Chapter 14

Chapter 14 Yang Xuming, a plump leek

Su Qingyue looked at the direction Gu Yan left.

After a full pause for a few seconds, she looked at Ye Liuli next to her.

“Hello, sister, my name is Ye Liuli.”

Ye Liuli took the initiative to greet her with a beautiful and polite smile, but she no longer had the kind of flattery and humbleness before.

“My name is Su Qingyue, and my sister is very beautiful.”

Su Qingyue responded with the same enthusiasm, pulling Ye Liuli to sit down again and ordering food and drinks.

It is said that beautiful women sympathize with each other.

The two chatted quickly.

“Sister Liuli, are you really Gu Gongzi’s personal nanny?”

Halfway through the conversation.

Su Qingyue asked this question inadvertently, she was really curious.


Ye Liuli didn’t have any profligate confession, “And it was my request. Young Master Gu saw that I worked hard enough, so he hired me.”

Speaking of last.

Ye Liuli’s ears were blushing, and he was ashamed.

She has a pure heart and never lie, but when she thinks that the woman in front of her is Gu Gongzi’s fiancée, she has a particularly strong “community” inexplicably.

In short, I just don’t want to shame Gu Yan.

But she forgot that this is the second time she lied today, or the second time in her life.

The first time, it was also because of Gu Yan, and the lie was her brother Ye Tian!

Su Qingyue heard this, a rare surprise rose in her beautiful eyes.

Ye Liuli looked like a little girl who had a crush on Gu Yan.

And through the brief conversation just now, Su Qingyue can completely conclude that Ye Liuli is kind-hearted, but in fact he is not a little girl to deceive.

On the contrary, she has her own unique ideas, unique understanding, and a sense of tenacity and stubbornness!

This kind of girl will not be easily deceived, especially in terms of feelings.

Even if it was really cheated.

That’s also Gu Yan’s ability!

In other words, there are only two possibilities in the current situation.

One, Ye Liuli is indeed Gu Yan’s personal nanny.

Second, Ye Liuli was tricked by Gu Yan.


Regardless of the possibility, Su Qingyue was not too convinced.


It’s so weird!

Didn’t Gu Yan really lie to a silly Baitian today, and then came to show off with himself?

He comes to cbd, does he really have something to do?

If this is the case…

Then there must be other reasons why he retired from himself!

What exactly does Gu Yan want to do?

What Su Qingyue didn’t even notice was.

Her disappointment with Gu Yan just disappeared a long time ago, and her curiosity about him rose again in her heart!

“Sister Liuli, do you like these paintings?”

Su Qingyue didn’t think too much, after all, Ye Liuli was still here, she took the initiative to speak.

“Yeah! I like it, but I don’t understand it.” Ye Liuli shrugged Xiaoqiong’s nose. This kind of playfulness with a little grievance filled the cuteness index.

“It’s okay, my sister will take you to see.”

Su Qingyue couldn’t help but smile, and intimately took Ye Liuli’s arm, and took her to the art exhibition.


At first she saw Ye Liuli’s worn-out clothes. She wanted to take Ye Liuli to buy some clothes.

But in the end Su Qingyue still didn’t open this mouth.

After getting to know Ye Liuli for a while, Su Qingyue understood that she would definitely not want other people’s things for nothing, saying that it hurt her self-esteem.


No Gu Yan spoke.

Ye Liuli definitely wouldn’t want it.

24 floors.

Gu Yan stepped out of the elevator.

He stopped a waiter and picked up a glass of red wine on his tray, “Where is Yang Xuming?”

Did not wait for the waiter to ask.

Gu Yan directly took out the gold card of the Gu Group and flashed it in front of him.

“Hello, Master Gu!”

The attitude of the waiter suddenly became extremely respectful, and he pointed to the depths of the corridor, “Room 301, President Yang has just finished attending the financial summit.”

Gu Yan nodded and walked over.

Yang Xuming.

Chairman of Modu Dingsheng Finance, with assets of tens of billions.

Because they are in finance, Yang Xuming has a little relationship with entrepreneurs, big and small, capitalists.

Asset transfer, custody, holding funds on behalf of…

He holds countless resources in his hands, and does not know how many powerful people want to befriend him.

In high society.

The value of a person cannot be measured by money alone!

Networking, whether the resources at your disposal can bring benefits to both parties, on the contrary, is even more critical.

Yang Xuming is a smart man.

He understood this early, so he didn’t rush to make money, but used a lot of energy and financial resources to create five private equity funds in five years!

Private equity funds are more stable than public funds on the market and have a greater profit margin, but they must be personally invited by the initiator before the other party can invest!

The stability and profitability of these five private equity funds held by Yang Xuming are simply not too high.

More importantly.

Put the money here, regardless of whether your money comes from it cleanly, Yang Xuming can use his own means to make money generate money and generate benefits.

That is money laundering!

Wash uprightly!

This also made countless dignitaries want to cooperate with Yang Xuming and monopolize his private equity funds.

Yang Xuming casts a lot of nets and fish. Instead of collecting money from the powerful, he uses the gimmicks of private equity funds to successfully operate his contacts, sell intelligence, and sell relationships!

While earning a lot of money, the private equity fund did not have any losses, because the project did not start at all!

Use the money earned from selling contacts to make money!

Empty glove white wolf!

Yang Xuming also relied on his methods and foresight to grow from a small fund manager to the current chairman of Dingsheng Finance, worth tens of billions, upper class!

This is an extremely smart person, even cunning!

The Gu Group and the Su Group have actually been greedy for the private equity funds held by Yang Xuming for a long time.

Unfortunately, there has been no result.


Gu Yan smiled.

In his eyes, no one is perfect. Everyone has his weaknesses and weaknesses.

As long as you make perfect use of this weakness, no matter who it is, the collapse is only a momentary thing.

He knows Yang Xuming’s weakness.

Therefore, Yang Xuming is just a plump leek in his eyes…

It breaks with one touch! *

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