Chapter 137

Chapter 137 What are you then?

“Qi Feng, do you know what you are talking about?”

When Qi heard Ouyang Feng’s words, he was a little puzzled.

“Of course I know, son, people like Gu Yan just like to use power to seduce you, and then…and…

It seems that no suitable adjective can be found, and Ouyang Feng can’t say it.

But Qi shook his head and smiled.

“Heh, Qi Feng, I will call you brother, but in your heart, I am the kind of woman who goes back to cling to power!”

She bit her ruddy lips and her voice trembled.

“Oh, I know you are not, of course, but Gu Yan was not at ease, he just wanted to get you hooked.

Qi Ma’s explanation and the bitterly smiling face at this time, in Ouyang Feng’s view, were both deceived by Gu Yan, otherwise they would not speak like this.

“Don’t tell me, I can’t listen anymore, Qi Feng, Young Master Gu didn’t want to do anything to me at all. With the current situation in our family, if Young Master Gu really wants to force me, will it be our turn to speak?”

Qi closed his eyes, and Bai Zhe’s face looked a little sad.

Although she doesn’t understand this, Gu Yan’s power is overwhelming. If you really have two hearts, like Ouyang Feng said, why not do it directly?

With Gu Yan’s current power, it can be done easily, isn’t it?

Ouyang Feng didn’t know what to say for a while.

According to the attitude of Mr. Lei when he confronted Gu Yan just now, with Gu Yan’s power, he wanted to take care of them easily.

This is also a period that he doesn’t understand, what is the purpose of Gu Yan?

If it is because he heard the wind and wants to stir up the water, then his Ouyang Feng will not let him live so easily.

Ouyang Feng thought hard and finally realized it.

“I see! It must be Gu Yan who wants to restrict the Qi family and Lei family to…


Qi Ma could not bear to interrupt Ouyang Feng.

“Oh, why don’t you listen to me! Gu Yan is a hypocritical villain!”

Ouyang Feng looked at Qi at this time, like a disobedient child.

As long as Gu Yan is thanked by Qi, he feels that Gu Yan is definitely not a good person.

“I don’t need to listen to you telling the truth here, Qi Feng, I am really disappointed in you. If you think Gu Gongzi is hypocritical, then why don’t you stop my engagement with Lei Tianxiang?”


There are too many things in Ouyang Feng’s mind that cannot be said, but they cannot be explained.

How can he talk to Qi Ma.

Said that he could actually let Lei Tianxiang let go?

Or is he not a member of the Qi family, but a member of the mysterious ancient martial family?

By then, what will Qi do to him?

Seeing Qi’s disappointed eyes at this time, Ouyang Feng felt a pain in his heart.

“Son, you can trust your brother once.”

But Qi didn’t know what to say anymore, with tears in his eyes, looking at Ouyang Feng.

“Brother, it turns out that you still consider yourself to be my elder brother. You just talked about it here. You think I will cling to the powerful. I can’t do this kind of thing!

“Son, I’m also anxious, ok, I won’t mention Gu Yan, but you don’t want to anger me, okay?”

When Ouyang Feng saw that Zimu was about to cry, he felt uneasy, so he quickly comforted him.

Zimu gently wiped his face with his white jade hands, and said in a very small voice.

“I am not angry with you.”

“I’ll be fine if I’m not angry, shall we drink it?”

Seeing Qi said this, Ouyang Feng smiled on his handsome face.

As long as Qi Ma forgive him, what would Gu Yan fight with him?

Feng seldom laughs in such a pure way at ordinary times.

However, Qi didn’t care.

“Qi Feng, I didn’t expect you in my heart, so I am not angry with you. You keep saying that Master Gu is not good, but…

She glanced at Ouyang Feng’s smile, there was no movement on her face, only sadness.

“But, what are you yourself?”

“Mom, what do you mean?

Ouyang Feng’s heart jumped and he faintly felt that something was going to happen.

Qi Ma looked at Ouyang Feng disappointedly, and said word by word.

“I said, what are you yourself? Why do you say that Young Master Gu is not good? Are you sincerely protecting me? Just now my father said that you are a subordinate of the Qi family, but you didn’t refute a word? I thought Patriarch Tong Lei explained, but you have recognized this identity yourself!”

Qi’s words made Ouyang Feng’s eyes widened and it was very painful.

“I am thinking about the Qi family and you!”

At the banquet just now, he was said to be a dog of the Qi family, and he was beaten and scolded.

In his last life, others always need to look at his face, but in this life, he received such treatment,

The people he protects don’t understand!

If it is not for fear that he will tell the truth, Qi Gao will definitely kick him out of the Qi family, then why does he have to swallow so hard?

…………Please ask for flowers…………

Isn’t it for Zim?

Looking at Ouyang Feng who was trying to explain, Qi wanted to laugh.

“You said you were for the Qi family and me? Brother… I really don’t want to admit that you are my brother!”


Ouyang Feng was in a hurry. He stepped forward, trying to grab Qi’s shoulder, but Qi quickly backed away.

She raised a sad smile and said.

“When you were a child, you were just a promise. Even if Brother Lei bullied you, you would not resist, you would just sit there. In the past, I thought it was because you made Brother Lei, born timid, always come to comfort you, but Qi Wind, now I can see clearly, you are not timid, you are cowardly!”

As he spoke, Qi’s voice choked a little, but he continued to speak firmly.

“Sometimes I was bullied at school. I wish my brother would give me a head start? I was wronged and went home. Brother Meng only knew how to eat, drink and play all day long, and you, you were bullied like that every time. I never saw you resist. I didn’t think so much at that time. You were born in an orphanage. My father didn’t love you and hated you. I know, so I have been protecting you.

Ouyang Feng was stunned.

It turned out that Qi’s mother thought so.

In his previous life, he was very cowardly before returning to Ouyang’s house.

The reason is because I have lived enough of that kind of life in the orphanage. When I came to Qi’s house, I knew that I had younger siblings, so I didn’t dare to be presumptuous for fear of being abandoned.

And Qi’s mother is kind and sympathetic.

As long as he was bullied or injured at school, Qi would look at him worriedly, and then give him a box of medicine for bruises.

Every time it hurts, but as long as Qi feels bad for him, Ouyang Feng will only feel sweet.

“Mom, if you want someone to protect you, I can, you trust me again, OK!”

Ouyang Feng knew that he couldn’t live without Qi, he couldn’t do it for a minute!

“Believe you? You used to be at home, and even if you were bullied at school, now, do you think you are a subordinate of the Qi family? Qi Feng, you can do it yourself, I won’t help you again in the future!”

Qi lightly bit his red lips, turned and left in disappointment.


Ouyang Feng roared, but Qi Ma never looked back. and.

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