog in the Qi family, I have raised you for so long, what I ask you to do, you have to do it!”

Qi Gao raised his voice and said in disgust.

He looked down on Ouyang Feng at all, no matter what Ouyang Feng said, it was useless.

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